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Everything posted by EmotionallyUnstable

  1. Seems to be a common theme among the defense. Is anyone trying? Man I'll take 100 million dollars to just stand there... Effort is lacking. And that should never in a million years be an issue.
  2. Leadership and smart football is nice. I'm just saying...I personally won't buy into all the hype until the Championship game. I'm not knocking what he has done, I'm purely playing devils advocate and checking all blind spots
  3. Good points, I admit I only took into account the statistics he's recorded. I think the National Championship game will be a true test. Again, I like the guy. I just want to see some evidence he can actually play with the best
  4. There is no doubt the Bills are in desperate need of a capable play maker to hold this defense together. With all the hype and glory Manti Te'o has been receiving from 'experts' across America, I am here to state that I am not 100% convinced on this guy. First, I'll state my 3 point argument. Then I would love for someone to convince me otherwise...Is this guy the real deal? Or a product of an inflated heart-warming story? 1) I love that he is a motivational leader and a competitor. Well, so is Kelvin Sheppard... 2)Te'o has 103 tackles this season through 12 games. And apparently, only missed 2 tackles (very objective and almost impossible to track). Well lets do some math. On average, a college offense runs 65 offensive plays. That is 780 offensive plays against the ND defense this season. Since he made 103 tackles and only 'missed' two tackles, that means he is only around the ball at best 15% of plays (105/708= 13.4% but I'll leave room for error.) A middle line backer should be around the ball more frequently than this. I fear he is often eaten up by guards and once blocked, stays so. **the true test is when they play 'Bama's o-line** 3) The Irish have undoubtedly had a good season. The problem? Their strength of schedule was moderate at best. Has Te'o proven himself to be the best against the best? I cannot take away from the amazing job this guy did in the past couple seasons. I'm not here to trash the guy, but to make sure we aren't buying into the media and asking our own questions. The organization needs to do some research before just 'going with the flow'. I personally think it's too early to see if this guy is worth our pick. I'd love to hear others opinions. Most importantly, Go Bills.
  5. I would never 'root' for the bills to lose or be embarrassed. This said, I'm not going be disappointed in a loss.
  6. Please explain how Bowe is a "pipe dream?" I feel he's realistic. Coming off of the IR into a heavily loaded group of free agent wide receivers, his price will be reasonable. I think a guy like this stretches the field, opens up our run game and adds a new dynamic. Amendola would be nice, believe me, I wouldn't complain. But he's too similar to the receivers we have. Not in talent by any means, but in scheme. Bowe is different. He has the game changing ability to make big plays. Not saying Amendola doesn't, but I feel Bowe gives us a better option for what we have (given a QB who can hit on the deep ball!) As far as the 2 TE sets, I agree completely. However, I encourage all of you to take a look a Delanie Walker. The guy is a weapon, special teams threat and available. I like this guy a lot. Te'o...i know this isn't the tread to do so, but I cannot stand nor comprehend the hype behind this guy. Do fans across America want this guy because the 'experts' live by him?...Has anyone seen him play? I for one say we need to wait until we can see how he handles the NFL like guards of Alabama. then we'll talk.
  7. Unfortunately, I do not think our "ails" at LB can be solved through FA this off season. I'd rather them focus on improving our offense into a run-focused, clock controlling force that keeps OTHER teams defenses on the field (instead of our own). I like Bradham and Sheppard (Not long term), I think they can improve into true, run stopping, starters. The draft has some practical options in the mid-rounds. If our front seven can form into the run stopping team they have shown they can be, I think we start to make some noise, barring an improved offense.
  8. I think our draft position wont allow us this option without making a move. That said, I agree it is nice to have that style of a QB. However, I don't want to waste a high draft pick on a role playing quarterback. I'd rather stick with fitz and beef up his supporting cast until a top tier QB is realistically available.
  9. Good player. Think he's too marketable for Buff. Also, probably going to draw a lot of buyers and a high price. But hey, thanks what they said about Mario...
  10. We can avoid this problem by... 1) Winning. Stay in the race for once! Other than that, I think you're onto something.
  11. http://www.footballsfuture.com/2013/fa/lb.html Free agent LB's Brian Urlacher Shaun Phillips Anthony Spencer Conner Barwin Daryl Smith Ray Maualuga Some older, solid players. But personally, I believe waste of time/money. I like Bradham playing weak OLB. I think with a good off season and supporting cast he can be solid. We'll need to improve at LB through the draft for sure. Who would you take from this group?
