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mary owen

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Everything posted by mary owen

  1. hard to stick up for Bledsoe any more. all 5 turnovers were his today. if that's not a reason for losing, i don't know what is.
  2. not really bustin the guy's balls at all. He doesn't just happen to look like Charles Manson, he CHOSE to look like him. great ball player who finally showed up in the series. But he did not singlehandedly beat NY. Ortiz played more of a part in beating them than he did. The Yankees were done after game 5, as far as I'm concerned. Being a nice guy has nothing to do with the fact that he looks like hell and looks like one of the world's craziest people. people may say the same about me, and I wouldn't hold it against them.
  3. Charles Manson all the way http://www.taroteam.com/photos/542a759e73708d3c.jpg http://www.carpenoctem.tv/img/manson.jpg
  4. only 6 weeks in, i know, but you gotta admit, his team looks NOTHING like they did last year. Our team looks pretty much the same. I'm still supporting Mularky, but I was one of the few on this board looking for Ralph to send everything he possibly could to obtain Coughlin. on discipline, mistakes: ''Things have gone well for us, and I think a lot of that credit belongs to Tom, the way he's been coaching us and directing us towards not making mistakes and playing smart football,'' running back Tiki Barber says. ''So we're winning.'' on the camp violations: ''People sensationalized that story,'' says Strahan, one of four fined Giants who filed grievances with the union. ''Guys have done everything he has asked us to do, and we have seen that it works. Like with any coaching staff, it's not 100%, but things are good right now.'' http://www.nflplayers.com/news/news_release.aspx?id=2877 i know it's early, but I'd much rather be 4-1 than 1-4.
  5. back when they drafted him, i remember running to the computer and downloading that clip. I wanted to save it for a time like this. you beat me to it.
  6. that dude was steady. I love old time football.
  7. i'm going to email him when the Sox loose the next game. I'm going to say I'm a Bills fan and he should go look in the mirror.........That's me after Seymor ran back that fumble for a TD. Say hello to me.
  8. a few years ago, Nebraska had a RB named Thunder Collins. I tend to think you are automatically cool if you are given that name at birth. EDITED just did a search on him. maybe he ain't so cool. apparently had some run in with the law for an assault and also had some NCAA violations. OOPS
  9. for me, it never got any better than this. It screams Class and I like the white helmets. Reminds me of snow: http://www.helmethut.com/bufchar.jpg http://www.billszone.com/coppermine/albums...Defense1975.jpg http://www.bucpower.com/pear-buf76.jpg http://www.helmethut.com/ferg2.jpg
  10. sample: 8:46 -- The Sports Gal brightens up noticably during a highlight of Albert Pujols's two-run homer in St. Louis, and only because his name is pronounced "Poo Holes." I didn't realize I was married to Beavis. http://sports.espn.go.com/espn/page2/simmons/index
  11. i guess he went Down To The Crossroads in a bit of a hurry
  12. Mike I love my Bills, but there is no reason this team shouldn't NUKE the fins this sunday. with that said, I'd almost feel guilty for gloating about a win against them, in the same way I might feel for beating my dog at a finger snapping contest.
  13. 8 k's for Moose. Maybe Schilling should have worked on shutting himself up.
  14. The Officials are consistent this year. My team has lost all it's games through nobody's fault but their own. Failure to score points will do that. But every week so far, my team has been screwed resulting in TD's being taken away or TD's practically GIVEN to the other team. EVERY WEEK!!!!!!!! - why was a chop block called last night? if anyone saw the play, the guy that went low did so with no other blocker on the guy. This is legal. -Al Harris was seen showing Drew Bennett's family photos to the rest of his teammates on the sidelines. How do they not call PI on that blatant mugging? That was my fantasy WR too!!! -there was an INT that was called as an incomplete. I like that new rookie ref they had in there. He looked like one of them guys on that new Miller Lite commercial who flags guys for handing out bad beer. He even pointed in the wrong direction once and quickly recovered and pointed the right way. Looked like a bad 80's dance move. Can two guys sound more depressed calling Brett's INT's than Al Micheals and Madden??? You'd think their jobs depended on Favre having a good game. They could care less if Jesus F'd up and lost the annual wine making contest by whipping up a bad batch of grape koolaid. But Brett Favre throw multiple INT's at home???? We've seen this before, haven't we? I love all the excuses too. "Oh they disguised that coverage there, that's why he threw that one." What disguise??? Tank Williams have a fake nose and glasses on his face mask? I saw a bunch of really bad throws, rookie-like throws, dare I say BLEDSOE-type throws. How about how much they ram it in our face how GREAT the Green Bay fans are? Season ticket waiting list has people on from the early 70's. Well, if our team played in a town of 162 people, we'd be able to brag about that same thing. them cheesehead fans looked real loyal at the 14:03 mark of the 4th quarter. Wonder how many women and children got trampled in that mass-exodus. Notice how there had to be something evil in the air for this Brett Favre nightmare to occur on MNF? "you could just tell it wasn't the same when you walked in here today." Lambeau Mystique? More like Lambeau Mistake. If it seems like I'm piling on Green Bay for losing their 4th in a row, well,......I am! sorry, but misery loves company. BTW, when Michelle Tafoya is the best looking thing on the sidelines on MNF, you know your in Wisconsin.
  15. give us SF's or SD's offense. Keep our Defense. I guarantee you we are not 0-4 and we are better than .500
  16. unfortunately, players don't come with "playmaker" tattoed on their foreheads. But if they did, I can still see TD taking a guy with a clean forehead on a gut feeling anyway
  17. it's the whole Bledsoe/Moulds "we have to put this team on our backs" attitude. Drew is obsessed with looking for Moulds. You know he's doubled, you know your opponent is going to blitz you, .....gee, maybe that might be a good indicator that Evans is seeing 1 on 1 coverage. I got an idea: How about an offensive pass play that looks at Evans FIRST. Drew, you can look Mould's way to keep them honest, but go to your speed guy sometimes. Make them pay. Is this not why they picked him 13 overall????????? Hint: the answer isn't "no".
  18. I watched at a friend's house. He's a Browns fan. I grabbed my keys after Evans' TD. He talked me into staying, so I did. But I knew EXACTLY how it would end.............I was right.
  19. hey! get off Rudy's computer!!!! Seriously, Good post Rudy. Anything is possible. You gotta believe.
  20. Hey, why the insults? What did Homer ever do to you????
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