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Everything posted by BillsFanNC

  1. Oh you mean the 14th ammendment argument they're attempting to use to keep Trump off the ballot in Colorado that one liberal judge at least, denied already? I know there's a lot of people claiming an insurrection happened,and despite it being such a slam dunk case, not even a corrupt politicized DOJ has brought a single charge for it. As far as the guy with the gun, you're going to need to show me that one. I can show you a guy with gun right on the Capitol steps on J6. You might be surprised to learn that this particular 'insurrectionist' remains uncharged and free as a bird to this very day.
  2. Your contention that private testimony before public testimony was wrong when democrats demanded it previously. I cite examples of when democrats did it many different ways previously, asking which are the 'wrong' ways. And you come back playing the sides game. I know both sides suck and that these hearings and investigations are always, above all else, political. I wonder if we go back to the sham J6 hearings if we will find that you got your panties in a wad over the way testimony was handled in all kinds of different ways there? I'm sure we will since both sides suck, right? In fact we have it in the recent news cycle that some of those records were destroyed by the J6 committee. Wrong, or do both sides suck?
  3. KJP tweeting for oatmeal for brains is more comical than Biden trying to tweet himself.
  4. If you haven't done anything 'wrong' then you've got nothing to worry about... Right?
  5. I'll give one of these And then ask you to give everyone the list of all the J6 "insurrectionists" who have been charged with or convicted of rebellion or insurrection. 18 U.S. Code Β§ 2383 - Rebellion or insurrection Once we have those names, then we can talk about which ones Mike Johnson has given aid or comfort to.
  6. Not following. Unless any of those guys ignored congressional subpoenas AND were subsequently found guilty of contempt of congress? I know Eric Holder wasn't. You won't get me defending Republicans. They suck too. Democrats are just worse.
  7. VP Biden....err... I mean Robert L. Peters. The use of aliases to correspond with Hunter and his business associates should not raise any red flags at all. It just screams squeaky clean.
  8. Right. As if the J6 committee didn't engage in this selective testimony rules BS constantly. Was it wrong when Ray Epps gave sworn testimony privately and never publicly? How about Cassidy Hutchinson giving testimony in private first before the public circus testimony? How come we never heard public testimony from Kash Patel and still don't have a full transcript of his private testimony? Which way that dems did it before was wrong again?
  9. Documented meetings of Hunter Biden’s business associates with Joe Biden isn't evidence that Joe Biden met with Hunter's business associates.
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