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Everything posted by DallasMac

  1. He was a good college Qb. The talk at the time was did he make Mike Evans look good or was it the other way around. I think having Evans and his mobility and ability to improvise is what made him successful in college. I don't believe he ever would've been a good pro though.
  2. I agree. I think you'd have more bpa picks. Teams reach for players bc they have holes they couldn't fill in free agency. I just don't think it is possible to move up the combine and draft and delay free agency. It worked well in the cba year when it was reversed though.
  3. As you post a video that says Lee Evans dropped pass. Lee had it in his hands and it got knocked out. It was a good defensive play but to me that's still a drop. Guess it's a matter of opinion.
  4. I was I big Lee Evans fan. Wouldve loved to see him play with a competent Qb. Felt so bad for him when he dropped that game winner against the Pats.
  5. Absolutely. The list is endless. And the opposite is true too. Some guys look like busts their first year and blow up the second. Like Gordon for the Chargers.
  6. Once you get to the NFL college means nothing. Look at Trent Richardson and how quickly he went from starter to not even in the NFL. 4 games is not enough to anoint anybody anything. As far as Guice being better than Fournette 2 years ago you're absolutely right. Fournette had a high ankle sprain I believe all year and it really limited him. But Guice did not have a great year this year. He also was dealing with an injury. I especially know this because he killed me in fantasy this year outside of a cpl games.
  7. Fournette also missed 3 games but yes the 3.5 isn't anything special. He was also on a team that ran the ball a lot and other teams knew that. Cook had 2 games where he had 12 and 13 carries. There is no way you can judge the way his season would have gone. Again, I'm a fan of Cook and think he will be good but it's way too premature to say he is better than Fournette. Because players and teams come out on fire all the time and then taper off as the season progresses. Is it really that hard to understand? A lot of ppl said Guice was the better back and was going to show it this year. How'd that play out. Bottom line is you don't know until they play the games. Cook hasn't done enough to say he's better than anyone in the NFL at this point. That's what I'm trying to tell you.
  8. He had 2 tds in 4 games and broke a 100 yds once. I'm a big Cook fan but to say he's better than Fournette when he only played 4 games is a little ridiculous.
  9. Savior I don't know if you're legit or not. If you are cool, if not I can't imagine why someone would waste their time with this nonsense. All I know is that if I was trying to inform fans of legitimate Bills news and was getting the flack that you are getting I just wouldn't bother anymore.
  10. I don't disagree that he's a little one dimensional but he also had some very good games. I think he cooled of a bit bc he was a rookie and the offense itself became one dimensional. Teams were trying to make Bortles beat them by committing to stop the run. Also he was dealing with a quad injury later in the season.
  11. Not a fan of TT going into the season. It was clear what he could do at this point. Hated the Ej pick, wanted Geno. Liked Barkley. Loved Jameis but did not like Mariota. Liked Wentz and Goff but not Lynch. liked Bridgewater and couldn't believe he fell as far as he did. Really wanted Trubisky or Watson last year and wanted no part of Mahomes. I'll take Darnold or Rosen. Allen if they let him sit bc he needs to work on his touch. Do not want Baker or Jackson at all. Would settle for Rudolph.
  12. I wouldn't be surprised to see us take a small step back next year depending on what we do at Qb. The following year will be the jump hopefully. No way this team goes through another 17 year drought, but it will definitely be fun to take that next step and get the playoff win.
  13. Hope everyone traveling gets there safely. Let's go Buffalo! I really think we have a good chance to get the win.
  14. Trubisky and Watson were the Qbs I wanted. You just never know how guys will come back from acl tears though. I believe this is Watson's second tear. Rg3 was never the same after his.
  15. He's got a fast ball and that seems to be the only thing he can throw. If he can improve the touch the accuracy will improve. It will take a while.
  16. A better arm sure, but I think Darnold will be the far better pro. I grew up in Wyoming and really wanted Allen to be good but I just don't see it. He's got a cannon and can move but the accuracy and touch aren't there. I agree that another year would help him. I have a feeling he will stay but it's just an opinion obviously.
  17. Nobody would look good with the pressure he's been facing. O line has been bad. Not to mention the lack of running game. He's still thrown some nice balls. I'd take him without hesitation.
  18. Was horrible at Texas. Put up decent numbers at SMU but has he done anything since being in the league? Pats dumped him if I recall correctly.
  19. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.foxsports.com/nfl/story/packers-take-advantage-of-ridiculous-nfl-rule-to-magically-make-kickoff-go-out-of-bounds-092516%3famp=true
  20. "basically trips and accidentally lands on a player". Can you really watch that and think it was an accident?
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