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Everything posted by Park

  1. So you think he should jut release his taxes?
  2. http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/ticket/obama-leads-romney-three-battleground-states-poll-shows-103942709.html
  3. His comments about giving Isreal a blank check for war should be the only thing we are talking about. It's a huge issue
  4. http://www.realclearpolitics.com/articles/2012/07/31/romneys_credibility_gap_114959.html
  5. http://blogs.buffalonews.com/sulliview/2012/07/for-buffalo-a-tip-of-the-hat-from-syracuse-on-redeveloping-the-waterfront.html
  6. What will president Mitt Romney do about this problem? Or is franking for low climate change emission natural gas the answer?
  7. You are a total idiot. This issue is pretty complex, so you should probably just sit it out. Backing the attack would be supporting it, Israel can't do it themselves, and on top of that there is the straights of Hormuz issue
  8. Good post Oh? http://news.yahoo.com/israel-denies-seeing-us-iran-strike-plan-093247382.html Seems like Romney and his former Bush Administration officials are the only pushing war on our side. neocons, vote for the neocons, they love America? Ron Paul is quiet
  9. Ok...Obama has not got in a war, has continually cautioned about attacking anyone and the Israelis are sure unhappy with him. Mitt on the other hand says he is walking hand in hand with any plans for an attack. Now, Ron Paul is going to give a speech at the RNC, isn't he? To support this? If he does he is a complete fraud The question of course becomes who is more likely to use those plans. Mitt's and other Republican's rhetoric seems to indicate that they are. Mitt's whole foreign policy team is the old neo-con crowd, the Bush people
  10. http://news.yahoo.com/adviser-romney-back-strike-against-iran-072640314.html Here we go again. So basically we are electing a guy that is promising to give full backing to the guys that are just chomping at the bit to either attack themselves--not likely--or get a draft dodging coward president to send American troops to do their job for them--more likely. Will Ron Paul denounce this? No way! So it's another war, and I'm sure we can pay for it with tax cuts and cutting health care to boot. Woooo hooooo!
  11. Get ready Tea Party, another bailout! http://news.yahoo.com/house-act-livestock-drought-aid-speaker-boehner-163916336.html Bailing out the rugged individualist farmers
  12. And Senate Democrats pass a bill extending middle class tax cuts
  13. Did deficit spending on world war two lead to an end of great depression? And didn't Ronald Reagan's economy grow on deficit spending, to list just two examples? Or were those just coincidences?
  14. Ya Rob, you are pretty much a retard.
  15. Little to do with their political system? Have you ever heard or read about the court case Gibbons vs Ogden?
  16. Of course they do. The country was founded upon the public debt. Hamilton lifted the country out of a major depression by creating the good faith and credit of the nation, paying off the states revolutionary war debts and allowing for domestic and foreign credit to flow through the new United States. How can this even be a serious question?
  17. It's called having those people unified under a single political and economic system, unlike Europe. Now, what do you think Mitt will be like as our "Anglo-Saxon" president? http://m.upi.com/story/UPI-62941343199600/
  18. I do. How about you, why do you think it is so?
  19. President Buchannan was a racist! And commies have the number 2 economy in world now....and climbing!
  20. The Southern GOP would not compromise on anything unless they absolutely had to. Will they refuse to raise the debt limit for Romney? I doubt it And it looks like the economy is going off a cliff soon,led by Europe, so yes, I have Romney at 70-30 to win
  21. What type of President do you think he'll make if he wins? I think he will have a real tough time with some in his own party. The cut and slashers will hold his heals to the fire, but that said, he may be able to form a somewhat broad coalition of Dems and moderate Republicans in a way that a black president could not do. If he simply tries to appease the tea party crowd then he will be a failed president, but if he can compromise with enough on both sides he might get somethings done. 'Twill be interesting either way
  22. You just said I don't know anything about economics and you post this ignorance?? Pray tell, what should our President have done to make the Euro Zone more stable? Wow, you are a total idiot!
  23. Hey B word, we Chinese have the number 2 economy now, and we are commies. Fear us!
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