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Everything posted by Park

  1. I would too! But the average American won't give a fart about that. Mitt seems to me a double edged sword, his ambition is obvious. He really reminds me of Nixon a lot. That said, Nixon did a lot of great things, to go along with the shame he brought to the office, but still, Nixon did some great things. Maybe Mitt pulls off the good without the bad, I don't know, no one does
  2. Nice job Tom. I see my Apple stock is down 5% in after hours trading. I'm still way ahead on it, but it still is a downer. No problem though, in lower prices there is only opportunity to buy and long term this is simply a bump in the road. Europe is a disaster though. Romney hit the jack pot on that. With the housing market recovering here and Europe probably getting their house in order before 2016 I'm sure it's 8 years of Mitt. Oh well, he will be better than Bush I bet . We shall see Wait till unemployment hits 10% again, which it will...those numbers will change to Romney pretty quickly
  3. Lol, sorry, I didn't see that. I watched my stocks fall all well, saw McDonalds and Apple miss their earning in first time in forever and can see what's going on. Put a fork in Obama, he is done * I hope I am wrong
  4. The real question should be, how in the he'll is Romney not up by 10 points now? The economy is a disaster and Obama is still winning. It looks like Europe is in recession and that's killing our economy, so Romney is probably gong to win I do not see how Obama can win now
  5. You are just irrational angry, and if the government didnt exist you'd be howling about God or the devil or something else.
  6. Europe with it's weak central government is again dragging down world markets. Where is the rugged individualist to save the situation? Thank goodness for our strong federal government! If only Europe could get past it's antiquated states rights phase we can get this economy moving again
  7. Sounds like a pretty good deal, actually! Getting 40%! But to your point about just pay as we go, the left wanted to do that for the Iraq War, pay as we go, that didn't go too far, though.
  8. and suddenly every CEO in the country will be "making less that $250,000 a year" nudge nudge, wink wink.
  9. The Ryan plan will basically screw the middle class real hard, while driving dump truck loads of cash to the already super wealthy. This is no secret.
  10. So the people with the vast majority of the wealth are going to be given the same tax cut as those struggling? And those who are struggling will also see their health care costs rise under Romney/Ryan plans. So its screw everyone so the super wealthy can have even more wealth that they can store away in the Cayman Island? Sounds like a real deal, a raw deal
  11. Leaks from the White House? That's never happened before
  12. So you disagree with the argument that global warming is happening and that humans are causing it? You so smart
  13. I drove past Deleware park today and the grass is all brown. I've never seen it like that before. The whole city is basically suffering from brown grass
  14. This just tell me you know little about politics. And that means you are easily manipulated.
  15. Hey, check out this moron, now unpredictable things in the future are facts! Nice one!
  16. I'm making a political argument. Forget everything else.
  17. Romney has made one big economic decision already and it has turned into a real loser for him. He wanted to let Detroit go bankrupt and everyone who is not retarded knows this was a foolish thing and it's going to cost him in the mid west states dearly. Biden over the weekend was hammer that message in Ohio
  18. That's an interesting take. I respect your honesty. Can you explain why these two are rated so low by yourself? How do they compare to other Presidents, in your opinion?
  19. You mean when demand increases? Ya, the price will rise, simple economics there
  20. Seems like Republicans think that and it explains the disappearing act
  21. He will release them, but he has already hurt himself by being stupid and cowardly by not doing it sooner. Obama can certaintly have them leaked to the press through the IRS
  22. The government we have now, now answer my question mr Dodger! The strong government helps the economy, an example? John Dilenger was killed on this day in 1934 by the government, that was a good thing for the economy, and many, many other things like that Answer my question! And make it a big long answer
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