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Kirby Jackson

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Posts posted by Kirby Jackson



    There were two Trent Edwards. Pre Adrian Wilson and Post Adrian Wilson.


    One would check down to a FB on 4th and 12 and the other was scared to death and would check down to a FB on 4th and 12. If he could play at all he would have gotten another chance. Guys get hit hard all of the time (it's the NFL). That's not a good excuse in my book. Sometimes you have to hang in the pocket and take a shot to make a play. The reason that I didn't like Trent as a player because he would rather not take the shot than take the shot and try to make a play. That's a loser's mentality IMO.

  2. You were first so I'll use your thread.


    I figured the Bills would cut either Kolb or Jackson. Didn't think it would happen this soon, but better to give TJax a chance to catch on elsewhere, and EJ more reps to help him acclimate to the starting position come week 1. ;)


    Pretty much exactly how I feel

  3. "#1 WRs" are like "franchise QBs" and pornography. It can be defined, but one knows it when he/she sees it I guess.


    #28 for SJ sounds about right if not a little generous. The 1000 yard stat is nice, but he plays on a team with no other legit WRs. I know SJ back pocket boys don't like to admit this, but the drops are HUGE. That's why he's not higher. Even the ESPN play of the day catch was followed a few plays later by a drive ending drop.


    I'm hoping having Robert Woods who catches everything will be contagious to SJ and the others. I've seen this happen before on other teams. Namely the 2005 Seahawks when they acquired Joe Jeruvicius after the 2004 season.


    Go BILLS !!


    I look at playing with no other threats as a detriment to SJ. Did teams ever double or roll coverage in the direction of Donald Jones?!? I think that if he had anyone opposite him his stats would be better. I LOVE the young WR talent on this team and think that it benefits everyone. This team was razor thin at WR.



    I have another news flash for you...there are not 32 "#1" type receivers in football. When using the term "#1 WR" its referencing a type of WR, and they don't grow on trees and are hard to come by. A #1 WR is a guy who can take over a game, be open when he isn't, makes clutch catches, must be double teamed, has great hands, great routes, great speed, etc. Most of those are not qualities of Stevies...Stevie does one thing really well, in fact he is great at it, and that is running routes. He does not have exceptional hands, blazing speed, size, fight for balls, has not been clutch, etc.


    Stevie's legend was made in ONE game against the Jets where he had like 8 catches for 80 some yards and a TD against Revis. Big deal. He also DROPPED passes in that game which prevented us from winning that game. Every time someone starts comparing Stevie to other receivers they bring up how Stevie owned Revis...well news flash, he hasn't really. He had one pretty solid game against him that was over shadowed by costing us the game late in the 4th.


    Stevie amasses A LOT of his stats when the games were blown out, out of reach, etc. He completely vanished for huge chunks of games when he was needed most. He doesn't take over games, he has literally lost us multiple games, he has come up short in big moments, he drops too many passes, he isn't the type to fight for balls, etc.


    All that being said, I am still a fan of his and I think he is a very very good #2 WR, but the jury is still out on whether he is a legit "#1 type" WR. He is still young and can still develop the other parts of his game, but so far, outside of route running, the rest is underwhelming.


    Oh...and Bills fans make way too big of a deal of him going over 1,000 yards 3 years in a row. He BARELY broke a 1,000 yards, in fact the most he put up was 1,073 3 years ago. A 1,000 yards was impressive 20 years ago, but barely reaching it now is something secondary and sometimes 3rd options strive for. For a guy who was the MAIN and MOST often targeted guy on this team for 3 years, those numbers are pretty underwhelming. I mean Brian Hartline had more yards than him last year catching passes from a mediocre rookie QB. Nothing against Hartline, but Stevie is being billed by many here as a top 12 to top 10 guy and I dont think anyone considers Hartline in that realm of ranking right now.


    People mocked that Cecil shorts was ranked ahead of him, yet he caught almost the same amount of yards as Stevie on 24 LESS catches and had 1 MORE TD, played in TWO LESS GAMES than Stevie, and played with a much worse QB situation and was NOT even the #1 WR as Blackmon was.


    None of this is to bash Stevie, I am a fan of his. Just a realty check to those pissed about his ranking, as IMO its about right until he proves otherwise.