  12. Let us, for a second, imagine a world where Bill's fans get what they want... (kind of a nice change of pace) -We've re-signed Byrd and Levitre for long term, reasonable deals. -Have cap room for THREE free agents from other teams -Who do you want, why, and realistic chance we get them (1-10)...Ready, Set, Go! 1) Dwayne Bowe (WR): Probably top free agent WR this year. Tall, fast, decent handed receiver who has the ability to stretch the field. Him and SJ13 would make a dynamic 1, 2 punch for opposing defenses. However, not the only shop-able man for the job. This will drive his price down to a reasonable level from the bills. Realistic Chance: 7. This gives the bills an ACTUAL deep threat and we can stop rolling the dice with randoms in the draft 2) Aqib Talib (CB): Another top player at his position. Might be a stretch for money, especially with the Bills. Though recently we have shown some splurging from Ralph and co. Stealing this guy from a division rival would be a huge gain for us. Realistic Chance: 3. Patriots need this guy to continue building their D. I think they lock him up ASAP. 3) Delanie Walker (TE): Interesting player. Solid special teamer and proven offensive threat if used correctly. I think he would work nicely in Chan's system. I would love to see him on the field in tandem with Chandler @ at H-Back (cya Dorin). It would add a new dynamic to our run and pass option. Realistic Chance: 5. Unsure of where this guy stands in the SF organization. I think he is probably low on the Bills radar. They seem to love Lee Smith, and I don't hate him either. But hey, this is a wish list remember? **I would love to see even one of these guys come to B-lo. But a man can dream, and dream I will. Hopefully one day, Bills fans everywhere will need not dream anymore!**
  13. -Must keep Byrd and Levitre (I'm sensing a common theme here) *Tag Byrd, long term Andy, if we signed Urbik we must have a plan for Levtire moving forward* -McIntyre is a great special teamer, would hate to see him go. -McKelvin could stay, given that he doesn't ask for too much (can see him stretching his limit, 6 mil, 2 years tops!). -Also like to see Kyle Moore if he's cheap...mixed feelings about this guy **Everyone else on this list (speaking UFA), is merely a role player at best. Some aren't even starters. They hog crucial cap room that the organization needs to acquire big name free agents who could come our way... while were on the subject: Wish List: 1)Dwayne Bowe (WR): Can stretch the field, SJ and him would make a great 1,2 punch 2)Aquib Talib (CB): Steal a solid player from a division rival? yes please. 3)Delanie Walker (TE): Great special teamer, also an offensive threat. would love to see him in Chan's system. Please Santa, Please....
  14. The Jets aren't a football team. Merely a media circus. Their QB "problems" outlast the Bills in the greatest way. Though we have made some stupid moves (and continue to), it does not appear that the Jets and Rex care as much about winning as they do their TV ratings.
  15. I see your point. I just cannot bring myself to the point of rooting AGAINST the bills. However, a shake up is needed. Maybe we can get ol' fat Rex in here and stir up some trouble... #JetsProblems
  16. Lots of mixed feelings flowing around TBD. I heard, seen and read a lot of opinions. I personally think these last two games matter more than people think. I would like to see the Bills win these last two games vs. two division rivals. The wins/loses will not effect our draft position all that much. If it does, I think it still does not matter. Reasons: -I believe this years draft class is weak. I think a pick 3-13, which we could possibly get, are going to receive similar talent level in players. Especially in the first round. -I think this team needs a fire lit under their a**. WInning out may set the tone for the offseason (which we desperately need). -It will not only help improve for our current team but will help attract big free agents...(we need these!) It is undeniable that for the Bills to be a contender next season, they must improve through both the draft and free agency. They must also complete some big re-signings of our own free agents (Byrd, Levitre). Miami and the Jets may seem like games that we dont need to win, but any true competetor and fan cannot refuse the will to win. With that said, Go bills. Squish the Fish and Ground the Jets
  17. Why not Alex Smith? If u can get the proven, playoff winning QB, why not? If he is cheap enough, get him, start him a few seasons and have out drafted (hopefully) QB learn behind the guy. Do we really want the future of the franchise learning behind Fitz? Smith may not be the answer, or a long term solution, but why pass up on this guy? Thats like going to the bar with a girl thats a 6 out of ten and going home with a 7. Cant go wrong!
  18. Agreed. Building around spiller, stevie, C.Glenn... We have a good foundation of young players (offensively speaking). Get your holiday cheer going man!
  19. just finished this book. It is a must read. O'leary does a wonderful job tying everything together.
  20. i agree with many of the posts on here. It's impossible to pin-point a person, position or coach. The unit as a whole needs a wake up call. Light a fire under some of these guys a**es. We've seen most of these guys play. Some of them pro-bowl caliber. It comes down to the inconsistency of the performcance of players and play calling. I wont pretend to be an NFL guru. I dont have all the answers. All I do know is that our entire team is flooded with second tier guys who hog much needed cap room. What are we waiting for to get rid of these guys. I'd love to sit here and list them for you, but the mere mention of some of their names is too much for me to bear. Especially during the holiday season. That said...Bring me a "W" this weekend Santa!
  21. Not sure if there is another thread talking about Bryan O'Leary's new book "Spyagte: The Untold Story." But I had to just get this out there. The book is a must-read by any NFL fan. Especially any true NFL fan. Wondering if anyone else had any specific comments on the topic/book. Most of this information, I've never even heard of. A couple comments/feelings: -Ernie Adams...anyone else never heard of the guy? -Tom Brady's pay is significantly low...why? possibly he could only succeed in the NFL in this "special" system -Can anyone name any successful, former New England Coordinator? I sure cannot. -Whats up with the years of naming NO offensive and defensive coordinators. Unheard of. The NFL continues to hide and cover this story. WHERE IS THE MEDIA!? I understand they are protecting billions of dollars in investments but come on, they've stolen three superbowls, countless championships, jobs, fans, and worst of all pay no price currently. Maybe i'm just a bitter fan, but I have got to say...what's stopping them for still cheating??? Thoughts? In case you're interested .... http://www.spygatebook.com/
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