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Everything posted by Coffeesforclosers

  1. Some days, everything breaks your way. Won't complain if it does.
  2. I'd be pretty pessimistic about this game we're it not for a few things that turned up this year. 1. We've got a productive TE. 2. We've got a productive running game. 3. We've got a much improved Run Defence That said, Josh isn't playing like his hair is in fire (yet...), Spags is the Grim ***** Reaper of teams that play with E-P offences, and their O is their O and will get their points. But ***** am I sick of getting Big Brothered by the Chiefs. Arizona won their first game in 9 tries against LA though, so Im open to being superstitious.
  3. Reminds me of my two favorite sayings by Napoleon. Never interrupt your enemy when he's making a mistake, and the only thing you can never regain is time.
  4. Up by 2, 4:54 on the clock, and you give the ball back to TB12 with 3 time outs and the 2 minute warning. We've read this story before.
  5. I'm all for the studio crew or Matt Millen calling the rest of our games.
  6. Hopefully Star stays next year, playing at a high level. And we draft an NT to spell him/be mentored by him.
  7. I've never watched Chiefs highlights until he started running his fanboi mouth. Now I love watching an under-duress Mahomes throw ducks for ints while running backwards. I used to think he was a web savvy troll. Now he's got some oddball personal hangup against JA because his dad can totally beat up your dad.
  8. Robert Salah is looking like a fish out of water as an HC.
  9. If New England were spot us two division wins a season for the next 10-12 years, that'd be fine.
  10. Brissett definitely showed the value of his experience. He was accurate and decisive in getting the ball out when we brought the blitz. I thought Gesicki was going to murder us again, but he did nothing, then made a couple plays, then disappeared again.
  11. We've had Archimedes, Tolstoy and fart references, and none were out of place. Useless GM. Genius color announcer.
  12. Millen's had some goofy calls, but it's a great mix of entertainment with Xs and Os.
  13. In hindsight, the Teller trade looks worse and worse. But our OL coach, OC and HC arent exactly covering themselves in glory with what they're asking our OL to do. It's something they can fix, by having our OL take less aggressive pass protection sets. But what scares me is Dabolls lack of interest in the running game. Benching Moss was arrogance, plain and simple.
  14. No argument from me there. My guess is Dabol saw those missed deep shots that were there, and got hung up on execution as the problem. Because we could block Watt 1v1 last year, we could give help against Heyward, kill off their interior Rush, and beat them to death with Diggs. This year not so much. Our OL like to initiate contact with DL using a single punch move, and they don't like to give up ground at the LoS. What should be super, glaringly, blindingly obvious by now, is that good opposition DL will avoid/swat the punch and attack a shoulder to make our OL shift their feet and give up ground. Morse was athletic enough to recover a bit and slow people down, but Feliciano got turnstyled or flattened. Eric from Cover 1's breakdown.
  15. It was pretty simple in the end. Pitt won because they out-schemed us on special teams, their O crept by on the bare minimum, and their DL knew our OLs protections and sets for given personnel. Dabes didn't self-scout for tendencies and got out coached. Cover 1 broke this down, and Pitt knew our OL protections and how our OLine likes to play. This is all stuff we can change, and I'm betting McD took the Offensive staff behind the woodshed Sunday night. Tomlin and Butler did us a favor...but I wouldn't want to be the OL coach right now. His ass may be a little warm...
  16. I'll take a W obviously, along with big production from: 1. Tremaine Edmunds 2. Greg Rousseau 3. Gabriel Davis 4. Dawson Knox ...and JA.
  17. My other half is making chili cheese dip. I'm doing grilled cheeses (deli american, provolone and pepper jack on white italian, mayo on the outside, dash of garlic powder and black pepper inside). We've got folks coming over bringing all sorts of pot-luck stuff.
  18. Buffalo loses a game in the post season. Haters: aLeN wAs ExPoSeD!!!!! We should start getting used to it.
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