    While I appreciate all of your news flashes I disagree. There are 32 #1 WRs that are not all the same. For example Calvin Johnson is better than Steve Smith yet you would say that they are both #1's. There are 32 teams in the NFL and each of them has a spot for a #1 WR. The way that I view it is that the top 32 WR in football would each fill one of those slots. I believe that Stevie is in the top 32.


    I said early in this thread that I thought that he was ranked about right. He is somewhere between about 18-30 to me.



    That's not true, there are many #2 WRs and some #3 WRs that are better than some other teams #1 WRs. Just like there are back up QBs better than other teams starting QB.


    Just because you are at the top of a depth chart on one team does not mean you would be on other teams. Being one of the 32 starting QBs in the NFL does not make you automatically one of the 32 best QBs in the NFL. So no offense, but everything you just said is incorrect because this isn't about a teams depth chart, this is about overall ranking of all WRs in the NFL, and whether said WRs are legit "#1 type" WRs, not the literal listing on their personal teams depth chart.


    And the jury is still out on Stevie.


    Again, semantics. I think that Julio Jones and Roddy White are both #1 WR. I am not saying that Stevie is a #1 b/c he is tops on the depth chart but b/c he is one of the 32 best WR in football. That's just how I view it.


    By the same token I am not sure that the Bills have a #1 QB until EJ develops a bit. It will not take much to move into the Matt Flynn territory (who I consider a borderline #1).

  6. i agree with all of this. Except the K. Williams and Fred Jackson part. I will not deny they are good, used to be really good. But they are diminishing and suffering from some injuries in their older age.


    I do not think that they are the players that they were either. I was just trying to make a point about how people on here dislike all things Bills. Kind of strange




    Just because there are 32 teams does not in anyway mean there are 32 "#1" type WRs in the NFL. Always make me laugh when I see people make such a silly comment.


    I guess that we are talking semantics but I disagree. By definition there are 32 #1 WR just like there are 32 #1 QBs or 32 punters. That does not mean that they are all equal but there are 32. In order to be defined as a #1 you have to be one of the top 32 which Stevie is.

  7. Only TBD posters try to put down their guy. Every other team message board would be trying to justify him as a top 10 WR. People on here want to knock their own guys (ie Mario is overpaid, Stevie is a number 2, Kyle Willams & Fred Jackson are done, etc...). So frustrating!! Appreciate the good players that you have!!

  8. That ranking didn't seem that far off to me. I think that Stevie is really good but has been held back by inconsistent QB play and stiffs playing opposite him. It is difficult to be the only target in the passing game. Hopefully this changes this year and he moves up.



    I agree. Like AlwaysBilleve said, asided from Gilmore, it may all be up in the air. One player I'm going to watch is Brooks. I know he got torched a few times last year, but he could shake things up a bit. Maybe lock down the Nickel? He's a feisty little dude.


    I like Brooks a lot. He is fast and physical for a smaller guy. He has a chance to be a solid player.

  10. Oh how the tables have turned. This time last year I think everyone would have said FRED was the best and Spiller was a bust. Let's see if CJ can duplicate last year's success before we annoint him the savior.


    I think the best player on the team is Kyle Williams


    Not true. The year before is where CJ showed signs of being a star. There were a lot of people on here that thought that he was not a necessary pick at this time last year but he had already flashed the signs.


    I really like Kyle Williams but I feel as if he is coming off his worst season in the last 4-5. The injuries are a part of the problem. I hope that he bounces back but at this point he is somewhere between the 3rd and 5th best player on the defense.

  11. Wow.. I'm surprised that you guys don't think it will be on the list at all. I think Stevie's catch is definitely better than any of the other one handed catches on the list so far. The fact that he was running across the field and had to reach back and high for the ball makes it super difficult.


    Kirby.. glad we agree on this one!


    Yes we do. That play stands out to me as much as any since that Terrence McGee return where he ran around for like 3 minutes before falling down at the 5 yard line right before halftime.


    Stevie's catch will be in the top 20 IMO. It helps that he is 1 of the few big name players on the Bills. If Donald Jones made that play it probably wouldn't be quite as high.

  12. There was a 1 handed catch the other day that was really nice but nowhere near as nice as Stevie's. Stevie's catch was number 1 that day on the SC top 10. If you figure that there are only 17 weeks it is probably yet to come on the list. That play was spectacular.


    With that being said, I hope that butt fumble is #1.

