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Kirby Jackson

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Posts posted by Kirby Jackson



    Naw. they did say that the first bills player would make the list last night though. But I think I heard that only 9 players in the AFCE made the list... so I am wondering if spiller doesn't get on the list. I think byrd does, because he seems to get a lot of respect from the players. And for the 9 players from AFCE comment, it was something that was mentioned during the show itself, and I am pretty sure I heard that correctly.


    I heard that as well. They said that it was the fewest of any division in the AFC. I will give it my best guess at the 9 (in no particular order)


    -Cameron Wake

    -Antonio Cromartie

    -Tom Brady

    -Aaron Hernandez


    -Mario Williams

    -Jarius Byrd

    -CJ Spiller

    -Logan Mankins


    (In the mix, Muhammed Wilkerson, Kyle Williams, Sebastian Vollmer, Mike Wallace, Devin McCourty)

  2. "Why draft


    You act like there has been a parade of players leaving. Who was the last player we drafted, developed, then lost to free agency?




    I was just posting a common complaint (sarcasm).There has not been guys leaving but go back through any thread where ppl reference the OL and you will find complaints about letting Levitre walk. Every time a guy leaves (which hasn't happened a lot lately) everyone on here complains.



    Maybe true ? Lets not forget Bill Belichick, Don Shula, Dick Vermeil and probably several others that have done quite well.


    Its hard to find any real correlation between NFL success of retreads vs. fresh college hires. I'm sure its out there somewhere.


    I think I'm pretty satisfied with our HC hiring even though we haven't played a down yet. He seems to have put a pretty good staff around him and brought in what should be some pretty good flexible players.


    These guys might just surprise us this year. Man I sure hope so !


    I guess that my point is that the game is a lot different. Those that are willing to accept it and play the modern style have success. Those that don't adapt and play schemes that worked in 1990 (I'm talkin to you Wanny) fail miserably. I am just excited that the Bills will be "multiple" and play fast. I believe that the teams that are having success now are doing those things. It sounds like the Bills will do those things so to me it's not that risky.



    My point to everyone that is in favor of hiring a college coach (such as Jim & John Harbaugh and Pete Carroll), that there are equal (if not more) college coaches that fail as NFL head coaches. The retred coaches I was referring to are those that had successful records as HC's, such as Lovie Smith, Marty Schottenheimer & Bill Cowher (not Dick Jauron & Chan Gailey). Just a few years ago, an overwhelming majority of Bills fans wanted Bill Cowher as our HC.




    Actually, it was one guy 10 years ago: Steve Spurrier (2002-03, Redskins HC)


    Nick Saban, Miami Dolphins HC 2005, 2006 (7 years ago)

    Bobby Petrino, Atlanta Falcons HC, 2007 (6 years)


    I said in the last 5 years; that was my point. The game has changed and in recent times they have had success. I attributed that in large part to the recent influence that the college game has had on the pros. NFL offenses have borrowed the spread, read option, etc.. The players are ready to play earlier now than at any point in large part because the two games are not as different as they once were. This goes without saying that the college coaches have more intimate knowledge of the players entering the league.


    In terms of retreads way more of them have failed in the 2nd go around than succeeded. Gibbs, Mularky, Gailey, Jauron, etc...

  5. I've heard of him


    Git er done


    ...if the price is right


    etc etc


    Seriously tho, if he's willing to play Guard, no harm in kicking the tires


    Did I get them all? What'd I miss?


    You forgot one..."I am so sick of drafting and developing good players and then letting them walk out the door!! If we wanted a free agent lineman we should have just signed the one that we had"



    Not if you look at what that college's win pct was in the 10 years before he got there.


    And FWIW, if you're going to insist the failure rate for college coaches is significant, you really should have the retread failure rate available as backup.


    ...or at least the college failure rate. He just referenced 3 guys that did a bad job 10 years ago.



    Just because the college game has changed doesn't mean it less risky to choose a college HC now than in any other period before. The option play is the new, hot phenomenon in the NFL. Have you seen John Harbaugh use the option play with Joe Flacco in Baltimore? No. A head coach has to be able to be a successful game manager (be able to make successful game time decisions/adjustments), be able to get the most out of his players and work together as a team. It has nothing to do about college football having more success than in recent years. For every successful HC that comes from the college ranks, there's more coaches that fail.


    In the last 5 years have there been more successful or unsuccessful college coaches coming directly to the pros? It's okay to be wrong sometimes. I never said that this staff would be successful but it is less risky than hiring someone that has proven to be mediocre. The goal is to win a championship not get to 8-8.


    Based on your logic about needing to be able to make game time adjustments a college coach is certainly less risky than promoting a coordinator. So the only person that you would hire is a former NFL head coach? That just seems foolish considering there is a reason that they are not a current NFL head coach.



    So what you're saying is every single college coach from now on that gets selected to be an NFL Head Coach is going to be successful because the game has changed? That's a very bold prediction!!


    Never said that. I am saying that the recent success mean that it is much less risky than it was a few years back. The college game is influencing the pro game in ways that it never has. When we went through the Saban, Spurrier, Petrino period it wa different. There were not college coaches having success. Carroll, Harbaugh and to a lesser degree Schiano are changing that. I am much more comfortable with a college coach than I would have been 5 years ago. Especially one that has been an NFL coordinator running a very successful unit. You disagree?



    For every Jim & John Harbaugh, there's a Nick Saban, Steve Spurrier and Bobby Petrino.




