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Everything posted by BillsFanNC

  1. He wasn't "given his day" in court for the election cases. But I fully realize that's what your masters told you what happened.
  2. Everything has been blatantly out in the open for quite some time. The media. The regime. The IC. All out in the open blatant propaganda and corruption. They don't care because they won't be held accountable......ever...by themselves! The only question is just how far they will go. Trump wouldn't answer last night, but Tucker asked him twice if he fears for his life.
  3. While people are certainly free to wear masks if they wish, I'm also perfectly free to mock them for doing so. And I absolutely will this time around.
  4. Try it for yourself....first GOP result I got was...wait for it............ Bob Dole!
  5. You are OBSESSED with religion, mostly christians it seems. More than christian conservatives are in most cases. What gives?
  6. It still works for me when I click on it. It's a middle aged black man from Georgia wearing a t shirt that says.. "Nig..gas 4 Trump" But thankfully we have Twitter to shield us from "hateful content"
  7. Finding Qanon was much less of a bore when he was finding Qanon around every corner.
  8. Tucker sucked up to him! Tucker asked questions and let Trump ramble. A lot. That's the interview.
  9. Hey look, it's another black white supremacist! Click the link and ask yourself why Twitter isn't allowing embedding? Oh the t shirt using a word that black people have been universally allowed to use? Not when they support Trump! https://twitter.com/ScooterCasterNY/status/1694709501381992873?t=bsPkd0mCWLecWiJA4_WKnQ&s=19
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