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Everything posted by KnightRider

  1. Happy Birthday! Run someone down for me!
  2. It's a miniseries, but the original Lonesome Dove cast wasn't shabby - Robert Duvall (Oscar winner) Tommy Lee Jones (Oscar winner) Danny Glover Diane Lane (Oscar nominee) Robert Urich Fredrick Forrest (Oscar nominee) Rick Schroder Anjelica Huston (Oscar winner) Chris Cooper (Oscar winner)
  3. The Phoenix website is portraying it like they don't know for sure, but, the chief investigator spoke like it was a forgone conclusion. In doing a quick search, here is a press release from 10 years ago that makes a pretty good case that it is indeed water.
  4. Update If you follow the link at the bottom, it has the photo of the exposed ice
  5. Thanks... It gets unplugged when not in use... I've thought about building a computerized interface (to control the track switches and the speed) using something like LabView and an updated power supply. Can you even insure knob and tube wiring anymore?
  6. IIRC, I don't think they expect it to survive the winter season, but I'm sure it will track the data till a storm takes it out...
  7. American Flyer 282, bought for my mother in the mid 50s... Rewired the transformer last Christmas for my kids...
  8. I saw a presentation from the chief investigator of this program last year. While it is by no means a small budget at $420M, it isn't huge money. The Phoenix name comes from the amount of material reuse from previous program efforts. The lander itself was originally supposed to be a follow-on vehicle for the one that crashed ~10 years ago. It has a small backhoe apparatus that is supposed to dig through about 6-18" of soil down into the ice. The plan is to thaw the ice, look for evidence of life in the soil and water samples, and see if something could be grown using Mars soil and water for human consumption.
  9. Pollock is my favorite Bills reporter. Somehow, seeing Lori's name in his column doesn't surprise me...
  10. Here is an absolutely great website on basic antenna theory. Basically, you need a larger aperture area and/or a higher frequency (shorter wavelength) to narrow your beam. I remember hearing back in the mid eighties a rumor that the Soviets were able to cause earthquakes by using the earth itself to deliver a localized resonant signal at a typical natural frequency of the structures in that area. I the Mexico City earthquake and the Armenian earthquake(I guess it was late 80s). While I doubt the truth of that now, I had no trouble believing the Soviets would try that at the time. Stuff on as grand a scale as that always gets leaked though if it is our government, though. Tesla was genius enough that he has a unit name like Ohm, Henry (who has an Albany background), Faraday, etc...
  11. No way out was pretty engrossing, too...
  12. I was talking about the HAARP stuff. I think it would take some new physical advances or new materials and much more than 3 GW of power. WRT the lights, I don't know what time of day it was, but it sure looked rainbow-like.
  13. That's a bunch of crap. Either there isn't enough aperture to create the focused beam to get sufficient energy to the ionosphere, the 180 antenna array is operating at a high frequency and creating grating lobes, or they are an order of magnitude less efficient than the stuff I work on. I've worked on large scale high powered phased arrays. One of them was used to target the satellite that was shot down a couple months ago. This is real, though. The array is in the reflector feed, btw.
  14. If you can deal with driving a reliable beater car for a while, why not get ahead and pay cash for the beater and put what you would have had as a monthly payment (both the lease payment and the collision insurance) into a broad market index fund? You'll find that pretty quickly, you can build up enough to buy a nicer vehicle for cash. Four years ago I junked the 91 Prelude for a 2001 Audi A6 that was off lease for just under 20k. By auto-investing $50/week, I'm well on my way to having enough to buy another 20k car. By auto investing $100/week, I could afford more, now... BTW, having no car payments looks good when you apply for a mortgage, too.
  15. I think you are right. WRT the number of games, as long as they can make more money with a longer regular season, there will be pressure to grow the regular season. I suspect that the NFL is going to expand their season pretty soon, too. There is too much money to be made by doing that.
  16. One of the people I have worked with was heavily involved with the process development using high power RF to extract oil from shale back in the early 80s. The cost models for shale extraction require ~$80/barrel for it to be economical.
  17. Or salaries could be reduced. The number of commercials have made the game harder to watch, IMHO, whether it be the traditional timeout or the graphics in between plays...
  18. He speaks truth. Picture a TV show that is broadcast psuedo-randomly on channels 2, 4, 7, 8, 10, 13, 17, 21, 29, 31, and 49, (did I forget a Buffalo or Rochester station?) only it's on just one channel at a time and on no channel for more than half a second. If you had 11 TV's to record each channel and the software to recombine the valid pieces, someone could listen in - after the post processing. But that's a lot of infrastructure and it would take time to sift through the noise.
  19. My Golden Retriever was on it for over 5 years and lived to be almost 15. He was in obvious pain when he first went on it and I was ready to put him down. It takes a while to build up. My vet gave doggy motrin which screwed with his liver a bit, but by the time he had to come off the Motrin he could run again. He was given Synova-Cre (spelling is probably wrong) treats. We now have an 11-year-old Sheltie with frisbee ground teeth who went on it about 6 months ago who is again jumping to catch a disc...
  20. Thanks! I've got good company...
  21. Interesting article. TO and Buff weren't that different in size in 1960.
  22. Yup. It is a decent, if aging, blue collar neighborhood within walking distance of the Blvd Mall. There really isn't much of a market for those homes. FWIW, in Mass, I bought in 2001 for $267k also and sold in 2007 for $331k a 3 bed 1 bath ranch for similar reasons.
  23. 1% is optimistic. My parents bought a 3 bedroom cape off Sweet Home in Amherst in 1993 for ~$73k. They finally gave up on a bull real estate market and sold in 2006 for ~$68k.
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