  13. I do care because I think that the players care. When it comes to free agency, endorsements, etc... it goes to the most popular players. Players of CJ's caliber would have worlds of respect and opportunity if he were on the Cowboys for example. I hate that being the case but that is reality. I used them as the example because they have not exactly won recently either. When it comes to free agency with both our own guys and recruiting guys those things matter. Certain situations are better than others to the players.

  14. My point is , if real players want to win the super bowl, they will not ask for a massive salary and make the salary cap undoable. Greed is bad for a lack of a better word SJBF.


    I'm sorry but I couldn't disagree with you more when it comes to the NFL. With the average career being 2.5 years or whatever it is and the contracts not being guaranteed, there is never a situation where I would fault a player for holding out for as much as they can get. This isn't baseball or the NBA where owners live with the mistakes they make. They sign these guys to backloaded deals that they will never see. You get as long of a contract as you can and a high a guaranteed amount as possible. That's not greed, that's business.



    I think Edwards' timidity on the field was a direct result of Jauron's incessant mantra of, "No negative plays." No risk, no reward. And getting his bell rung in Arizona only made it worse.


    GO BILLS!!!


    Yeah, watching him was painful. Nothing that I liked more than on 4th and 7 watching him check down to a FB for no yards and then ripping off his chin strap in anger.

  16. Big difference between the two. Ill break it down for you as simple as I can


    Kevin Kolb = Balls

    Trent Edwards = No balls


    I am with you. Trenative was probably my least favorite Bill of all time. He was scared to play the game. I think that Kolb is much closer to Fitz. Fitz had his issues but he is by far the best QB of the last decade (since Bledsoe anyways). Fitz is at least an NFL QB as is Kolb. They are high end backups or low end starters. Trent Edwards was neither.



    Brady, Wilfork, Gronk, Cromartie, Wallace/Mayo


    Mayo is coming off of a terrible year on a bad d. There is no way that the defense has 2 of the top 40 players in football and I think that Wilfork will be on the list. Wallace is coming off of a bad yet and I would be surprised to see him ahead of guys like Vincent Jackson who was on last week.


    I really believe that players think highly of Spiller. He jumps off the tape and teams center their game plans around him. He average 6 yards a carry!! Imagine what guys thought about him after playing against him?? They probably were thinking like us, "Why doesn't this guy get the ball more?"



    I'm sorry but this place is full of the most negative naysayers I have ever seen. If you do not have anything intelligent to contribute to the conversation (which you rarely do) don't contribute!!


    It happens all the time on here. I am on a few other message boards where people stick to the topic and have good positive debates. I feel like we have some great posters here but it is always so negative.


    Someone asks a question like, "Who do you guys think will win the QB competition?" The next post is, "Not Kolb, he sucks and is always hurt." followed by: "Well, Manuel was a reach and is destined to be a bust." Followed by: "Well, T Jax couldn't beat out Wilson or Flynn so good luck with that." ...then everyone just attacks one another


    Maybe it is all the years of losing but this board is miserable. Be realistic and give your opinions but don't just attack everyone else and their opinios. And answer the question or speak to the topic!! I love when people go into a thread and post "no one cares about (insert topic)." If you don't care don't post!!


    Alright, my sermon is over. It has been bothering me for a while. I come here to talk Bills football with the most knowledgable Bills fans in the world. If you dislike the direction of the team march up the stairs out of your parents basement and complain to them.

  19. It clearly matters to most players. It's a sign of respect. Don't you think these guys want the respect of their peers? I see nothing at all wrong with that, especially when you have earned it.




    I hope you're right, but my gut says Gore gets the nod, especially after coming off a season where he played in the Super Bowl.


    Hell, base it off next years fantasy rankings and see how the two stack up against each other. It's not even close.




    I would be surprised if Gore was not on the list. I just do not think of the 5 AFC East players left that Spiller wont be one of them. The only other guy that COULD possibly make the list is Mike Wallace and I would be really surprised if he was in the top 50 (or wherever we are now).

  20. I think people who expect CJ and Byrd on that list are going to be disappointed


    There are 5 AFC East players left. Mario, Hernandez, Wake, and Mankins are already on the list. If you do not think that either will be on the list who are your 5?? Someone had indicated that there is only 1 safety left on the board so it looks like Byrd is out. I would be REALLY surprised at this point if Spiller is not on the list. Spiller, Wilfork, Brady, Gronk and Cromartie

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