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Everything posted by Buftex

  1. I wasn't referring to getting your credit checked when you apply for a job...I think that is BS too (and it is being outlawed in some states), I was talking about denying somebody a raise, because you don't like the way they spend their money...making the judgement that "I am better with money, so you can't have more"...but thanks for all the info...see the distinction?
  2. I saw the thread title and thought it was going to be about Kareem Abdul Jabarr!
  3. Yeah, I pretty much love everything from 1963-1981, after that, pretty spotty. I tried making a 90 minute "best of" mix-tape of the stuff after that, once upon a time...it was much more difficult than I anticipated...ended up being 45 minutes, mostly Keith's tracks from those albums.
  4. You stole this joke from Steven Wright, didn't you?
  5. Btw- somebody gave it a 3 star review based on the mis-information on the packaging. IIRC correctly, the corrected it on later pressings of the disc. Their review explains the mix-up: "The box shows six bonus features on the first disc, but four of them are not there (two were replaced with others). The program does not include the features on Jack Kemp, Cookie Gilchrist, Thurman Thomas or Jim Kelly! Instead, it includes Marv Levy, Bob Kalsu, Scott Norwood and Joe Delamielleure. Same problem with the second disc. It advertises a bonus feature on the 1963 Bills season, which is not there. Instead, it has an excellent America's Game program on the 1990 season. Being a fan of the 1960s NFL and the four-superbowl run the Bills made in the 1990s, I wished the as-advertised bonus features were actually on the discs." Either way, the two hour documentary on the history of the franchise is excellent, though a few small inaccuracies...my memeory is too bad these days to remember what they are, but I know there was 1 or 2 minor things.
  6. You are hopeless...you are one of those idtiots who would change the vernacular of a Mark Twain novel to fit your sensibilites...it is a much bigger world out there...your interpritation of this is pretty ignorant...
  7. It is pretty great...I got it when it came out, pre-ordred, and they had all the packages mis-marked, saying that there were some features in the two disc set, which were not accurate. Can't remember what was supposed to be on there at the moment, but it was replaced by the excellent NFL Network special "Missing Rings" or something like that...anyways, only $13.99 on Amazon...got one for my broter for 9.99 during Christmas. http://www.amazon.com/NFL-History-Artist-Not-Provided/dp/B0026OE2OS/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1305828793&sr=8-1
  8. The GM of the Timberwolves "jokes" that the lottery is fixed...he might be hearing from Sterns office! http://www.nesn.com/2011/05/timberwolves-gm-david-kahn-implies-that-nba-draft-lottery-results-are-rigged.html
  9. I have seen a number of people say things like this..."the players don't know how to manage their money, they shouldn't get any more" type stuff...that is so un-American! You would give the owners more money, so your tickets cost less, and leave the players out of the equation? How would you feel if you were up for a raise, but your employer said your raise was contigent upon doing a credit rating check? I love how so many don't want people !@#$ing with their money, but are more than happy to tell everyone else how they should spend theirs...
  10. Yeah, that was pretty cool. Again though, doing a tribute to Solomon Burke...when Mick stays in his age group, he can still kick ass...just like to see a little less of the Don Knotts-like dancing, and more singing...if you watch "Ladies & Gentlmen..." it was before they had all the 20 mile stages...dancing in place I can take...running laps, and singing just looks silly...I just get the feeling that Keith and the rest of the guys would be very happy to tone down the stage shows, but Mick feels he has too much to prove, pushing 70. If you are going to keep doing it, try to have a little more dignity is all I am asking....I beat them up for it, but I still love this band...always will!
  11. This is a road you don't want to go down on PPP!
  12. Wow, to me, other than the River song (really awful) it was kind of cool to have a "new Stones" album that you could listen to all the way through...I am old school...put it on a cassette to play in the car, last summer, and it was on continuous loop...skipped the River POS. I really liked "Plunder My Soul", but "Aladdin Story" is the standout track. I had heard this bootlegged for years, with no lyrics. Just a really nice "classic rock wank out" by Mick Taylor. Let's face it, there weren't enough of those over the years...then Death In Vegas put it on one of their albums, and made up their own lyrics for it...I think this Stones take on it is pretty strong. I know what you mean about them breaking up. I wouldn't mind it at all, if the did, and just put out unreleased stuff...there is tons of it out there, and some really choice stuff that I have heard. Problem is, Jagger again. A few years ago, there was plans for a 4 CD box set to come out, 2 discs of "greatest hits" and 2 discs of unreleased stuff. I remember Keith saying he had gone through the vaults, and found lots of great stuff, he said it was kind of bitter-sweet, cuz even he knew they would never sound that good, or relevant, again. As Keith was working on culling down the tracks, Mick stepped in and put the kabosh on it, because, as Keith put it, "Mick can't handle not being cool with young people, and he has this need to be seen as their contemporaries...so, he will be damned if he is going to compete with himself" or something like that...Jagger also did not want to do anything that would make Allen Klein any more money...now that Klein is dead, maybe bygones will be bygones.We ended up getting a two disc set, "40 Licks" instead... Strangely though, on the "Stones In Exile" documentary, it sounds like it was Keith who wasn't all that jazzed about releasing the outtakes, while Mick was all for it. Keith said he had little to do with it, he just told Don Was, "don't !@#$ it up, Exile has already been done, and don't let Mick jack with it too much". So, maybe there has been a shift over the years...
