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Everything posted by cd1

  1. "It can go on without specific players, for sure. " Absolute TRUTH! The Buffalo Bills proved that true for TWENTY YEARS!
  2. I was not referring to just our team. I meant league wide. At least a few games to knock the rust off.
  3. I can't help but think that, at least the first few games (if not the whole season), will look more like the "pro bowl games". Players mostly playing "not to get hurt". Regardless of how much better we are than the Jets, the Bills will play just enough to win.
  4. Not to mention that your bout of "non"-covid was not that bad. So it is ridiculous to be concerned about REAL covid. ? 10 - 4 big buddy.
  5. WOW - the silence is deafening! Notice: Put on your tinfoil hats, if you got them... I wonder if there is a delay in announcing Opt-outs today - just in case announcements cause a domino effect. /tinfoil hats off...
  6. His idea seems much more reasonable than trying to complete a full season.
  7. None of the above. I am mostly interested in how this season will actually transpire. More like who will be the "last team standing". It will be fun to watch some football however that may play out.
  8. Super Bowl - are you serious? This season will be like no other ever before it. If there are enough teams still playing, they likely will hold a "championship" type game but it would hardly compare to an actual Super Bowl.
  9. Tre said in the video that it was mostly about his family. If he plays the season, his wife and kids would be isolated here alone in Western New York and away form their extended family. In essence, his family would be in a "bubble" away from their loved ones and a great portion of that time HE would not be there either. For what it is worth, Tre has the financial security that allows him to make a choice and he may very well choose his family over his whinny, demanding, and sometime demeaning FANS. I respect the hell out of him for his concern.
  10. I have met "nurses" like you. Your opinion is no different than anyone else here. Throwing out the big "N" label gives you clout. FCOL
  11. What else are they using the parking lots for? https://www.ablehousing.com/photos--videos.html
  12. So young athletes won't be effected by covid-19? https://www.beyondtheboxscore.com/2020/7/30/21346834/mlb-eduardo-rodriguez-boston-red-sox-coronavirus-covid-19-myocarditis-2020
  13. It may not be "just get it and get over it" - News like this should give athletes something serious to consider. https://www.msn.com/en-us/health/medical/80-of-covid-patients-have-this-life-threatening-symptom-study-says/ar-BB17iwXc
  14. They seem to be keeping this fairly up to date: https://www.nfl.com/news/list-of-nfl-players-to-opt-out-of-2020-season
  15. and it seemed to be going so smoothly...
  16. Not to mention long term effects and recurring conditions. If you ever had a case of Shingles, you know this all too well. I had a case of Shingles that last most of three months! Terrible and very, very painful.
  17. Child at Victor daycare center tests positive for COVID-19 https://13wham.com/news/local/child-at-victor-daycare-center-tests-positive-for-covid-19
  18. Social Distancing Canada vs USA - https://www.macleans.ca/news/canada/the-maid-of-mist-coronavirus-and-americas-ship-of-fools/
  19. Well, on July 6th it was reported that 72 NFL players had tested positive so this must be an additional 59 players. 72 NFL players test positive for COVID-19, per NFL Players ...
  20. WOW - This impasse sounds serious! ^^^
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