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Everything posted by JerseyBills

  1. Wow. That looks nothing like him whatsoever! Arguably the best CB to play the game , that's a pretty bad blunder. Mind boggling how this got approved!
  2. No chance in H E double hockey sticks any Coach/GM is going to urge guys not to play. No way tanking is even a thought for Belichick. If anyone thinks that's the case , they're delusional . Why even sign Cam then? Why not start stidham? I think it has some to do with D leader Devin Mccourty saying a cpl days ago , he sees guys acting wreckless and in the club and was pissed. I'm sure he was referring to teammates. They'll still go at least 6-10 -9-7 And these Pats players have rings , $ and are mostly vets.
  3. I disagree, if he's safe and the league has vigilant testing, he'll be fine imo. The issue is the guys who will hit a club , party , and act wreckless can jeopardize everybody. Testing is key but if he does his part, mask , washing hands , sacrifice a social life for football, should be fine. These guys love this game, it's therapy to alot of em. Respect to him. Helluva player too
  4. 2 more Bills made list. One for 3rd time and one for the 1st. Guessing it's Diggs and White.
  5. Agreed. I Love it. This team seems to thrive on being overlooked. Was worried we were getting to much love from the media. This time next year, after Allen has a superstar year and we make a run in the playoffs, everyone in the media will be on the bandwagon. I'm going to enjoy these articles while they last ?
  6. Diggs - 5 Allen - 4 Motor -2 Bob Woods -2 Smoke Brown - 2 ??
  7. He has been extremely consistent. People talking about his age don't understand that many pass rushers excel into their late 30s. He'll be 32 and playing in a DL rotation. He's a leader and works his butt off. I don't forsee a drop off because of age. I think he'll be more productive than Shaq and challenge Hughes as the best pass rusher. People are going to be shocked at how good this guy is. Super consistent
  8. Hughes abused him too in the WC game. 3 sacks , few hurries. Very overrated. Dion has the potential, and remember, year 2 he was on a disgustingly bad OL, year 3 he saw 4 new starters on his OL. Very excited to see him this year with continuity on the OL. At least 3 returning starters, if not 4 and same LG and C!!
  9. It's funny. Not 1 peep from NFL players. If they want to stop hate and racism in this world, they have to condemn it in every situation. Just goes to show BLM is a sham. Not the message but the Movement.
  10. I'll never forget Micah Hyde saying around week 8 of Edmund's rookie year , that he already feels he's going to be wearing a green jacket 1 day. Absolute Stud. Can't believe we snagged him at 16 , phenomenal trade up by Beane
  11. Ya I like MetLife. I live in NJ , about 15 min away from the stadium. I was at the opening XFL game there, had field access and it was an amazing experience. You can watch from field, or the stands and have a restaurant/bar right there on field level. Overall I feel it's a significant upgrade over the Meadowlands
  12. I see alot of comments very upset and saying they're done with the NFL. Is this further dividing things? I personally don't have a big issue with it but I don't like politics in my sports. Thoughts? https://www.yahoo.com/sports/-nfl-to-play-black-national-anthem-before-the-star-spangled-banner-at-week-1-games-211305337.html
  13. He was on a 3 gm win streak to his and Pits credit. But ya, that was easy $ for this defense.
  14. I don't want a political shouting match , but I completely disagree. I don't see much that can be done to control or contain this virus. If he started a quarantine earlier, cases would just spike when restrictions are lifted , as we're seeing. The virus wouldn't have went away , it would literally be the exact same outcome. Vaccination seems to be the only hope to getting life back to completely normal.
  15. I'm slowly coming to the realization there will be no NFL season. It's heartbreaking, with the Bill's being the favorite to win the division for the 1st time in my adult life but just a hard truth I'm going to have to accept
  16. No bail either. Once the inmates find out his charges , and they will , he'll either be constantly fighting or moved to AdSeg , or "The Hole" , where he'll be alone in a tiny cell for 23 hours a day.
  17. True or not , none of us know who Fromm really is , except those close to him. I've joked like this to close friends, especially in my early 20s , but never had a racist bone in my body. I'd imagine it being very hard going through high school and college with a bunch of mixed teammates, as the QB , and truly being a racist.
  18. Interesting, even his teammate Mike Thomas took a shot at him.. I personally agree with Brees regarding the flag . I also hate that athletes are held to a higher standard on social justice issues. They play ball for a living , and their opinions hold as much weight as yours or mine. https://www.yahoo.com/sports/drew-brees-addresses-nfl-players-kneeling-in-2020-i-will-never-agree-with-anybody-disrespecting-the-flag-164423496.html
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