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Everything posted by BillsFanNC

  1. And that says everything that needs to be said about your useful idiocy.
  2. ⬆️ Clown world example #2,523,974. I give you Quack MD.
  3. You know they're going to bring back this insanity, right? And you'll have scenes like the one below in record numbers with worse outcomes. Which is exactly the goal.
  4. You want to take this one JFR? I'd ask the King, but I think most of us prefer our leftist stupidity in short snippets as opposed to long winded bloviating.
  5. Clearly. Undoubtedly. Without question.. Set. Up. If you call it an insurrection you brand yourself a useful idiot as quickly as driving while masked.
  6. At the rate we're going, in 25 years it will be straight to the gulag for sharing this list.
  7. Remember when the rotting bag of oatmeal said... If you don't vote for me you ain't really black? Well he said it on this show, and Larry Elder calls out the host
  8. Some days you've got to wade through a lot of crap to see how much of a lunatic the king is. Then there's posts like this where the hackery is out in the open on full display. What an absolute embarrassment.
  9. This is why Babylon Bee "headlines" are included in regular threads JFR... In clown world populated with leftist colossal morons, you often can't tell the difference anyway.
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