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Everything posted by BillsFanNC

  1. nedboy is just as lost as the rest of them. He just doesn't post as often, thankfully.
  2. You should be concerned about the flu, or better stated concerned that a flu strain emerges with the potential to be far worse than covid. If we get a strain that is resistant to neuraminidase inhibitors we could easily have an influenza pandemic. If we get an avian strain such as H5N1 that jumps to humans AND is capable of human to human transmission then the planet is in for a world of hurt for two reasons: 1. Strains outside of the normal circulating H1N1, H3N2 and B are typically highly virulent in humans, but thus far no strain has emerged that can transmit human to human. 2. With an influenza pandemic that actually calls for public health measures similar to what we witnessed with covid nobody is going to follow guidelines because the "experts" and governments blew their wad on covid. The trust is gone, and justifiably so. I worked closely with the CDC for years on influenza pandemic preparedness. The scenarios discussed make the covid pandemic look like child's play. And masks still won't work.
  3. Maybe even mail in a few from deceased relatives and neighbors who are still on the rolls. Or maybe multiple copies of your ballot get run through the machine after a water main break in the wee hours of the morning during election week. Maybe this time around it can be an election fortnight even! Stuff those drop boxes baby. Vote real early and often! Only if we step up the efforts in these and other areas can we have even the slightest hope that the 2024 election will be the new most secure election in US history.
  4. For me the question now is whether this team can go 9-0. Going 5-0 to sneak into playoffs is slim. Going 9-0 to get the elusive Super Bowl is as close to none as it gets. Call me a pessimist / fair weather but I'm going with the safe assumption that this season, in terms of the only outcome that I care about, is cooked.
  5. Notice that it was never questioned why certain testimony needed to be behind closed doors, then selectively leaked by Schiff, for the J6 committee. Your rules commies.
  6. More from the police state files.. I sure hope Billsfuk.c never retweeted anything by the orange dude, even to disparage him, it could be on a list now... But they'll never come for me!
  7. Although I can't see what they post, I was 100% certain they'd be triggered by absurdity in response to absurdity. And the beauty comes in the never ending variety that is Trump "history" Unlike another ***** bird who has posted the same thing 1000 times. Additionally I only share these vital history lessons in absurd threads started by and populated with mostly useful idiots.
  8. Oh. I'm absolutely shocked. I'm sure you are as well. Keep in mind that journalists like Shellenberger and Taibbi would be cited by useful idiots with great regularity just a few short years ago. Now? Well they've magically transformed into far right MAGA because their masters say so.
  9. Families, if you're a Muslim family and within your family, there's someone who's suspected of being gay, it’s the obligation of the family to commit honor killing. So it doesn't even go as far as the government and tribunals and trials. But when that happens, it's done quite publicly, and it's done in the most gruesome fashion," Ali said. "So ‘queers for Palestine,’ I think, is another manifestation of how our society is really becoming stupid.”
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