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mary owen

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Everything posted by mary owen

  1. This is a pic of my brother's truck. It was struck (while parked in front of his house) by a Corvette speeding down his street. http://www.wokr.com/news/local/story.aspx?...F4-3938C3F58F0A
  2. ok, it's my lunch hour now, so I'll give you PART 1 of my abbreviated list: I know where Bush stands. Right, wrong, or indifferent, he sticks by his actions and decisions. Kerry has shown me he doesn't and a leopard can't change his spots. Bush administration's fight on terror is working. Again, doing what he said he was going to do. Kerry has not detailed any plan of attack on terror. He has said he will respond the right way. WTF? By then, it may be too late. The War, your favorite topic. Kerry now criticising a war he backed. Foreign Policy of Kerry is a joke. Germany and France to join us??? How does Kerry propose to do this? Through the UN? UN is loaded with corruption and is not proactive. How many more resolutions would we still be issuing to Saddam if Gore was in or if Kerry was our Pres? Kerry's proposed (extremely general and undetailed) plan for dealing with North Korea. Again, don't tell me just that you are going to fix things. Layout an overview. Get me excited about how YOUR ADMINISTRATION is going to work on this where Bush in 4 years has had "TOO MUCH TIME" and gotten nowhere? When has Bush stabbed our country and military in the back like Kerry has? Hanoi Jane ring a bell? Throwing our troops under the bus in time of war. What message was he trying to send to our ENEMIES? Quotes from Kerry: "I agree completely with this Administration’s goal of a regime change in Iraq ..." what's he saying now? "And the fact is, in the resolution that we passed, we did not empower the President to do regime change." I can go on and on, but I must get back to work.... I will send you part 2 and 3, and 4.......gimme some time. These will delve into more than just the war and foreign policy.
  3. i've been anything but sarcastic when it comes to this. Also, are you kidding me???? I'm not going to sit here and give you ALL my reasons. I don't have enough time to enlighten you, and you wouldn't read it all anyway. You should spend some time away from this board. That's just it. You can take less than ONE minute and fit all your reasons to vote for Kerry (or not vote for Bush) on a thread like this. I can't. And I won't. Go vote, but beware of the hanging chads.
  4. you ARE one of those. One of those who is so narrow-minded that the ONLY THING YOU CAN SEE IS WHAT THE MEDIA TELLS YOU ABOUT THIS WAR? That's all you're basing your vote on. Like I said, you definately are voting for the right candidate with that criteria. Nothing but the war, huh. Beautiful. That's where allot of Kerry's votes will come from and it's sad. How myopic. with that kind of voting, we are billsfanone.
  5. more embarrassing than trying to explain to your kids what the hell President Clinton was doing banging anything that moved? The guy couldn't be loyal to his wife, you expect him to be loyal to unknown US citizens??
  6. i'm more of a Libertarian, but if I vote that way, Kerry gets the advantage. No way I can live with that guilt on my head. The worst Bush is still better than the best Kerry. I say we give Bush 4 more years. stevestojan, the Dems had a sexual predator in office for 8 years who sat by and let terrorists push us around while being a good little doggy for the UN. But Bush is supposed to achieve all goals in 4 years. Don't get me started.
  7. you know what's really funny? this part of the story doesn't get as much attention as the one Steve posted. WASHINGTON - Saddam Hussein (news - web sites) was obsessed with his status in the Arab world, dreaming of weapons of mass destruction to pump up his prestige. And even as the United States fixated on him, he was fixated on his neighboring enemy, Iran. That is the picture that emerges from interrogations of the former Iraqi leader since his capture last December, according to the final report of the chief U.S. arms inspector, which gives a first glimpse into what the United States has gleaned about Saddam's hopes, dreams and insecurities. The report suggests that Saddam tried to improve relations with the United States in the 1990s, yet basked in his standing as the only leader to stand up to the world's superpower. It says Saddam was determined that if Iran was to acquire nuclear weapons, so was Iraq (news - web sites). And it says he was a narcissist who cared deeply about his legacy, making sure bricks were molded with his name in hopes people would admire them for centuries to come. Weapons hunter Charles Duelfer had access to information from U.S. interrogations of Saddam over several months. The former Iraqi dictator apparently talked not because he wanted to help the United States, but because he was concerned with his legacy, the report says. Much of his motivation in the quest for weapons of mass destruction came from neighboring Iran and the two countries' "long-standing rivalry over the centuries," including the Iran-Iraq war in the 1980s. "From Saddam's viewpoint, the Persian menace loomed large and was a challenge to his place in history," the report says. "This was an important motivation in his views on WMD — especially as it became obvious that Iran was pursuing the very capabilities he was denied," said the report, which found no evidence that Iraq had produced any such weapons after 1991. Saddam has been out of sight since his capture from a spider hole near Tikrit last December, except for an appearance in July at a preliminary hearing in Baghdad. Then, he defiantly scoffed at charges of war crimes and mass killings and said the charges had been engineered