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Everything posted by EmotionallyUnstable

  1. Seriously, why? If they draft Nassib in the first round...
  2. Agreed. Not worth the pain. Marrone's DC in 'cuse...any word on that guy?
  3. Most people agree Lovie is a stretch to down grade from HC to DC?
  4. Does their college success give them any chance in the NFL? Do these guys, who's names we don't know, have any NFL experience?
  5. Anyone have ideas or names tossed around about guys Marrone will look to, try to or might think about bringing in? I'd personally like to see him try and hook Lovie...yes, a stretch but worth a pull! Any realistic Ideas?
  6. Interesting thought. I think Chip Kelly would be the most interesting HC for us, but not the safest. I like what he has done with his offense. But that would mean a serious need for a dependable, mobile, accurate, QB. Chip Kelly would want a nice, new toy to play with and I'm worried with him at the helm the front office will stretch for a QB at 8 that does not deserve that pick.
  7. i've heard for his size, he is a capable cover man
  8. I'd like to see the draft go LB heavy. Jones is confusing to me. Mostly because of his role playing in a 3-4. Could he transition to a 4-3 OLB?
  9. I can appreciate where you're coming from. Some of the coaches they've interviewed made me cringe. However, they did say it would be an "extensive search." Russ Brandon also noted that he was tired of people calling the organization 'cheap' and that when they know what they want, they are prepared to spend and get it. Personally, I like that they are testing the waters instead of diving right in. Weighing the possibilities and comparing interviews, regardless of how realistic a candidate is, gives the front office a more complete picture of what each coach has to offer. Annoying to fans, yes, but I'm trying to reserve judgement until a decision is made. It may appear they are confused or leaning different ways, but is that really such a bad thing? Balance of power.
  10. No to Jones. Doesn't fit our system. But he is big enough for a 3-4 OLB. He's 240 and the dude can straight fly. Astrobot, Arthur Brown looks like a good second round pick to me.
  11. Undoubtedly, he good at utilizing talent on offense. I'm not against his hiring. Then the question becomes, if we wait around for him to finish their playoff run, and he backs out, where does that leave us? Also, a good OC doesn't necessarily guarantee they'll be good HC. Any more facts/details that could back up your statement?
  12. Sounds good on paper. What makes you think he is going to want to leave after such a stellar season?
  13. Thanks for posting. Kinda reminds me even though we're heading through rough times, we have a lot of talent and feels good to be a Bills fan!
  14. Like many other things in the world, it is critical to take a step back and remember that we don't need to reinvent the wheel! I'm interested in everyone's take on this quote: "I like linebackers. I collect 'em. You can't have too many good ones" - Bill Parcells I've always loved this take on defense and The Big Tuna's outlook. Regardless of who we bring in as HC and DC... I'd love to see them take this approach through free agency and the draft. Thoughts?
  15. 200+ tackles huh? Welp, guess someone on that D has to make them... Good riddance.
  16. How can we not sign this guy already?! He not only offers good interior line play but partial nudity for free!
  17. At this point, I like how they are exploring all the options. Even if the guys they are interviewing are unlikely to come, it is still good to gauge their interviews in other more realistic options. OP, if it is next Wednesday and we don't have a HC, I won't be terribly surprised, but I will be worried.
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