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Everything posted by Park

  1. I know. And taxes will take 28% more because it's a short term move???
  2. Hate you!!! You cash in 200% today and beat at bashing that moron!
  3. Deer? Yes, please keep agreeing with Chef! It makes me look good
  4. Want the masses to worship do you? That will fix them!
  5. Or stuff it in bank accounts inn the caymans, which is not being invested, it's just sitting there No
  6. What? Speak English or at least make sense
  7. Back in the 1990's the big Conservative idea was to let the Churches do more to take care of everyone. While here would be more misery, at least we would be more spiritual!
  8. Ok, you got me, I wouldnt pull the poor dears down to our rotten level, but a lot closer. Gees, they literally have so much money they have no idea what to do with I all.
  9. I'm just saying, if they did take away 80%, he probably wouldn't have to live very differently. He has that much money. What would he have to do without if the government took it away? What would it hurt him?
  10. Poor CEO's Mariah? Well, I didn't know about it. But if she had to fork over half of it for taxes I'm sure her lifestyl would be changed.
  11. The government could take away 4/5 of Romeny's wealth and it wouldn't compromise the guys lifestyle at all, he has that much money
  12. You don't think the stratification of wealth has massively increased in the last few decades? And I like my cough syrup, thank you
  13. Oh, I do, I miss it a lot, North Buffalo is a great place. I visit often and will move back when I can
  14. Hey, America in the 1950's made CEO's like Romney's dad live like the rest of us Why not?
  15. Lol, last summer I was in Springfield and I visited New Salem, both were awesome, Lincoln's home, his law office, the court house where he delivered the house divided speech, and New Salem where he grew up. Loved it! Douglas kind of reminds me of Romney, saying anything o please the south, and Douglas ended up being hated there, as will Mitt.
  16. Because they would have to live like the rest of us
  17. Do you miss Buffalo? Didn't you live on Colvin or something? I love that area
  18. Freeport, Lincoln and Douglas debated there! That produced the Freeport Doctrine!
  19. What, the caymans, Swiss bank accounts, inside access because of his father, making billions n hedge funds isn't enough? Wow! Oh, he might only own 10 houses instead of 12??? Please! I can actually care less about the super wealthy "maintaing their lifestyles"
  20. No. And seriously??? He needs that account to "maintain his super wealthy life style"? Omg! I now feel sorry for him! Does he? I answered the question, now you answer it!
  21. I'm in no way saying anything illegal was done, but anyone who has an IRA would know instantly that what he is doing is not what the IRA was meant for. I put almost 5k away each year in mine, as close as I can figure it to stock purchased, and I will never end up anywhere close to what he has. It just shows how the game is rigged for the wealthy
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