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Everything posted by Kellyto83TD

  1. Two of the top FA's landing in Miami.... Priceless. Well Nix did say maybe not getting into it on days 1-2
  2. Bill Polian Agrees, Fitz is not a starting caliber QB in the NFL... http://espn.go.com/nfl/story/_/id/9044711/ryan-fitzpatrick-released-buffalo-bills
  3. Let me ask a question. These 'experts' say so and so isn't worth X pick. But guys like Capernick, Wilson, Brady would have been picked VERY high had anyone been able to scout them worth a damn. Point being who says Nassib isn't our guy that finally breaks the playoff funk? How would you feel if we didn't pick him at #8 and took say a WR or LB and the guy gets taken late first by someone or earlier 2nd by an Oakland, Arizona etc and the kid has them contending year in and year out? If they think with this coaching staff and this system he is the guy, then you take him at #8 and don't screw around.
  4. Wasn't it The Hated Pats Owner Bob Kraft (who knows how to build teams) that said it was a horrible move? That paying a DE like that wasn't the way to build a team? Meh...WTF does he know?
  5. Again...Guards aren't worth the money period. Tackles and Centers, that is where the money should be spent
  6. Thank you. Guards are no where near worth that much but God Bless him for getting paid that much
  7. Personal level, Great guy. I wish him the best. QB level, he flat sucked and held this team back. Now that this nightmare is over, OBD is going to have to go all out to finally address the QB position.
  8. LMAO. Thank you God! Another worthless Bills QB bites it. Now lets pray Whaley is making the picks
  9. Id feel better if Nix is not heard from nor seen again then gone May 1st at the latest. I would feel MUCH better if Fitz gets cut in the next 1 hour or so.
  10. Is he still on the roster? Then they haven't stopped selling him.
  11. http://www.buffalobills.com/news/article-2/Team-statement-on-Deadspin-report/454c9b58-c8ef-4199-934a-222103cc634c LOL OBD is aware and talking with legal and the league. How about the fact there is no way they can sell Fitz or Nix to the fanbase any longer?
  12. +1 AND now we have Nix on audio pretty much confirming it as well lol.
  13. I keep hearing about how he knows football and how good he is, but I have yet to see it. He didn't build SD, John Butler (RIP big man) and AJ Smith did. No one offered Nix a GM job before Ralph did which is all you need to know. HE signed fitz to the extension he has now and imho can't evaluate QB talent for crap. 'Doesn't know what he is going to do about QB'? How about you let someone else who can evaluate them somewhat pick one and get out of the way?
  14. Agreed, but then just cut his ass right now. No backup is worth that money, cut him.
  15. But wouldn't it figure the BILLS GM is one of the two that were involved? I Mean why not right?
  16. If this is real, do you guys realize how F#$%ed we are? The entire NFL now knows what our inept front office is thinking behind the scenes. They know for sure now how we are handcuffed, plans etc. Oh and BTW any of you fitz lovers thinking he was going to start again... that just got shot to hell. Now even Fitz and his agent know exactly how he is thought of so there won't be a restructure (thank God) and at least now you know what Nix really thinks of him as well. This is bigger, IF REAL, than many fans are currently thinking. This is beyond not good.
  17. We not 'getting over it' till the guy is GONE. Maybe you need to finally understand this. A trained monkey can do a better job than Fitz so I have no issues letting a 2nd round QB in this draft take over for him and have his shot.
  18. An unproven rookie with #8 or a guy only 26 that has been a damn good WR the last two seasons? Hey its the eve of FA might as well throw it out there.
  19. Sweet Jesus, Fitz Sucks! Why do Bills fans year in and year out make excuses for the crap QB's the Bills put out there? Every POS they have fielded fans passionately defend and make every excuse for when in reality they SUCK! The Bills have not fielded a legit starting QB (and yes Bledsoe was nothing but a backup by the time he got here) since Jim. Todd Collins Billy joe Hobag RJ JP Flutie Bledsoe Holcomb Edwards Fitz.. Sweet Jesus make it stop already!!!!! Nut up and pull the trigger and get a kid with some talent that isn't a freaking headcase and lets do this thing. I am tired of guys like Donahoe, Levy, Brandon, Nix all trying to get by on crap at the QB position. Just pull the damn trigger already and do something. I will say it again, I pray this is Whaley's first draft and HE makes the QB decision. Nix has passed on QB's since he has been here and honestly thought Fitz was greater than anything we could have drafted. I don't think this guy can evaluate QB talent period. But we will see. I have a feeling no matter what 'changes' are at OBD or what is said its SOSDY.
  20. I will say this, I would love to hear tomorrow 4pm EST we signed two WR's, two LB's and a TE worth a damn and cut Fitz.
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