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Big Blitz

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Everything posted by Big Blitz

  1. The media wants you to think it was like the Stephen King book....the movie was
  2. Its too late and we warned all of you from the second 15 days turned into "please government do something" and "the unvaccinated are prolonging all this!!"
  3. This is why you live in a world with a bunch of morons that think they can control/eradicate an aresolized coronavirus. They have believed for 60 years (still waiting for ocean front property in Orlando) that they can control the temperature of the Earth.
  4. The next 20 plus years: WHO says fully vaccinated should wear masks and physically distance as Covid infections surge "Even if you're vaccinated, continue to take precautions to prevent becoming infected yourself, and to infecting someone else who could die," WHO Director-General Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said. "That means wearing a mask, maintaining distance, avoiding crowds and meeting others outside if you can, or in a well-ventilated space inside," he said. https://www.cnbc.com/2021/11/24/who-tells-fully-vaccinated-to-wear-masks-physically-distance-as-infections-surge.html Waits for sundancer to post about the effectiveness of vaccines.
  5. Right?? We've met all their fake ever changing or actually the have yet to be clarified metrics (that we had them as a nation is disturbing) and did all we can do here. This is something much more sinister made possible by the cowards that refuse to call it out only double down on the stupid.
  6. Don't you understand this is what's most disturbing to people like us? This is what we signed up for - this exactly - flatten curves don't overwhelm hospitals. So why are you still in masks - where is the leadership to explain the goal and direction and exit strategy? Why is everyone in these local commercials in freaking masks?? We got these hospitalizations down in 2021 with NO VACCINE MANDATES. None. The OSHA EOs is on hold. The most recent (last 3 months) of threats of job losses haven't impacted the numbers. Florida does not have mandates - lowest case rate in America. I'll kindly await your next reply on vaccine effectiveness.
  7. It's so bad.....100s of thousands are protesting mandates all across Europe. That's how much death and sickness we've seen. Enough to convince massive numbers (Fauci speak) of people protesting the power grabbing freedom infringing mandates. And they still won't answer the question about permanent protocols because in case you missed it they have moved the goal posts to: 1. A cure 2. It's eradicated. Exactly what we signed up for. This all ends very very very badly.
  8. Are you ever going to respond to the actual problem of mandates protocols masks and maybe perhaps go on record with what you think should happen going forward. We know what these vaccines do and don't do. The problem is the politicians will never let this end because there is a large number of cowards out there looking to them to "do something." And that is unacceptable. It's un-American. And it defies all logic. Stop making excuses for these thugs in government and answer the question about forever pandemic and mandates.
  9. I added Breida in fantasy because I'm getting that "time to overthink" vibe.... But seriously this should be the adjustment and we saw it vs Jax. More checkdowns when needed is fine so long as it's to Breida not Moss. Some screens vs D lines that are teeing off would be nice - the fact we don't do that is criminal.
  10. Anti Mandate Freedom loving Americans: "The government is out of control with mandates and protocols. We did our jobs it's been 2 f...ing years and 75% of us are vaxxed why are we still in masks and why are they mandating anything at this point? Isolating people still....still sending people home despite being vaccinated. This is unsustainable and illogical and won't end." Sundancer: "Here is some data on the effectiveness of vaccines."
  11. Why is everything even open People are dying and will continue to worthless masks and vaccines or not. Should be full lockdown if you truly care. Would also slow down flu season. Shut down KeyBank Center for 6 months. Do it. F... your freedoms and businesses.
  12. Man. Hillary Clinton sure did think this nonsense "upended your life." YEAR THREE COVID!! WOOOO HOOOO!!!
  13. What a dupe you are. Defending this lunacy. Mask mandate returns to Erie County, and tougher restrictions could be next Commie Executive Mark Poloncarz announced Monday that all patrons and public-facing workers must wear face masks at indoor public places, effective at 6 a.m. Tuesday. He said the order will be re-evaluated on Dec. 13, but Poloncarz warned that if the situation continues to worsen, he could impose tougher rules even before then. Those would include requiring customers of businesses to prove they have been vaccinated before entering a restaurant, bar or entertainment venue. Steps beyond that would be a return to capacity restrictions, followed by the last resort – lockdowns. Poloncarz said the state of emergency never was lifted in the county, so he still has the authority to order these steps. As of Saturday, 91% of all hospital beds in Erie County and 87% of intensive care beds were occupied. "Case rates are important, but they're not the defining factor. The issues associated with hospitals are the defining factor," Poloncarz said during a virtual news conference. But he set no firm numerical goals for any statistic that would allow the mask rule to be lifted. Nor did he set a number that would trigger harsher steps. "It's going to be dependent on a bunch of variables," he said. "I don't want to say there's one specific thing that's a threshold that says, 'Aha, we go to Phase 2.' Now if, in the next five days, we see tremendous increases in hospitalizations as well as new cases, we theoretically could go to Phase 2 sooner than Dec. 13. But we want to give it enough time to analyze what's being done, assuming the public follows and wears a mask." The public does not have to wear masks inside venues that have strict vaccine requirements for entrance, such as Highmark Stadium and KeyBank Center, according to the county Health Department. Joe Jerge, owner of Mulberry's Italian Ristorante, said in an interview that he and the owners of three other well-known restaurants met with Poloncarz Sunday at Ilio DiPaolo's Restaurant in Blasdell, and talked Poloncarz out of tougher restrictions – for now. "At this particular time if they shut us down again, it would probably spell the end for a lot of places," Jerge said. Of those hospitalized, Poloncarz said 57% were unvaccinated, which means 43% were in the hospital despite having been vaccinated. https://buffalonews.com/news/local/mask-mandate-returns-to-erie-county-and-tougher-restrictions-could-be-next/article_0eba6bbe-4bb5-11ec-a005-4b32f29ac94b.html This is my favorite part: "He noted that the Buffalo Bills have the aid of police to enforce the vaccination mandate at Highmark Stadium, but restaurants wouldn't have that." Communists. Tremendous increases! There are high numbers! Really scary!! Nice metrics. What were those again? One man's whim?
  14. Bring in Adrian Peterson and Philip Lindsay for tryouts to light fires and just to ruffle feathers.
  15. Is this a joke? You post this after the Commie Executive puts masks back on you? Lol keep your head in the sand. They're already canceling New Year's.
  16. I feel so sorry and embarrassed for people that believe let alone defend any mask or vaccine mandate and anything coming from the "Maybe we should double mask" State. You're a coward and deserve to be ruled. The goal posts have shifted to "till a cure." Yes....the mandates absolutely "upend" life. Kids in masks in schools for life. Masks whenever cases are "too high." This is not what a free society does its what a moronic "govern me more please" society does. It's impacted supply chains and its used to justify everything they want to do to increase power and Control. Ridiculous and illogical.
  17. Season's a total joke and the players know it....that's why play is sporadic. Nice work Beasely was right.
  18. Does that number warrant upending life in Erie County via any mandates? Anyone? Florida survived the great summer surge with no mandates. You're back in the face diaper in Erie County. Laughingstock. Get the vaccine or not this is over now (lol too late) or it will never be (they don't want it to be that's not the plan).
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