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Everything posted by Thirdborn

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JIpZxBczWUg can't wait
  2. number 4. burned into my brain http://www.ktla.com/community/photos/ktla-...82.photogallery
  3. I was on a plane and had to endure FAT ALBERT, a worse film has yet to be made
  4. My guts hurt sooooo bad from laughing. Nice find.
  5. I sucked worse than a grade school girl at catching as well .......... just sad. You would have kicked my ass if we let the girls play with us back then. On top of everything else, I was always picked last and always was a "skin". Oh yeah .... I couldn't climb the rope , so I would try to sneak to the back of the line. Never worked ..... I just hung there ... ashamed. I hate you all.
  6. That's because I started using Old Spice.
  7. I hate all you MF'ers!!!! I was THE scrawny kid with zero arm strength, who tripped over his own feet, so "dodging" was not an option. Dodgeball ruined my life! I hate you all!!!!
  8. I am the king of run on sentences. It is with heartfelt grief that I hereby declare that after faithfully viewing every episode to date I proclaim Lost has jumped the shark. Dude, did you fart? seriously? Miles finds his daddy? This was beyond gay. Yes ... gayhe. What lies in the shadow of the statue? who cares. I am bitter. I want nothing more to do with this circle jerk. ...... yeah, I said it.
  9. I certainly am not advocating the disarming of America. I own 3 handguns a rifle and a shotgun. I'm just thinking that maybe it would be a good thing if we didn't fan the flames. Things are bad, but the country is not going to fall into anarchy, like some talking heads proclaim.
  10. I would slightly ammend your take as follows the fear-mongering being driven by the right is causing unstable people with guns to freak out. But yes ... essentially thats my point.
  11. I don't dispute your second paragraph, however I believe that there have been examples of what would appear to be politically motivated killings Richard Poplawski kills three police officers in Pittsburgh, convinced that Jews controlled the media and President Obama was scheming to take away his arsenal 4/09 Jim Adkisson opened a guitar case at a Tennessee church pulling out a gun, killing two, and wounding four more. He targeted the congregation out of hatred, saying, “liberals should be killed because they were ruining the country.” 7/08 Timothy Johnson shot and killed the democratic party chairman of Arkansas, Bill Gwatney, 8/08
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