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Punching Bag

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Everything posted by Punching Bag

  1. It is not just pain management for additional hits or moving wrong way could cause more damage causing recovery to take longer or require surgery if it does not need it now. I think Kyle Allen has some experience holding for FGs, saw a picture of him doing it, but not sure if he has every done it in a game.
  2. I doubt he is in football shape even by Welsh standards.
  3. No one can be treated so well anywhere else.
  4. I guess it depends on what he is doing now and if he kept in kicking shape. They need to change it to Punt, Pass, Kick and Hold contest; long snappers get no respect.
  5. Life expectancy is affected by life style and medical care. I am sure he gets great medical care and has family to remind him to take care of himself.
  6. If Brian Moorman had played for Carolina not Dallass he would be on reserves list.
  7. https://apnews.com/article/buffalo-bills-analysis-josh-allen-nfl-playoffs-2dc3e7b084241ece40c8713cb8facc64 John Wawrow article.
  8. I turned on TV and it was on. I took a nap before work but if I knew it was going to be replayed I would have skipped it. NFL Network seems to have trouble filing in the TBA entries in a reasonable time.
  9. No he decided snow canopy will only be on Bills side of field.
  10. He does not need to be released to contribute. Other teams can sign off our practice squad. Maybe he want to go to KC and sell info. Martin going on IR does not require a spot on PS.
  11. Figured as much but someone was asking if he had played for Bills. Some sites like NFL.com just do not seem to do much updating wanting you to see ads even if info is out of date.
  12. Joe Giles Harris "listed" on NFL.com as member of Bills but other sites list him elsewhere. No dates listed on NFL.com. https://www.nfl.com/players/joe-giles-harris/ https://www.nfl.com/videos/joe-giles-harris-becomes-immovable-object-on-stonewall-tackle-at-goal-line Joe Giles-Harris becomes immovable object on stonewall tackle at goal line Buffalo Bills linebacker Joe Giles-Harris becomes immovable object on stonewall tackle at goal line. There is also a video of him at New England https://www.nfl.com/videos/joe-giles-harris-picks-off-malik-willis-pass-for-6-yards Joe Giles-Harris picks off Malik Willis' pass pass for 6 yards New England Patriots linebacker Joe Giles-Harris picks off Tennessee Titans quarterback Malik Willis' pass for 6 yards And Jacksonville https://www.nfl.com/videos/joe-giles-harris-gets-a-piece-of-ryan-tannehill-on-7-yard-sack Joe Giles-Harris gets a piece of Ryan Tannehill on 7-yard sack Jacksonville Jaguars linebacker Joe Giles-Harris gets a piece of Tennessee Titans quarterback Ryan Tannehill on a 7-yard sack.
  13. A lot of teams seeming to collapse in playoffs.
  14. Same as what happened to Baltimore after playoff game with Buffalo. Other teams copied Bills defense strategy when playing Ravens so they got rid of OC.
  15. Josh should be buying his linemen snowmobiles rather than gold carts.
  16. He should see how well Lamar's contract worked out and do himself without an agent and save the agent fee. Tua is solid like a stack of dominos until he is hit.
  17. Actually Elam preventeh and he taketh away!! He made a pass interference to prevent a TD and then caught the ball preventing a TD from occurring on that series at all.
  18. Referees will just not allow that many wins. They have disregarded NFL mandates before.
  19. An X-ray does not necessarily me a broken ankle. An X-ray is a tool to look inside and can see dislocated bones, etc. I have had more than 10 X-rays on my foot with no broken bones but doctors keep taking them. Reminds me of episode on M*A*S*H where Hawkeye went loco again because doctors were getting paid to take X-rays. His diagnosis more clearly broken. Enjoy your fine from the league. Better to have mother, brother, etc say these things for you.
  20. One of the losses were to Bills were Leslie Frazier crafted a defense to keep him sealed in pocket and not be able to run for yards most of game which other teams with the talent needed copied. https://www.usatoday.com/story/sports/nfl/columnist/bell/2021/01/16/lamar-jackson-baltimore-ravens-knocked-flat-buffalo-bills-big-plays/4195244001/ Trent Murphy was taken off inactive list and he was instructed to not try to tackle him in pocket giving him chance to make big play just contain him. Later in game he did tackle him and knocked him out of game.
  21. https://sports.betmgm.com/en/blog/nfl/nfl-players-paid-playoffs-bm07/ Even if you count a week on PS he does not get $100K.
  22. I think the Texans have a better chance than the Browns would and that was the team many were hoping would knock them out of playoffs.
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