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Everything posted by Thirdborn

  1. I don't think anyone can prevent someone from indiscriminately shooting up a random group of people. If someone who was armed intervened, and they were skilled enough, I concede that they could reduce the ammount of deaths, but it wouldn't disuade the shooter from committing the act.
  2. Ok, I've been thinking. So far we're off to a good start. It is not my intention to Demonize or Lionize the gun owners, but to examine the liklihood that there is a small but significant portion of the community that share the following experiences: own guns, have a distrust of authority, consider it not so much as their right to protect themselves, their loved ones, and their property,as it is their duty to do so. Now, from that group of gun owners , there is a liklihood that there are those with a disdain for the government... Democrats, Liberals, socialists, Obama, the U.N., .......... I think these people would still fit in the "mainstream". of social mores, and are entitled to their views. These people are not a threat. But finally, I believe this is where the people who shoot themselves after they destroy as many others as possible, have made the leap to Hell. Anyone who has ever discharged a firearm has met at one point, or another, that dude that was a little too into it. How difficult would it be to believe that there were a significant number of US gun possessing individuals that are without a job, depressed, angry, and prone to a survivalist mentality. I think I am seeing these same people being fired up and manipulated by fear based rhetoric. Chuck Norris wants to cecede to Texas Obama wants to take your guns away, A Senator delcares that she is behind enemy lines when she refers to the WhiteHouse, Cheney howling that we are defensless and are begging to be attacked. The president is an empty suit at best, possibly an Islamic terrorist, not even born in this country. And we are in a depression. I believe this is the backwater that spawns the mass shooters. I expect to see at least 15 more mass shootings in the U.S. alone this year. Am I making an unreasonable assumption? (Go easy on me .... I didn't vomit forth one link)
  3. Here's an interesting presumption http://www.examiner.com/x-504-Space-News-E...Sunday-fireball
  4. I hate to be a buzzkill ...... But, the show culminates with an epsiode that has the entire cast flying low over the moon and seeing "earth" for the very first time. upon arrival, they realize that the inhabitatants don't have a spoken language, or any real culture for that matter, and we are told that our cast decides to give up all technology in order to begin anew..... to break the cycle ....... sorry.
  5. Squidbillies "Ah Aint the sumbitch thet pregnified and bangulated thet thar whatwoman"
  6. Doh! http://www.physorg.com/news154375644.html
  7. Every time I watch tim and eric / tom goes to the mayor, I find that I find it easier to remember to take my meds. Squidbillies is by far williams stret's greatest achievement .....no disrespect to Master Shake. also listen closely and you will find that they are the same few folks that do most of the voices for all the shows.... eg: Master shake is the squidbillies Grandmother, and the coach in Home Movies was Morpeus' master in The Venture twins. I watch too much Adult Swim.
  8. AND....... Why doesn't Walt have to come back??
  9. Best of luck. sticking yourself with needles sucks. take care.
  10. ........ and I didn't read mikes post before I made mine ...... I, then concur.
  11. You would seem to havr far too much time on your hands. Now my brain hurts.
  12. My sources deep within two Bills Drive say emphatically that we will bring back Billy Joe Hobart.
  13. How very Bizzare. Having said that, it is obvious that you are delusional, Dean. She wants ME. It is clear. AND...... It is unsettling that you feel an affinity for my sweetheart.
  14. This goes way back .... afternoon delight. I will smash a radio if I hear it.
  15. Check out the rogues gallery ..... quite a few hotties http://news.bostonherald.com/news/regional...gerous_liasons/
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