    :thumbsup: :thumbsup:


    The game is different now!! The college game is influencing the pro game more than ever. The transition isn't what it was 5-10 years ago. Your point would have been valid when the Bills hired Gregg Williams but not today. Both Harbaugh and Pete Carroll have brought the modern college game to the NFL with a great deal of success. Chip Kelly and Marrone were two of the hottest names on the market. The whole read option and playing with pace are things that have been done with success at the college level and now at the NFL level. I applaud the Bills for trying to play the style that is winning now as opposed to Wanny's base defense. If you cannot disguise and catch teams off guard you can't win.

  10. I think that the Bills are underrated nationally and overrated on here. I am thinking that the record will be in the 6-8 win range and heading in the right direction. This team is much better than the 30th best team in football as some power rankings have suggested. They are at least as talented as last year and should be better coached (especially on the defensive side of the ball). I don't see how people are predicting them to regress?



    Yes, Moulds played for the Texans before he ended his career, as a Titan. When Moulds went to Houston, and Tennessee for that matter, he was a shell of himself. Evans missed, what, 3 starts as a Bill, but most of his only season in Balitmore injured. Sadly, he will be remembered, in Baltimore only for the dropped (or was it "not caught") pass in the AFC Championship game.


    I will admit, Evans is probably my favorite Buffalo Bill of the last 12 years (this dark period), and I honestly think, the years of futility took its' toll on him in Buffalo. If the Bills could have ever had a stable QB situation during his time, I think he might still be having a productive NFL career. I remember reading a story about him, during the hype for this years Super Bowl...it almost sounded like the years in Buffalo kind of snuffed his passion for the game. I just remember he said that his one year in Baltimore (essentially saying "playing for a legit franchise") kind of woke up his passion for playing, something that he thought had left him at the end of his career in Buffalo. I know that will likely piss a lot of people off, but I think it is probably more common than we know. Losing and ineptness are a slippery slope.


    I don't think that it should piss people off. It is what it is. I think that a large part of my excitement with the new coaching staff is that they bring that passion for the game. A culture change was necessary and seems to be taking place.

  12. I am a big NBA fan and LOVE Sir Charles. A couple of years ago he told people to turn the channel at halftime because the game was boring. He said if he didnt have to watch it he wouldnt. He is so brutally honest that it is refreshing. I will take Charles telling ti like it is any day of the week over the 10,000 some odd other talking heads that try to say as little as possible to not offend anyone. Barkley does not care who he offends.

  13. Just spinning off of the Evans or Moulds thread I felt like this was a little more appropriate. After 6 pages everyone was in agreement that Moulds was superior. I think that a more realistic question is Evans or Stevie? Evans maybe had a year or 2 that were more explosive but I think that Stevie Johnson has proven to be more consistent. If I had to pick, I guess that I would pick Johnson.



  14. If the bills want to run some west coast and some read option the team speed plays a very important role. Not only because of the speed on the edge or the ability to take a slant the distance but because it will keep the safeties out of the box. The Bills could not get the ball over the top last year and were forced to play against a stacked box pretty often. That should change this year which will open up room to operate the running game and controlled passing game.

  15. I was lost once I read that Barnett was a loss. I liked the guy and thought that he was a good player in his day but he was AWFUL last year.


    Also, I chuckle when people refer to the "kicking competition". Hopkins was not brought in to battle; he was brought into replace. Young kickers had a GREAT deal of success last year and the Bills followed suit by getting one of the best. The days of punting from the 32 yard line are over.



    Lord knows I hope Marrone is the greatest coach the Bills have ever had grace the sidelines, but I remember Cowher talking up Gailey when we got him too. Just saying.


    There is a slight difference in that Marrone was in demand. He would have had interviews and most likely gotten an NFL job. No one wanted Gailey when the Bills hired him. He was about option 5 at the time. I am not saying that Marrone will be great (I hope that he is) but he in Gailey were certainly in different places at the time of their hire.

  17. Outside of QB which is far and away the most important I would say pass rusher is 2 and players that great mismatches in the passing game. Whether it be star WR or TE that create match up problems, that is today's NFL. Versatility is really important right now. If you can do one thing well (besides rush the passer) the game is kind of passing you by.



    By all indications, the guy has played through nagging injuries throughout his entire career and missed only two games to date. I fail to see how being concerned about his own health is acting "like a diva."


    He's had his surgeries in the off-season, hence; I'm led to believe his or his father's concerns about his injuries are credible and merit consideration. And really, who cares if his dad wants him to get an MRI? He comes from a NFL family so I'll give them the benefit of the doubt they know how to handle these situations. I have no problem with a player taking care of their body as it ultimately pays the bills later in life.


    I'm sorry if you feel sensitive that I'm a bit sensitive to us Bills fans insinuating one of our best players is whining about their injuries (i.e. Mario). I just don't see the evidence, but then again I don't have insider information as you do. Buffalo sports fans have an innate ability to crap on their team's best players for their perceived (mostly imagined) shortfalls. Here's to Byrd re-signing long term.


    I'm with you. I love Byrd. All that I was saying is that I don't think that he is the stereotypical leader. I feel the same way about Mario. They are both great players they are just wired differently.


    IMO Kyle Williams, Dareus and Gilmore are the guys that I see assuming a leadership role as of now. A LB signing (ie Dansby or Bart Scott) would certainly fill that void.


    On the offensive side of the ball I think that it is Freddie, Stevie and Eric Wood. I hope that EJ develops into the guy. From what I have seen he looks like he will.

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