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Everything posted by cd1

  1. $$$$$$$$ IN$URANCE $$$$$$$$$ Some schools have closed their football programs due to the high cost of INSURANCE. I wonder if the NFL can do anything to "stop the bleeding" there?
  2. Now that CTE is in the focus I think the deep pockets of the NFL will invest heavily into brain saving technology. They may never succeed in finding a solution for the NFL but the rest of the world will benefit from that effort. The NFL will survive longer than I do.
  3. One thing that is important to note is that posters here are starting to believe in this thing called "The Process" BECAUSE of the EVIDENCE they have seen with there own eyes (on the field). As to your "seventeen years of faith working out for us", why on earth would someone who feels that way not have given up years ago. Like it or not, all of us "survivors" still have some HOPE even if it is just the size of a mustard seed.
  4. BOY - this is a BAD YEAR for Quarterbacks! Maybe the playoffs will be determined by the last men standing...
  5. It is also important to keep in mind that Kelly WAS NO ROOKIE when he got here. So, for all intents and purposes - It took years for Jim Kelly to become JIM KELLY!
  6. Silly, YOU compared first year to first year. YOU stated Tyrod was not good enough to be drafted in first round and had to sit behind another QB. Somehow YOU thought you could PUT DOWN Tyrod by comparing him to a "successful" QB. Unfortunately, you just did not succeed with that logic - or LACK there of... Thank you for playing!
  7. Now that is just plain silly. See how you opened the door to other silly comparisons?
  8. WOW - I could have sworn that there were more players on the Seahawks team in that game. It takes a TEAM to WIN.
  9. I agree. I think Tyrod can suceed BUT I think it requires the perfect marriage between QB and OC. If Dennison can design plays that enhance Tyrods skill sets (and sticks to them), I think both QB and OC will flourish. If Dennison continues to f-up like last Thursday - BOTH will flounder.
  10. I agree. We are lucky Tyrod did not get injured last night. Most of the Bills players did not have their head in the game. Perhaps a little full of themselves and their accomplishments. Extremely underestimated Jets. Distracted by the Kelvin Benjamin trade. Well, last night likely got their attention. Tyrod seemed to be one of the few who showed up to PLAY.
  11. Total lack of focus on both sides of the ball. The fumbles by O'Leary and Matthews and the facemask on McCown and 22 missed tackles were just careless mistakes.
  12. OH PLEASE - Our defense was virtually unrecognizable.
  13. It sure did feel like the Bills were playing a "pro-Bowl" type game - just going through the motions. The O line SUCKED and the Defense apparently, thought the game was not until Sunday...
  14. http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2014/10/03/home-teams-have-fared-well-since-start-of-thursday-night-tv-package-in-06/ Boy, you sure haven't traveled much!
  15. Although - he was NOT a good enough Babysitter at the SBs. The Bills might have won one or two of those games IF they had NOT PARTIED so hard the night BEFORE the games!
  16. Someone posted a video of the discussion on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ronrico.belony/videos/10100371801716228/
  17. I think too many of the folks here live in the world of Madden. REAL human beings are not machines that perform at optimum day in and day out. I have NEVER seen anywhere where someone doubted Marcell's talent or abilities. Marcell's problem is between his ears - MOTIVATION. I think that the die was cast, with McDermott, on August 26th when he sent Darius home for not getting to the game on time. Darius' attitude was a locker room CANCER. "There is no Darius in TEAM"
  18. The "straw" seems insignificant UNTIL you see what else was already on the camels back! This is not an "athlete" vs team owner thing. Race issues are getting to the breaking point in this country (again) and MANY of the comments in this forum are good examples of WHY. To many of you - If you do not have a horse in this race, you would be better off to STFU.
  19. THIS is the very definition of "Beating a Dead Horse".
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