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Pine Barrens Mafia

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Everything posted by Pine Barrens Mafia

  1. Not even at the tailgate? OH, in England. They don't tailgate there, do they? ?
  2. Nice post. It's easy for those of us with a ton of games attended to forget just how fun the first one was.
  3. Also, have to defend the pass. Which is why I'm not too concerned about run defense. Good thing too, given some of our personnel choices
  4. The next time I take anything Jason Fitz says as gospel will be the first.
  5. There is no denying that. Lotta feeble hearts in this fan base
  6. It's not what WE do. WE is an all-inclusive term. I don't sit here chewing on my nails, waiting for the roof to collapse in on my head. Only people with weak stomachs do that.
  7. Love all these dire warnings of impending doom this week.
  8. So much this it isn't funny. The browns are 2-6 for a reason.
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