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Everything posted by YoloinOhio

  1. clearly someone pushed Toney Offside, he couldn’t be that dumb. Was probably That turn over machine Josh Allen.
  2. Here’s the audio. He thinks the rules shouldn’t apply to his team.
  3. Here’s the audio. They’re human and make mistakes? Explain to me Kermit how the call was a mistake, please.
  4. He was literally handed the last SB because of a ticky tack call but I didn’t see him complaining about the refs deciding the game then. Tell your knucklehead not to line up in the Bills secondary it’s peewee football stuff
  5. The flag was thrown when the ball was snapped. Does he expect the refs to pick it up just because it was a cool play?
  6. So are you saying no one saw the bills game until the Browns game was over? Or did the bills and KC local markets switch over?
  7. They are like a toddler who has never been told no by his parents and all of a sudden doesn’t get his way
  8. The rest for those who don’t have Twitter — “every week, we’re talking about something... It's the call. Just in that moment. Not for myself. To have a flag change the outcome of the game. I've never had offensive Offside called. If it does, they warn you. There wasn't a warning the entire game. And then you make a call like that in the final minute? Another game, we're talking about the refs. It's not what we want for the NFL. It's not what we want for football."
  9. Yes I had the same issue and same question. I was livid, no idea why it was like that. Surprised they didn’t sneak in a little Heidi after the browns got finished with their kneel downs and handshakes and the 46 commercials while we missed the entire first qtr
  10. He was running wide open in the end zone! That was not him that he didn’t get thrown the ball.
  11. I think the chiefs game plan was to take away and let Josh beat them with other guys
  12. 1st game where the refs didn’t hand him 100 bogus calls
  13. But we never win these types of games. Doesnt seem real 🫣
  14. It’s literally over and they wont cut out! We are watching them ***** kneel!
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