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Everything posted by Berg

  1. Fair enough. What I'd really like him to do is revamp the stupid "Total Force" concept to something workable for today's warfare environment. That's probably more of a Rumsfeld call though I would hope the CJCS could influence that pretty heavily. I really hope you're right and a Marine can shake things up enough to make a real difference. Semper Fi, I guess...
  2. Call me a cynic, but without command authority, what exactly do you expect him to do? The CJCS is a political position only, and i've seen no appreciable differences among any of the Charimen since I've been associated with the military. Good for him, but I wonder if it will make any real difference.
  3. heeheehee. Now that's <bleeping> hilarious. It just can't be a coincidence that they picked slime mold beetles, now can it???? Scientists are stereotypically devoid of humor, but these guys sure are not. Classic.
  4. Exactly. Maybe you should run for office....
  5. What's your definition of "time"
  6. So the logical follow up is how are we as mere mortals supposed to understand what God has decided? I'm sure most religious people don't advocate avoiding any and all medical treatment, so where is the line? How does one know if God has decided it is or isn't Terry's time to die?
  7. I believe there is a subjective point at which the human body should be allowed to fail if that is what it is inclined to do. As to whether you should starve your Grandmother to death or not, only you can answer that question. I am not a reliqious person. However, what has always confused me in situations like these is my perceived hypocrisy in the religious community: Is TS better off remaining in her current condition, or would she be better off in Heaven with God? Isn't her family's efforts to keep her alive a completely selfish act, preventing her from ascending to a better place?
  8. I could relay a rather painful story about my late Grandmother and Alzheimer's, but don't really feel up to it right now. However, Alzheimer's is treatable at least in mild to moderate cases, and some promising research may help acute cases as well. At this point, there is (arguably) nothing to be done for people in TS's condition. This is a major difference ignored by many when attempting to make these types of comparisons.
  9. Which simply proves you have no comprehension of the circumstances in the Nazi concentration camps. I challenege you to take your own advice and ask Auschwitz survivors if they think what they endured there is comparable to what Terry Schaivo is going through.
  10. I repeat - I hope you don't seriously believe this situation is comparable to a nazi concentration camp. I'll add that if you do, you either are in dire need of a history lesson, or you really are wacka.
  11. I hope you don't seriously believe this situation is comparable to a nazi concentration camp.
  12. They are documented in the UCMJ and the LOAC. Torture is neither legitimate nor sanctioned by the US Government.
  13. I wonder what she'd say if she knew I posted that? Somehow, I don't think she'd find it as funny as I do
  14. Good thing my Wife had the common sense to stop at the 5th floor...
  15. Gee I don't know, but then again, I'm a nazi and a *j a c k a s s* apparently
  16. So what? KFFL is one of the best sources of news across the league, even if they don't generate it themselves. TBD, BillsDaily, and BillsZone do the same things except with a Bills focus. You're jealousy is misplaced.
  17. Maybe you should try reading the board rules.
  18. NASA Spinoffs webpage NASA Spinoffs Publication
  19. Yeah I know. That's the point I was making. Unfortunately, many people seem to think the planet needs saving for some ambiguous and altruistic reason.
  20. Too bad more people can't admit the only reason humans are concerned about the environment is for completely selfish reasons, rather than some grand and noble concern for "saving" the planet.
  21. Thanks everyone. I actually got some decent sleep last night. Pictures of Hope by Beth Riser Photography
  22. I'd ask you how you know this, but instead I'll just remember to politely decline any invitations you may extend to me for dinner at your house. But you still didn't answer the question...
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