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Everything posted by Park

  1. http://www.latimes.com/news/politics/la-pn-romney-hamptons-fundraiser-20120708,0,4909639.story?track=rss&utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter&dlvrit=56325
  2. Almost all the Democratic states had increases, also. What a stupid "news" story
  3. wHY Do you put words in people's mouths? That's so ignorant, yet typical of mindless posters. I never said anything about President Bush and if you can prove me wrong, go ahead, if not just shut your ignorant mouth
  4. It won't work. The lousy economy is not Obama's fault and voters know that. Romney hiding his financial life away is a real issue. Why won't he do what every other Presidential contender has done? Probably because he's hiding something. And what's Romney's plan for the economy? More of what he is hiding in his tax returns probably. He just sees you for what you are
  5. Mitt, you have to be President BEFORE you claim executive privilege, not the other way around. This guy's dirty as hell, he is a poster child for how the few are screwing everyone else over. He wants to hide all his wealth and then throw people off of their health care--It's this cheaters number one priority, to take away people's health care and give himself and even bigger tax advantage. What a world! What is he hiding? And I'm sorry for angering you Republicans so much, but what is he hiding?
  6. Ha ha ha!!! Ya, Obama really got a C in a class, really serious stuff. So you are ok with Romney's hiding his off shore accounts? I'm not, I hope he is destroyed by this! Tax cheats shouldn't be president
  7. Release your tax returns Mitt! What are you hiding? We want to know, hopefully it destroys you!
  8. Release your taxes Mitt! Let us know how much you cheat us you dirty thing. He reminds me of Nixon, he will say anything and wants it too bad. Cheater!
  9. Romney the flip flopper will change that!
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