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Greg F

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Everything posted by Greg F

  1. Somewhere in Miami people are cheering.
  2. Well ... it was a nice thought. Browns to start Johnny Manziel at QB for rest of season
  3. I have a good feeling about this game ... I think Rex comes up with a good game plan and the Bills pull out a win.
  4. The play were Bradham lost his helmet and had to leave the game was an obvious hands to the face that wasn't called.
  5. Dear Devil, Whatever Tom Terrific is paying you we will pay you double.
  6. She needs a new internist, if he had any taste buds at all he would have prescribed a pound of bacon three times a week. And for good measure, one of those should be BLT's with lots and lots of mayo.
  7. I believe it is mostly genes. I pretty much eat what I want, no exercise other than what physical activity I engage in at work, usually have some chips or cookies when I get home from work before diner. My weight hasn't changed plus or minus 10 lbs in over 40 years, my cholesterol levels are half the average and I have never spent a day in the hospital (except when I was born). My wife OTOH always eats right, goes to the gym on a regular basis and has had a major heart attack. Her siblings and her all have high cholesterol and have all have had some type of cardiac intervention. My wife likes to remind me that "it's just not fair".
  8. The problem with the link is it doesn't compare cinnamon to Lipitor or any other statin (Lipitor belongs to a class of drugs called statins). From the link: No mention of Lipitor or any other statin in the design and methods. The other thing is you seem unaware that a study with only 60 people is quite weak. I just happen to obtain a copy of the above study. The control group (placebo group three) for the group that received the highest dosage had average LDL levels changed from 3.03 mmol/l (zero day), 3.15 mmol/l (20 day), 3.28 mmol/l (40 day), and 3.36 mmol/l (60 day). So the control group had an overall change of 0.33 mmol/l over the 60 day trial. OTOH, the group that received the highest dose had average LDL levels changed from 2.87 mmol/l (zero day), 2.56 mmol/l (20 day), 2.59 mmol/l (40 day), and 2.72 mmol/l (60 day) with a difference between the highest and lowest LDL levels being 0.31 mmol/l. If you didn't notice the change in the placebo group had a larger change than the test group. The placebo group is the baseline for measuring the effect. The variance in the placebo group (the 0.33 mmol/l) is indicitive of the noise which is rather close to the changes in the test group. IOW, there is far too much noise in the data to draw any conclusions at all which is not that unusual for such a small sample size. By comparison this Three meta-analyses show statins to be far more effective at reducing LDL colesterol. It should also be noted that statins have the additional effect of raising HDL cholesterol levels, the so called good cholesterol. That is what the quacks want you to believe. It is actually the opposite.
  9. A more descriptive term would be 'con man'. He lies for his own financial gain.
  10. Kind of funny because the only other 3 and 2 teams are the Colts and the Giants.
  11. Of course he isn't ... he wasn't born with the right last name.
  12. "I wonder what was in those brownies ... but for some reason I don't seem to care"
  13. This is just one of Doug Whaley's diabolical plans! Our spy Cassel will start playing really bad a few weeks before Romo returns, prompting Dallas to cut Cassel after Romo returns. The Bills will quickly resign Cassel, fresh with knowledge of the Dallas playbook, just in time for the week 16 matchup with Dallas!
  14. Give the guy a chance ... Tyrod has only had 14 starts ... opps ... sorry ... that was a different quarterback. Carry on.
  15. If the Cheaters knew how good he was they wouldn't have waited for Drew Bledsoe to get hurt before starting him.
  16. The 5:26 was the amount of time the Bills took for their scoring drive at the beginning of the 3rd quarter. The Colts first possession of the 3rd started at 9:34 and ended with only 54 seconds left in the 3rd. For the Colts first drive of the 3rd quarter I think Rex made sure the Colts had to work their way down the field slowly. He wanted to make sure the Bills didn't give up chunks of yardage effectively making the Colts chew up the clock.
  17. I have to refrain from commenting on the way anybody dresses due to the fact that I am of the generation that wore bell bottoms.
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