  13. In the case of this particular OP, it is a safe assumption. Most embarrassing work by a major act, since the Book of Genesis:
  14. I don't mind that he was a little hard on Mick... to me, at this point, he is the biggest problem with the band. "Wandering Spirit" was mostly good, but you can tell, just from the stuff Mick does on his own, he is the chief culprit of that "Vegas-Stones" sound that you love so much. I wish they would just get back and do a cover album (the lyrics are the first thing to go), and just do a good rock/blues/country album. If any band has earned the right to do a cover album, it is the Stones...hell, even Dylan has done one...there were two or three decent songs on "Bigger Bang", but to me, the last listenable thing they did, was "Stripped" the live album, mix of covers and older Stones songs. Also, loved the "Exile On Main Street" outtakes...except that (pure Jagger schlock) "Crossing the River" or whatever it is cold...very obvious they plunked a new song into the middle of the vintage outtakes stuff. As for Keith's guitar playing, I think Ronnie Wood has done most of the fancy picking over the years, but, I saw them on the last tour (granted almost 6 years ago at this point) and Keith did some pretty tasteful playing on things like "Sympathy for the Devil". btw- a few guys I work at a record store with, and myself, are getting together for a game of Rolling Stones/Beatles Trivial Pursuit in the near future!
  15. Anyone read Keiths "Life" book? It rocks! Great read...I have probably read close to 25-30 Stones books over the years, and had kind of given up on the genre...but I had to read Keiths' book...it was an excellent read. Some really funny stuff. My favorite story in the whole thing actually centered around Mick, growing further apart from the rest of the guys in the band, decides he is going to "hang with the boys" one night, after Keith's wedding to Patti Hanson. Mick and Keith are pretty blitzed, but Keith notes, Mick is trying a little too hard to be "one of the guys". He and Mick are hanging in Keiths hotel room, listening to music. At around 4am. Mick starts saying "Where's Charlie? We gotta call him over here"...Keith says "Mick, its' 4 in the morning, you know Charlie isn't a late night guy anymore"...Jagger ignores Keith, and calls Charlie...after a few rings, Charlies' wife answers, and hands the phone to Charlie..."CHARLIE!!!! COME ON OVER!!! WHERE IS MY DRUMMER? I GOTTA HANG WITH MY DRUMMER!!!" Charlie hangs up. They don't think any more of it, until about an hour later, there is a knock on the door...Keith opens up the door, and there is Charlie, dressed to the nines, in a suit, and freshly showered. "Where is 'ee?" Charlie asks Keith. Watts marches into the room, grabs Mick by the lapels of his jacket, punches him in the face and says "I am NOT YOUR !@#$ing drummer!!!" He shoves Mick so hard, he almost falls off a balcony porch...funny stuff... Keith says, next day, when he sees Charlie again, he expects him to be a little conciliatory...but instead he says "I'll punch him again!" Highly recommend the book. Also thought it was cool, Keith had a 20 year on again, off again thing with Ronnie Spector...a babe back in her day....
  16. Oh my god, good call...I was planning on posting a pick, but I forgot what it was when I saw this...it is that bad...remember hearing Paul Kantner saying that they were doing this song on stage at its' popularity peak, and saying to himself "What the !@#$ are we playing? What happened to us?" He proceeded to quit the band at that point...never a Airplane/Starship fan at all, but this is just freakin' awful stuff! EDIT: Oh yeah, now I remember...skip to the :24 mark if you can't wait any more...real home groan stuff!
  17. He had a few injuries in his days...the one that effectively, finally knocked him out was a "body sacrifing" touchdown recption against the Dolphins...sanwhiched by two fish...painful to see. He did rehab, and make a short comeback two seasons later, IIRC, but never really played. I can't even remember if he made the final roster, I don't think he did.
  18. I understand the theory about the Ewing thing, but, this year, for example, there is really no "sure thing" #1 prospect. Do you just put a standing order out to all refs, to give the #1 pick in the 2011 draft every benefit of every doubt, throughout his NBA career? On a side note, like the year Ewing went to the Knicks, I will admitt, it did seem a little strange that Cleveland ended up with the #1 pick...not that they don't warrent it, but using the lottery method that the NBA uses, and keeping in mind the ping-pong ball they picked was the pick they got from the Clippers in Mo Williams trade, it sure felt fixed...
  19. Rico is referring to the fact that Dylan has been playing keyboards, quite a bit, in his live shows. As for the Winos, I saw them a couple of times too, and really enjoyed them...Keith Richards is my guy in rock n'roll. My point was, the albums are okay, but, some years later, I rarely find myself wanting to pull them out and listen to them. The songs, with a few exceptions, are pretty un-memorable. Seeing Keith live will always be a thrill!
  20. And Soros wasn't on anybody's radar until the Repulicans got their heads kicked in during the elections prior to that!
  21. This may sound like a dumb question, I am sure someone will let me know...but, if the Pegula/Sabres purchase the Amerks, would the Sabres current prospects in Portland automaticaly go to Rochester, or are they, individually, under obligation to the Pirates?
  22. Actually, I guess I misread Peaces statement...I thought he was implying that "at least Arnold does it with woman"...so I was wrong, I misunderstood what he/she was saying. As for your point, it is just another example of you being an idiot! No misunderstanding.
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