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Niagara Dude

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Everything posted by Niagara Dude

  1. Those who think running the football is good then just look at our record was last year when we were second in the league in rushing.This is a passing league, and even the teams that are good and run the football reaily are passing but have a running QB.Pass the football on Sunday more and your starters are on the bench by the end of the 3rd.Good teams the make the playoffs year after year are passing the football.Caveman football is done.
  2. The reason I made this post is because we now have a owner with the wealth to hire a real coach.Not concerned if Whaley & Brandon stick around but Marrone to me is way over his head.He coaches not to lose and when there are big games we play in(NE & San Diego he loses) I want aggressive minded coach(not some guy who worries more about his kick-off guy then his play maker WR).He is afraid to make a mistake(example talking to media about team injuries) this guy is not someone i can trust.I reaily hope I am wrong but Marrone so far has been bust and he will either win or go home.
  3. I am making this point because Russ Brandon made and sold this Doug Marrone/ Kool-Aid to us when he hired him.Young /innovative/ aggressive, forward thinking coach.Brandon is already beating the not good to change coaching staff drum,either you win or hit the road. Lets hope he does not ask his new buddy Robert Kraft (Terry give Marrone a long term extension, these things take time to build just like your president Russ Brandon said)
  4. Good points and if we finish 9-7 or better and do not make playoffs then I would also keep Marrone one more year anything less is not making progress with the talent on this team.
  5. Hearing Pegula speak leads me to believe he is a very nice guy and could be played.I hope he does not fall for these three stooges and there kissing-up to the owner to keep there jobs.My conclusion is Whaley should stick around at least one more year, Brandon should stay on the business/maketing side of operations(hire football man) and Marrone should be fired if team fails again on not making the playoffs.(Unlike other teams this one does have talent).Yes I know Pegula has made billions and is a world class businessman, I just do not trust Brandon (Kool-Aid salesmen) and hired Marrone from football powerhouse Syracuse.
  6. Marrone is a a big fraud, came in talking about being innovative and aggressive style coach.If you look close you will see this guy coachs not to lose and this is on both sides of ball.We were second in league in rushing last year finished 6-10, tomorrow will be his final test.If the Bills do not win Sunday they will not be making the playoffs again and it is time ownership bring in proven NFL coach or even top level college coach from a real football program.Syracuse is not a football powerhouse and Marrone was a .500 coach there.Enough said and stop with all Syracuse junkies about how he turned the program around, is that what we are looking for to .500.
  7. Teams will be looking at this tape and see that the way to beat the Bills is keep extra blocker in and pass 75% of the time.This defense is looking just like 2012 no blitzs and how did that work out for us.
  8. The good teams pass the ball, stop playing 1980's football.We spent a high second last year and two first rounders this year on wide receivers, for what? Is this for them to used as blockers, let it rip and start making teams pay for the loading the box.This will only help your running attack.
  9. This is not the 1980's this is a passing league and the teams that win and go to playoffs on a regular basis pass the football.Last year we finished second in league in rushing and how many wins did they get us (6), passing the football will open things for our running game.If you want to beat a team like New England you start that game yesterday passing the ball not two running plays into a mass of bodies.
  10. Our biggest problem which will show up again, is this DC will not blitz and this is a passing league.We are rushing just three or four guys and they killed us yesterday.Brady is 37 years old not 27 years, you cannot let him sit back there and get cozy. Who cares that you stopping the run, you blitz and make plays on defence.Our DB'S looked reaily good last year when QB'S were forced to make throws before they wanted too.Bill Bilichick talked during the week about Jim Schwartz's defence and how they did not blitz very often if at all, why do you think they decided to throw in 4th on there final drive starting at there 7 yard line.This is looking like 2012 and Wanny type of kitty defence.
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