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Everything posted by yall

  1. A few of the usual suspects (NYT, etc.) are reframing the narrative and calling Google bad not because their AI pretends being white is bad/offensive and instead is saying Google AI is wrong for depicting Nazis as black. I mean you just can't make this stuff up. "Google Chatbot’s A.I. Images Put People of Color in Nazi-Era Uniforms" https://www.nytimes.com/2024/02/22/technology/google-gemini-german-uniforms.html Well if you refuse to depict Caucasians you aren't left with many options.
  2. I like how the tweet conveniently leaves out the request it was provided to generate those images.
  3. They reinstated him. You're aware of that right? As far as the quality of his research, that article does call into question some interesting points regarding the frequency of stops. Nonetheless, it was interesting that those charges came up shortly after that article was published because it pissed a lot of people off.
  4. Who are all these people that have these ideas about what black women should or shouldn't do? It's funny because I only ever hear that notion from one type of person...
  5. It's nothing like Judge _____ unless they say "and then I proceeded to..." at least 3 times.
  6. The clarification is even more comical. "When I said Hamas is not a terrorist organization for us I meant the UN doesn't have them on a list of designated terrorists." Um, yeah we get it. That doesn't make it somehow better. 😂
  7. I e openly stated that for an eventual peaceful resolution Israel needs to do their part which includes reigning in settlers and work towards a two state solution, something the Palestinians keep rejecting in favor of continued violence. As far as consent of the people, it's true that Hamas won control via plurality not majority, but you cannot ignore the fact that the population has allowed them to openly operate for years and provide support under the guide of opposing them (just look at how the UN reps there were "shocked" to find a base under their building or how the "journalists" were actively participating in 10/7).
  8. I am, and you can. But it doesn't make you right. It's war, and one not started by Israel. When most of your neighbors have the stated goal of your destruction, this can't be a surprising nor unwarranted outcome. When you elect a government that is effectively a terrorist group and allow them to use your mosques and hospitals as staging grounds for attacks and holding centers for hostages you lose any moral high ground.
  9. Pretty much this. It's plain to see they are rotten to the core, but to prove they actually perjured themselves needs a little more than gut feelings.
  10. I'm assuming it means under 18 in this context. Although recently people have started grouping 18 year olds in the category of "children" when reporting on certain things like victims of gun violence.
  11. In a surprise to absolutely no one who is paying attention, it's now being initially reported that the shooters were juveniles who were having a dispute.
  12. 54% in 2021. https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2023/04/26/what-the-data-says-about-gun-deaths-in-the-u-s/
  13. About the same, but that includes suicide by firearms which are over half of total gun deaths.
  14. Probably not in this case. Street beef/gang related is my bet given that two people are in custody.
  15. Oh the irony of attacking the very thing that allows you to protest.
  16. I'll stop with the insinuating then; it's antisemitism.
  17. Isn't Russia indiscriminately blowing up ***** in Ukraine? Funny, because that's been going on for a while and yet I haven't seen global protests condemning that, and in that case they are purely the aggressor, not a nation responding to an existential threat. I can't imagine what the difference could be...
  18. A lot of WNY'ers say "I seen" and it's nothing short of maddening.
  19. Man, if that isn't some WNY grammar, I don't know what is!
  20. Intersectionality at it's finest, showing how the most vocal antisemites also hate America, think 9/11 was an inside job, support Hamas, etc.
  21. It's not particularly notable because he's always been an idiot who says stupid *****. But then again so has Biden. The difference seems to be that one is a current commander in chief and appears to be in rapid cognitive decline.
  22. Try reading that conversation again and look at the question to which I was responding. Settle down Beavis.
  23. Explicitly stated? No he hasn't. But I think anyone who is paying attention can clearly see he's trying to stir something up with his purposefully cagey statements and vague tweets.
  24. The trade rumors may well be nonsense, but a trade is probably his only way out. If he wants to endear himself to any potential suitors, of course he's going to put on a good public face.
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