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Everything posted by Thirdborn

  1. Yay .... I'm closer to 50 than to 40 Thanks guys.
  2. Remember Carl Mauk? ( O line coach a few years back ) I always expected his head to explode.
  3. It's a sad sad day when I have to say Pooh Pooh on you. My Trent has crumbled.
  4. Sd, I vote dem, and am well armed. I shoot at the range monthly, and have more than several firearms and long guns. I also have more than a few dem friends that shoot. No one is going to take away our right to bear arms. Let em try.
  5. Trent is the best QB we've had since Kelly ..... He's only 2 years old for christs sake.
  6. If you love her, have her move in, file a restraing order / no contact, and get firearm training if you haven't already. Oh yeah, concealed weapons permit and a revolver ( very dependable) However, I would suggest you think this thing through thoroughly before you make any decisions, cause your life is gonna change in a big way. Don't be suprised if she begs you to smack her around when you have your first fight . If you don't love her, but want to help her, you're still gonna need to protect yourself from the P.O.S. boyfriend. Think hard.
  7. http://www.distantreplays.com/distant/sear...rtby_dropdown=3
  8. Soooooo much easier on the eyes http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=02e5EWUP5TE
  9. arriving first at a bar in Seattle to claim the Bills game on the corner tv..... 3-0 is all we get for the first quarter ..... helium baloons? seriusly? We "watch the game" on a cell phone, and shout louder than anyone , for a first down. We have people coming to our table for updates. We ( Bills fans) are enetring Rome on a Chariot. Yeah .... I said it.
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