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Everything posted by Park

  1. Ha, it's not surprising you idiots don't know the difference between a typo and a spelling error. Anyway, that's on top of you extreme economic ignorance. Cutting Federal spending will only increase unemployment, lower consumer spending and lead to more unemployment.
  2. The Fed's budget? What are you talking about? And people do support returning taxes on the wealthy the Clinton era levels. Who's been screaming about run away deficits since 2009?
  3. http://www.washingtonpost.com/business/economy/bernanke-warns-congress-of-economic-slowdown/2012/07/17/gJQAlCW8qW_story.html?hpid=z2 Really? Just let the wealthy pay what they did under Clinton and keep the cuts for the vast majority of working Americans, you know, the consumers who actually create the jobs
  4. It just a totally idiotic statement. You agree with it? You must agree with me that it a totally foolish thing to say.
  5. This is just flat out wrong and pretty silly, actually
  6. Hey Tom, your little buddy is a cute one, isn't he? He wants to vote for a president that "knows" macro-economics is all bunk, lol
  7. http://dealbook.nytimes.com/2012/07/14/u-s-is-building-criminal-cases-in-rate-fixing/?nl=todaysheadlines&emc=edit_th_20120715 One wonders if this is a reason Mitt boy is raising so much money. If he is elected this case will probably end post haste. Oh!!!!!!!!!!! That's what you think happened? Actually I was rubbing your face in my crap and your moderator buddy kicked me out to save you. You need help, I don't. How's my poop taste?
  8. Alabama governor calls on Romney to release his taxes. http://news.yahoo.com/gop-governor-calls-mitt-romney-release-additional-tax-223443345--abc-news-politics.html Let's us have them!!
  9. You are proving Pastas exact point! Too funny! Pasta is pointing out that that Romney is being smothered in bs, he's isn't making an economic point at all. You are correct about the economics, but so what? The American people don't understand anything at all about economics. Too funny how you simply walked into that one!
  10. Well, the Republican's BS about Obama hurting the economy just got trumped by Obama's BS about outsourcing. God grant the right! And Romney just looks and acts like a big phony, anyway
  11. Thomas Jefferson: Hamilton's economic program will lead us off the fiscal cliff! Change the names and plans around through the decades and its all the same. Still waiting to hit that cliff
  12. Or Williard will swing his man purse at him! http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/ticket/romney-calls-obama-apologize-bain-attacks-221652801.html Who is running this idiots campaign? If Mitt does win, he may very well be the most annoying loser to be President ever
  13. Yes, you are sorry. And the reason you don't want to answer is because silly little you trying to explain why the established field of macro economics is bs is because your argument is simply stupid. If you are going to make such outrageously stupid statements be prepared for people to call you on them. But if you want to try, I'd love to laugh at your attempt to defend your idiocy.
  14. So macro economics is bs? Wanna explain that to us? What, you want a medel for being a spinner? Ok, congrats, you are a nice bull s@@@@
  15. Ha ha, technically, we are still in France, too, so piss on you. You prove me wrong Insurance leads to care to you moron Deficits help ease recessions and provide pumping priming, deficits happen boo hoo Ya Obama!!!
  16. He got us out of Iraq over the loud and angry protests of the guy he ran against. Thank God! His policies eased the recession and kept it from getting much worse, again, over the protests of the GOP He bailed out the auto industry that Mitt Romney said should go bankrupt and that would fail, but when it didn't Mitt changed his story to make it seem like Obama listed to him all along. He put two liberals on the supreme court He has passed major health care reform which has and will help millions get, um, well, health care. He's cut payroll taxes He's such a good President!
  17. The people who are trying to disenfranchise literally millions of voters are whimpering over Obama calling poor little Mitt out over his vulture capitalism. Good grief!
  18. If that's the only issue, how much money, then Romney is simply a terrible politician and leader. These tax returns should have been released years ago. It will be a surprise he is rich?? If on the other hand he is hiding them because there is something else, well...then he still just better release them and let Obama clobber him to a bloody pulp over it so we can all go on our merry way to Four More Years! But he can simply hold onto them and he can be bashed for hiding them. Either way
  19. Growing chorus of Republicans calling on Romney to release her tax records. What's he hiding????? The American people want to know! http://2012.talkingpointsmemo.com/2012/07/growing-republican-chorus-pushes-romney-to-release-tax-returns.php?ref=fpb
  20. http://hosted2.ap.org/NYBUE/f7ded15e4d4846268a17b79c1c4b7cb8/Article_2012-07-13-Texas%20Voter%20ID%20Trial/id-12d3c9ebc3cc4c3783a43d7fcf38f024 Feds to rule on Texas attempt to stop citizens from voting
  21. I love it! While Conservatives are whimpering that Romney needs to actually fight, Obama is murdering this sniveling little creep. Let the whining losers complain that Obama is playing too rough for them, this is winner take all politics and the weak should be crushed. David Gergan, who is connected with Bain Capital, by the way, was whining on CNN about Obama playing to hard against Princess Romney, whatever! Destroy the enemy and do it while ya smile!
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