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Everything posted by Security

  1. Again, shows how stupid you are, this has nothing at all do with the US backing it or not, you people are so stupid you can't even argue on point, this is about Islam treating women like crap. You still can't even deny it. Pretty obvious who the adults are. So what do people actually do for work who are trying to defend Islam, somehow, by making no points at all? Pretty sure it is nothing substantial because the way you are shows you are incapable of doing anything important at all for a career.
  2. http://content.time.com/time/world/article/0,8599,185647,00.html They don't even allow issuance if ID card for women in Saudi Arabia. It is nuts, there is no proof of their existence!! Human Rights Watch says Saudi women are ‘kept in childhood’. I guess they are making that up.
  3. Just more of the same, you cannot deny any of it, even when the name of the thread contains this is obviously about Muslims. Pathetic.
  4. No the thread is about Islam. Why do you people try and change the subject? Why is wrong to make an obvious point, and then no one disputes it, they only point of other things. Very hard to dispute that in Islam, they treat women, children, and gay people badly. Pretty much impossible. This has nothing to do with Catholics, blacks, midgets, people who have nothing to add or even attempt to contradict a point, prostitutes, or even Bobby Cox.
  5. Funny man. You could not show my claim to be false so you called me names twice. Classic response from people who are absolutely clueless. Very hard to dispute they treat women, children, and gay people badly. Go ahead and try and say this is not true.
  6. I am atheist too. If you can't see that Islam is easily different than the other religions, then you are blind, a fool, or just dumb. Even the Pope is having a more Liberal view on things. You will never hear religious leaders of Islam say anything other death to infidels, and there is nothing but truth to what I am saying. The only comeback is, well, other religions are bad too, and name calling. I asm not calling you a fool or dumb, you must be blind then.
  7. Do you dispute that they treat women, children, gay people, and everyone who does not believe what they believe like absolute crap? Very hard to dispute they treat women, children, and gay people badly. Pretty much impossible.
  8. Muslims treat women, children, gay people, and everyone who does not believe what they believe like absolute crap, and the world would be a better place if it never existed or they were all dead. In today's world, I do not believe there is anything more evil than this religion.
  9. I don't think I was selling McNair short, and that was not my intention. I liked his game, but he was not that accurate, wasn't much of a downfield thrower, and was never a big statistical guy, but when a play was needed, he made it, and when he needed to be on the field, he was. If EJ can do those things the Bills can win. Make a big play when a play was needed, and be on the field. In year 1 EJ did not meet the bell, but it does not mean he won't. Heck, even one of the best all time in Elway was just shy of 80 QB rating (and I know it is a different era), but he made the big plays and was always on the field.
  10. Didn't Brees fall victim to the other little fellow, Flutie being a locker room parasite and making the locker room divisive in San Diego?
  11. Manual showed he is capable of playing, but he was hurt three separate times this season. Not sure if he sat more the second two times because the season looked like it was not going to be a playoff season, but he did play without much preseason playing time. They need to consider taking another QB early, maybe round 2. Thad Lewis is not a capable number 2 QB, he fumbles way too much, 7 fumbles in 6 games played, he would have led the league by 5 fumbles if he played the whole season (league leader was Stafford with 12, although RG3 would have gave him a run for it, he had 11). Need a more consistent player there.
  12. 1. any part of the ball crosses goal line on offense it is a touchdown 2. ball can bounce into end zone on a punt and guy can leap and tap the ball back onto the field even though the whole ball has touched the plane. 3. on a safety, the whole ball must be in the end zone for it to be safety 4. Guy can have two feet in bounds on a catch, and then fall or get bumped and it is not a touchdown if he then drops it (kind of a football play) The end zone baffles me somewhat, there are some other things going on here too
  13. What? Palmer has 562 yards career passing and played 5 years, Vinnie played 21 years and has 46,233 yards passing and had 429 in one game before! Wide range, really going out on a ledge there!
  14. Bills should really trade back and get and extra Number 2 round draft pick and take AJ Maccarron with the extra pick to compete with EJ.
  15. If they did they would have to re-seed the winner of the 3 "wildcard" games after they play by record.
  16. Look at Steve McNair: http://www.nfl.com/p...2502045/profile I think he is about the Max we can see from EJ. His career is 82.8 rating, and the most he every threw for was 3,387 yards. He was known as a clutch player though, and guy who played hurt. Only 60.1% completions, and in 13 seasons he was only above passer rating of 90 3 times. He basically threw for about 200 yards a game for his career in games he started and finished, but was always looked at as a decent QB. That is the ceiling, nothing higher.
  17. We were good against the run that year with the loss against the Steelers. What was funny is we were scorched by a backup RB, and I think since then, The Bills constantly get scorched by backup RBs.
  18. Bills were 7th against the run that year, and since then the highest ever we were 22nd, and mostly all 28-32nd.
  19. He was the worst of any other player at his position on the team, and the most easily replaceable too. Powell should never have been replaced, if the Bills could tackle on special teams and not constantly be out of position, or maybe consider not have 3 backup WRs out there in kick coverage , then maybe we might tackle people. You can't always just play 3rd stringers.
  20. Well, a friend cancelled all TV, and only uses XBMC. He even watches Bills and Sabres games on it. My problem is, I do not know how to navigate it! I was on it last night trying to use it, and was lost. I will get a lesson sometime soon. Guess it streams most anything live, has all sorts of TV series, and then he gets other things like movies from the Pirate Bay, where people upload them and you can take them. I have got things from there before. Sometimes the quality is not 100%, and for me, that is not good enough, I am not going to waste 2 hours of my time watching something where the quality is not there, even if it is free. I will say on Pirate Bay I just downloaded the whole Shawn T new workout program, T25, and it is perfect quality, and I also downloaded this 5 DVD download to learn Spanish like Rosetta Stone, there are some good things out there.
  21. Man, I take a multi, a Probiatic, CQ10, Vitamin B-12 (told I deficient by my doctor and need this one), another Vitamin B-complex, Vitamin D, Fish Oil, and Glucosomine Sulfate. I think they help me.
  22. Anyone use XBMC to watch whole seasons of shows?
  23. Bills need a run stuffing LB. In the last 9 years the highest the Bills have ranked against the run was 22nd, but mostly we have been bottom 5 or 6. 10 years ago, 2004, Bills were 7th in the NFL at stopping the run, not surprising the Buffalo Bills were 9-7 that season. Until they commit to really stopping the run, we have no chance, and that means replacing Kyle Williams who is too small.
  24. EJ got hurt 3 different times in 1 football season. He is not soft, but he most certainly cannot be viewed as dependable. It would be crazy to not look at taking a QB.
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