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Greg F

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Everything posted by Greg F

  1. http://www.nbcnews.com/id/19113485/ http://newsroom.ucla.edu/releases/Media-Bias-Is-Real-Finds-UCLA-6664 http://www.journalism.org/2006/10/06/the-american-journalist/
  2. From the article: For one thing who funds scientifically lax studies? Kind of like Union of Concerned Scientist. Is there a Union of Unconcerned Scientist? Claiming your 'rigorous' or 'concerned' doesn't make it so. For me those types of descriptions raise a red flag. They are almost always less than objective. One could of course actually go to the source and read the Driver Toxicology Testing and the Involvement of Marijuana in Fatal Crashes, 2010-2014 document which states: It appears that Mr. Kissinger is overstating his case and can hardly be viewed as an objective source. Also, it would have taken the journalist less than a half hour to actually check out the basis of Mr. Kissinger's assertions reinforcing my belief that most journalists are idiots.
  3. For some it is a bug, for others it's a feature. Three Felonies A Day: How the Feds Target the Innocent
  4. Trump is deal maker so: Option 1: He could make a deal with Hillary, she runs as his VP and he runs as her VP. Option 2: Bruce Caitlyn Jenner Option 3: Bernie's wife
  5. Rising Cost of Inpatient Care Linked to Medical Devices and Supplies Cost to Develop New Pharmaceutical Drug Now Exceeds $2.5B And some would be stupid to not know that price controls always lead to shortages.
  6. Look at the bright side. Trump could have been the owner of the Bills!
  7. أنا لست عربية، لكن يمكنني لعب واحدة على شبكة الإنترنت.
  8. You will have to ask gator about the "medium" household. He might need a Ouija board to get the answer. Now you already told me I was a halfwit. Make up your mind! If you want it to read left to right there will be a small large fee. Optionally you could just look at it in a mirror. Sincerely, Greg 'the halfwit dipshit'
  9. Easily explained by the Public Choice Theory.
  10. Actually your being to kind. Since WWII we have never gone more than 3 consecutive years where growth remained under 3%. We are now heading into the 11th consecutive year of annual growth under 3%.
  11. No it is not. The hypothesis is: Water vapor is estimated to be roughly 95% of the greenhouse effect. A bottle of air is not even remotely close to the complexity of the earths climate. For example, there are no clouds in your proverbial bottle. So what. CO2 levels are at their lowest point since life evolved. Since all plant life ceases at about 150 ppm one could argue life on earth was 135 ppm from disaster.
  12. 'Scientist' are trying to keep the government money flowing for their 'settled' science. The only place it is accelerating is in the dubious models. Sparky as a matter of course always falls back to the 'scientist says' routine, an appeal to authority. It doesn't make any difference how many examples of 'consensus' failure you show him he remains blind to reality. As Tom pointed out before, climate change is a religion for the gators of the world. They are completely unable to assess the science or face the conflicting facts. In that respect he is no different than the idiots that believe the earth is only 6,000 years old. This should not be a surprise to anybody as he appears to have reading comprehension problems and is prone to juvenile outbursts.
  13. As gator stomps his feet and jumps up and down screaming. And we all know if it was 1920 gator would be a enthusiastic supporter of Eugenics.
  14. Gator is trolling again ... avoids addressing what is discussed and like a 12 year old resorts to name calling. Time for a history lesson. http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v530/n7591/full/530418a.html http://www1.assumption.edu/ahc/1920s/eugenics/default.html http://www.nature.com/scitable/forums/genetics-generation/america-s-hidden-history-the-eugenics-movement-123919444 http://mn.gov/mnddc/parallels2/pdf/undated/The-Eugenics-Movement.pdf https://www.academia.edu/12333972/When_Harvard_Said_No_To_Eugenics?auto=download http://www.yougenics.net/online_docs/eugenicsTimeline.pdf
  15. According to gator it comes from the Fed printing more currency. He probably thinks the country became wealthy because we could print currency faster than anybody else. Comes from the Krugman school of Alchemy Economics.
  16. In response to my statement "The 'consensus' argument is the same logic that brought us Eugenics the village idiots only response. Nice try sparky.
  17. No no no ... I am not going to let you change the subject sparky. Lets go over this again. The Fed is not going to cut a check to the business so your rambling on about the Fed increasing the money supply is nonsense. Further, increasing the money supply ultimately leads to inflation which is only mitigated temporarily due to the velocity of money.
  18. Well sparky you failed to account for where the higher wages come from. For someone to get paid more someone else is going to have to pay more. So, for example, if a dollar raise means the buyer has to spend a dollar more for the same product the only thing that has changed is who has that dollar. The buyer now has a dollar less and the seller now has a dollar more. The supply of money hasn't changed and therefore neither has the demand. What part of that don't you understand?
  19. Raise the price of something and demand goes down. When demand goes down so does the need for labor. What part of that don't you understand?
  20. Yes you have no idea. The 'consensus' argument is the same logic that brought us Eugenics.
  21. The old fool doesn't realize rules are for the little people.
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