by President Bush (news - web sites) "to help him with his campaign." Officials have said that interrogations of Saddam, first by the CIA (news - web sites) and then by the FBI (news - web sites), have yielded little helpful information about weapons programs and the insurgency in Iraq. But Tuesday's report shows they have provided new insight into his thinking. Saddam was angry that other Persian Gulf states, particularly Saudi Arabia, enjoyed good standing in the West. "His regime views the Gulf Arabs as undeserving," the report said. "They did not earn respect; the West simply wanted their oil." Iran, as much if not more than the United States, motivated his interest in nuclear weapons. "Nuclear programs were seen by Saddam as both a powerful lever and symbol of prestige," the report. "He also did not want to be second to the Persians." Despite years of hostility with the United States, Saddam had mixed feelings about the Americans and through the 1990s tested U.S. willingness to open a dialogue, the report said. He sent "very senior Iraqis" to make various proposals, such as assistance with the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, working through intermediaries including Duelfer — the report's author. At the same time, Saddam got a boost from America's hostility. "He accrued power and prestige far beyond his inherent weight by positioning himself as the only leader to stand up to the last superpower," the report said. At a Senate hearing, Duelfer was asked why — if Saddam did not have weapons of mass destruction before the 2003 invasion — he did not simply comply with U.S. and U.N. demands in an attempt to avert the war. Duelfer said Saddam's instincts were always to negotiate — to seek something in return before giving something up. "He had not realized the nature of the ground shift in the international community," after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, Duelfer said. Until the end, Saddam saw himself as a great leader of a great nation, the report says. With an eye to history, he had bricks made for use in the historic city of Babylon molded with the phrase, "Made in the era of Saddam Hussein," mimicking the ancient bricks there. "This narcissism characterizes his actions," the report says. "And while it is not always visible, it is always there." END http://news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&cid=...ays_2&printer=1 Bush always said it was a PRE-EMPTIVE strike. Sounds to me like Saddam was hellbent on doing something. He is INSANE much like Hitler was. I still support the President's decision to go to war in Iraq.
  8. funny how when this got moved over here to PPP, this description of the PPP regulars got deleted: i guess when someone doesn't support your political views they're a-holes. you fit right in with the DemocRAT school of politics.
  9. what bow tie? Tiger Woods is in that picture? I didn't see him. B)
  10. don't waste your time...just another Dem mudslinging video. very Micheal Moore-ish.
  11. I always take Kelly Bundy's wise words of advice: Starve for Pizza, Feet are Cold (why do I remember this??? I used to love that show)
  12. travis henry: 3rd and 2 late in the 4th. Buffalo driving for a the tie. I watch; handoff. HUGE hole opens up. he falls UNTOUCHED losing a yard, opening up the stage for Bledsoe's theatrics. Pressure, fumble, TD NE. Bledsoe needs to go. WTF is up w/ Henry?????? when the game is on the line, they simply do not have what it takes = 0-3. I'm so pissed I could eat this keyboard.
  13. Brother, that sucks (re: Week 1). I feel for ya. Nice play with Walker. I traded Foster away JUST so I wouldn't punch myself in the head for not starting him. Been shopping Stecker and a WR like a maniac this week, but no one will take him. Who ever thought solid depth would suck so much????
  14. Holmes on MNF against his former team
  15. i always hated the advice of "always start your studs". Two weeks in a row, I reluctantly followed that advice. I lost both weeks. Foster had a carreer day on my bench (started Taylor and Holmes). The following week, I had Stecker sitting, started Taylor again. Taylor scored 3 less points than Stecker. I lost by 1 point. I'm going back to the way I used to make tough decisions.....Start the best possible mismatch that you can think of. For instance, I may start Stecker against AZ in favor of Holmes at Balt OR in lieu of Taylor vs Indy. Still deciding.....
  16. anybody know which route the Patriots team bus is taking? <click-click>
  17. yes the shoulder is old news. in fact, it might be better than last year, so I've read somewhere. as far as an injury update, i think they might post them later today or Friday. there is a great link that i found. you can pretty much figure the injuries out. I'll have to send it to you whenb I get home. it's on my favorites there. this is a yahoo one that was updated on the 27th. this may help some. http://sports.yahoo.com/nfl/injuries here is another. they want you to pay, but the general injury is listed. again, you can figure out what their status is w/o paying in. http://www.sportsline.com/nfl/injuries
  18. we all know the REAL reason: there aren't enough chicken wings in WNY to feed Romeo or Weiss. Why chance a situation like the potato famine in Ireland?
  19. Farve would have sucked in Buffalo......remember? It's the Offensive line's fault!!!!
  20. Hey, do us all a favor. Do what it takes to get Reed and Evans on your roster this week.
  21. that hit he put on Coles early.....wow. Laverneous was glassy eyed all night. That's the kind of safety you want back there. One that sends a message early.
  22. i was on the receiving end of your freak 200+. This happens to me every year. I play a wounded animal and get stomped. Congrats.
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