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Everything posted by Park

  1. I'd return them to Clinton era tax levels, maybe somewhat higher. Now I answered, you explain to us what you think they should be and stop dodging the question, just answer for once. And why???
  2. But without a strong government the economy wouldn't work, you agree with that, right?
  3. I'm not exactly sure, can you tell me what you think it should be and why? Where do you want the tax rate and why? If you ask, you should be able to answer, right?
  4. They are held in such low regard in this country that Romney had to sneak into see Cheney and made sure no one could so much as take a picture of them while Bush hasn't even been invited to the Convention. Why? Because the policies they followed, the same ones Romney will follow again, failed America. Sure, new face but same crap. There is a reason Bush and Cheney are so hated.
  5. Ya, whatever happened to all those conservatives claiming inflation would be wildly out of control if we borrowed more money? Another shibboleth of the right proved wrong
  6. Go build your business in Somalia then if you "do it all by yourself"
  7. I don't know, he won't release his taxes so its impossible to say. Why should he pay taxes? Come on! How much do you think he should pay and why that much? What? No parable about sticks you broke up in your yard? This stick is big and this one is small, life is unfair
  8. And no one knows what Mitt paid in taxes, that's for for!
  9. Come on dude, that's such a stupid thing to say. You are like the guy in the joke who brings a knife to a gun fight. You. Ron Paulers can't seem to. Understand there are different shades of gray,
  10. You Conservatives always blaming the government for everything. You think things would improve if they. Just ended welfare? They can't find enough jobs for the people that want to work as it is
  11. So welfare created that kid? Is that the inference we are suppose to draw? What if they didn't have a social safety net, that kid would just be good?
  12. This is absolute nonsense. Stimulus spending doesn't kill future demand. The growth of the overall economy ensures that the debt impact will be minimized. You pay it back with cheaper money, and we pay it back basically to ourselves anyway, so we spend it again, I.e. Create more future demand.
  13. Oh I get it, so your little club is just as dangerous as a semi-automatic rifle....ya, that sure makes a lot of sense.
  14. Fine, you are right, even if you are a total douche bag. But that just makes it more politically idiotic not to release the taxes so we can see what this guy who wants to be our president has handled his affairs
  15. It's taken you this long to figure out that dupty dog who shot an unarmed kid isn't very bright? The neighborhood watch gig didn't give it away to you? Maybe if he had dressed as the fist of justice you might have got an idea he wasn't too bright early on.
  16. This is just going to keep happening. Nothing is going to stop this. Its just a way of life now, unfortunately.
  17. Says the moron with over 7k posts, of which none had had anything intelligent to say.
  18. I totally agree with you. I hope Romney ignores the advice of all the Republicans who say he has to release them or lose the election. Stand on principle Mitt! Lose the election if you must, but keep hiding your life's history from the people you want to vote for you!
  19. Everyday I wake up and see he hasn't released them I do a harty "hurrah!" This Tricky Mitt is obviously hiding a bomb shell but the longer he hides the greater the drama grows. John McCain has seen them and really hasn't said anything. But we do know this. He didn't pick Mitt as a running mate. He took Palin instead, lol. Could be related to the taxes? We don't know. What's he hiding???
  20. It's Constitutional! That's good! And anything that helps people afford health care is good. People that want to deny others health care are bad. Jobs are bad! Boooo!
  21. Those free trade agreements he pushed through congress are good economic policy, and he actually stood up to people in his own party to get those done, something a Republican would never do
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