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Everything posted by Kellyto83TD

  1. I am going to agree with other posters, he isn't going to get an offer from the Bills. At least the FO knows Guards are a dime a dozen if your tackles and Center are in place. No Guard is worth 8 mill per year or what it seems he and his agent are asking for. And in the climate the Bills are in with the fanbase its best not to offer something he and his agent will go to the media and label as 'cheap'
  2. I would tell his agent pound sand and only morons pay guards that much.
  3. Um I would say some tier II LB, CB and WR or two. Nix has all but said we are going to not participate day one or two so I can't see any top talent coming here. New Coaching staff but no matter how Russ spins it, its the same old philosophy at OBD.
  4. All of that is moot considering he pushed a career backup on us and failed to get us a top QB. It is a QB league, it all starts and ends with the QB and we still do not have one because Nix stated there were none there better than Fitz while passing on Dalton, Capernick, Wilson etal. I honestly do not believe he can scout QB talent.
  5. So a team that is a division winner, had the first spot in the playoffs and was a play or two from the superbowl lets these guys go and we want them? Dear God, lets try this again... if a great team like that lets them go (other than obvious salary cap reasons) we don't want them. That means they aren't that good anymore because a good team isn't going to let good players go. Why is this still missed?
  6. Just asking, why would you draft a kid with one year exp. vs trading the same pick for a guy that is established, only 27 and has proven he can play at a probowl type level in this league? At some point it has to stop being about the money and we need to start winning.
  7. So far it seems the 'steps prudent to do so' are the same steps he has been taking since he has been here. What is the definition of insanity again?
  8. Let me just bottom line this for all Bills fans... Russ Brandon = Ralph wilson. He is his clone. Russ even says he learned his way of doing things from Ralph. He kept Nix out of loyalty and friendship and he lost me right then. I knew right then there would be no real change. Then this exaustive search was ended with getting a college coach with some NFL Exp. but from an average program and that guy brought in a guy with no NFL OC Exp to be the OC. THEN they keep fitz and state he gets to compete for the job. This shows me nothing has changed. I had hope when Ralph passed a new owner would come in, clean house acrosss the board and do it right. My greatest fear now is Russ is really part of an ownership group in place and will spearhead the franchise when Ralph passes meaning.... 50 MORE years of Ralph Wilson type ownership.
  9. Hell we need a winning record! THEN playoffs, then superbowl. Baby steps...
  10. He has been a waste of a roster spot, held us hostage with his huge contract. Look I like nice guys but if they can't perform, cut them. Its a performance business and he sucked.
  11. I think we gain over 5 mill in cap room by this scrub retiring thank God. Wish it was more.
  12. Bingo. I am also sick of hearing how these guys aren't first round QB's. Ok Well last time I checked THREE non first round QB's lead their teams to the playoffs this year and one took his to the superbowl. So can fans stop worshiping at the altar of the Media 'Experts' already?
  13. Oakland has their QB in Pryor. Arizona imho will land Matt Castle. I see Cleveland staying with their guy for one more year. I think we might be able to have our pick of the litter after all. Question is, does OBD feel anyone available is worth the #8. I feel at worst Smith and Barkely will be there.
  14. I think you are wrong on this one. I would take Smith in a heart beat. We are going to run a WCO Hybrid like N.O. Does. We have a GREAT running game. We get a Threat at TE And a big WR that can get open Smith could get us into the playoffs and beyond. The man had SF in the Superbowl last year if not for a special teams dork. I say make the trade AND draft a kid to develop. I know many hear can't get past media hype but it would be a drastic upgrade for this team. But odds are Andy Reid was smart enough to make the trade already.
  15. And did you see Andy Reid's video on him? Sure #1 overall pick! Quit being a sourpuss Jamie :-)
  16. Here is what I wish Bills fans would realize, if NE is willing to trade someone...they aren't worth crap.
  17. My thought is you never pay Guards big money. Square up LT, C, RT and put a big fat ass who can play decent and keep 330lb DT's off your QB and move on. When he wants a ton of jack say 'Thank you for your service' and move on. Guards are NOT hard to find.
  18. What can you expect from a kid that is being played out of his position. He could be a pro bowl caliber Safety if OBD would quit thinking they are smarter than they are. Just move him back there, re sign Byrd and we are in business.
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