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Everything posted by VaMilBill

  1. Why does Moss even play? Tbh I would rather see Cook in there. Much higher ceiling than mOss
  2. I don’t think it’s conclusive. So it’s not confirmed but can’t be changed
  3. Davis’ hands have been suspect recently. Been hanging out with Knox too much
  4. Thank God. Notice there were 13 seconds on the clock in that play? Maybe it’s the turning of tides for good for the season
  5. Worried josh is gonna start running it and get hurt because he can’t trust the receivers
  6. Maybe we can replicate the Tampa game from last year….except win it this time
  7. Not gonna lie, I’ve been thinking of that. If we have another failed season I would only Fire him if we could get Sean Peyton
  8. This defense just can’t make plays like it used to.
  9. For the love of God, Sean needs to take over play calling for the defense ASAP
  10. How did we not come away from the Miami game last week and think to ourselves, Baltimore is probably going to try to replicate that defensive gameplan? This is utterly ridiculous. Put the ball in Josh’s hands. The o line has consistently and repeatedly failed us anytime we ask them to move the ball a yard
  11. Agree. I don’t think he’s done squat since week 1
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