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Everything posted by klos63

  1. A check from Aunt Suzy for Christmas is definitely not income. Come on.
  2. 16th amendment has been around for over 100 years, which allowed for Congress to tax. Not something to be argued after all these years.
  3. It's only complicated for the wealthy. The majority of taxpayers can fill out their tax return in about an hour at most. All income is taxable, always has been. If people really had no idea, that's on them. I'm no fan of paying taxes like anyone else, but I try to know the rules. It's not that hard to keep up. Venmo in itself isn't taxable, but if you earn income using Venmo, that income is taxable. Venmo will need to report, just like any other business does.
  4. The typical citizen doesn't need to be told this.
  5. Butler, Addison, Obada and Sanders are not under contract for next season.
  6. I'm definitely into replacing Sanders and or Beasley with a top flight FA. Use the draft for other positions.
  7. Who did we cut that ended up starting on other teams? I'm not necessarily questioning you, but I can't remember.
  8. They both think fast and talk fast.
  9. That's right. But teams still ran over us. We are a really competitive team, even when not at our best. i'm in agreement with your post, my comment is directed at those getting upset when sports personalities mention the bad games we've had.
  10. There are so many 'pundit's out there commenting on the league. You will get all kinds of opinions. The fact that so many Bills fans get bent so out of shape when some of them don't think exactly the way you want them to is ridiculous. Such thin skin on so many fans. I just watched a 10 minute clip of Chris Sims and Florio and the praise for Allen was almost over the top. Both picked the Bills to win btw. Just enjoy being in the playoffs, this has been such an enjoyable week. I haven't paid much attention to pundits and just kept an eye on injury and weather reports. This is supposed to be a fun time. We have a great team in the greatest sport, might have the most dynamic QB in this generation. Relax and enjoy.
  11. and they should. A proper evaluation wouldn't leave out those games. I don't think anyone is saying we have a bad run defense, but the defense has been dominated by good running teams.
  12. We got destroyed by 3 top running games this season. I don't think 3 games constitutes a fluke. We weren't good then, we're better now.
  13. When discussing the Bills defense this season, should people not mention that high powered running teams shredded right through us? Taylor had 5 Td's , Harris and Henry 3 TD's. It's a legitimate point of discussion.
  14. This week has been especially ridiculous. So many fans just whining endlessly about something someone might have said about Allen 3 years ago... or something equally as dumb. It's embarrassing.
  15. If you're referring to Daboll and Frazier, I believe that if no interview was conducted they couldn't interview until our season is over, but if they interviewed before the Chiefs game, 2nd interviews are allowed before the Super Bowl.
  16. My position on a stadium and all new stadiums is retractable dome, and ONLY closed for real insane weather. Like when the game is delayed for lightening, or 50 mph winds. Games like last week should be outdoors. And he was being a dick.
  17. What a dick you are. I don't live in Buffalo anymore so your argument means nothing to me personally. It's not about comfort for fans, it's about not having the game affected by the weather. The Colts snow game, while fun, was awful. Great to win, horrible to lose in those conditions. A loss there and no playoffs. Same with the windy NE game. That could have been a critical loss. Any fan knows it's not about the temperature but the wind. You make a case about ageism that doesn't exist here. It's about weather adversely affecting the game. Yes, me and a bunch of others on this site may not be around in 20 years, but that's not the point either.
  18. retractable dome. Only used in the worst weather.
  19. If they had the technology and financial resources to build domed stadiums in the 40's and 50's they would have. The 'elements' are mostly sunshine and calm winds because most games are played in Sept and Oct. November games in nice climate cities are also comfortable. Bad weather games are the minority. Every new stadium should have a retractable dome, and it should be closed only if the weather would have an extreme impact on the game.
  20. Who would have thought that Brown and Bates would have been the saviors of this offense. Without those 2, we probably aren't still in the playoffs.
  21. This isn't a good draft year for QB's. I think just 1 first round projected? A good number of teams could use a change at QB.
  22. He's better than many starters. He deserves more money. I think he came here to recharge and get some good coaching and good atmosphere.
  23. Depends on the contract offered. He's not signing for $2.5 again. Do you give him good money with Jones still on the roster?
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