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Everything posted by BillsFanNC

  1. Even when you take away the repetitive memes and end stage TDS from what makes Billsfuk.c the hands down worst poster in TBD history.. It still displays such a staggering idiocy and complete inability to understand even basic elementary concepts that there's a real risk of losing IQ points just by engaging with it. Holy hell.
  2. It's almost like they're doing things that communists do.
  3. 100% If sane Americans ever hope to take back the country from Marxist scum, then it must start local. Very local. School boards, town council etc. Trump isn't getting elected. But even if he did get back to the WH, people need to come to grips with what we're up against. None of us will live long enough to see the ultimate outcome. Communists have been at work for over a century in the US slowly bringing this to fruition and it will take at least that long to root it out. If we even can. Embrace the fight, and the hope that one day your kids kids might see us beginning to come out the other side. Dark times ahead.
  4. It is possible to be anti-Trump without succumbing to TDS.
  5. This evidence is just more evidence to add to the pile of the 'there's no evidence' mantra. Same plays from the same tired playbook.
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