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Everything posted by SmokinES3

  1. Exactly, It's good for a laugh now and then. I attend a local state University of a relatively high caliber... when I inform someone within the University community I also work full time they look at me as if I'm from another planet. You're obviously one of the good ones... I still can't stomach 92k for art, hell I can't stomach raises based on seniority instead of merit, but we need more educators such as yourself.
  2. Contracted for what 190 days with training? Maybe? Minus at LEAST 5 or 6 personal/sick days. I understand the dedicated portion put in work at home and after school. They genuinely care and that's necessary and commendable. Many of us take work home and our business decisions directly affect the well being of others, including children. New York has the third highest average teacher pay in the country I might add, right around $66,000. Also to answer the question as to the quality of my school district. I'm outside of Binghamton and my district was and still is top 100 public in NYS. 94th currently according to US News, 803rd Nationally out of 21,035. Ivy league schools recruits here regularly and we even employ teachers with that quality of education. So I'd say I have some idea as to how a quality school district runs (still very dysfunctionally). The facts remain however, that the days and hours you're contracted for are not long compared to other professions that make comparable money, not to mention many states don't even require a graduate degree to teach K-12. NY obviously is not one of those... Though many (probably most) are hired without a M.A. and have 5 years on the tax payer dime to complete it. Cry me a river if my private sector blinders don't allow me to see how underpaid teachers are... There would be nobody to foot the bill... they produce nothing profitable. That's what the private sector is for...
  3. No actually, I believe its as relevant as ever... Sorry it offends your delicate sensibilities.
  4. +1... and works 180 days a year, 35 hours a week... What a racket.
  5. Good natured fun compared to a lot of nonsense I've seen at the Ralph...
  6. I'd say you pretty much summed up my feelings... I thought his attitude in the interview was quite telling as well. Even though it'll catch some flak, nice (albeit fairly obvious), post.
  7. I knew somebody would bring that up... He's an avid sportsmen and likes a small market. Perfect fit somehow. We also gave him a truckload of cash iirc... When I look at Cutlers stats they look above average to me. How has his receiving core been up until this year?
  8. Agreed completely. If only Buffalo had half a chance of landing someone of his caliber.
  9. Reopening old wounds... Seems a little passive aggressive. How did she know he would remarry? Her death is tragic and she probably meant well, still creepy is right the more you think about it. Then again, I've never been married or lost a loved one to cancer. What do I know... Probably not much.
  10. http://www.everyjoe....ryjoe (EveryJoe)#1 Here's a few pics in the slideshow at the bottom. Not bad... lucky kid.
  11. I didn't see him play... Smith did have himself a game. When he stays disciplined he's an excellent run blocker.
  12. Very interesting. 3600$ you say? Not that interesting.
  13. Did Shanny really imply an off season program is more important than game experience?
  14. How many of these threads were there for Trentative and Lossman? I'm going to go out on a limb and guess more than a few.
  15. I'm not inferring I wish he wasn't with us for christ sakes. I was being facetious. Should have known better on an internet forum. I won't mention the 4 or 5 other posters who intimated or flat out stated the same thing, some much more harshly than I, but call the new guy names if you must. I just wish he wasn't the man behind all the dysfunctionality and that he would let go and dump Russ, like many of us... Unfortunately, that will never happen while hes alive. So, indirectly, him being alive is what prevents change. I'm fully aware of what the man has done for the city.
  16. Gragg and Moeaki are both 6'3". SJ is a weak 6'2" IMO. Moeaki had a 35 or 36" vertical in the combine. If the ACL is ok I wouldn't sweat it... big IF but still.
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