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Everything posted by Bruce

  1. That's an interesting statistic, if true. I've taken up the 49ers as my playoff team, and I was thrilled to see them handle the 'Aint's like they did. Either way, I don't see the Patsies nor the Ravens being able to beat either NFC team in the Super Bowl. The Patsies are way too 1 dimensional now, and the Ravens IMO are a weak contender.
  2. I think that you got your math wrong, but he would owe. He said that he'll pay you $10 per GAME where he gets a sack, NOT $10 per sack. So, if 1/2 sacks are a wash, there a 9 games with a sack, thus Thoner owes $90- $7= $83
  3. I was thinking about this as I walked my dog this morning. Scott Chandler, Roscoe Parrish, and in some ways Fred Jackson are all in the same boat with the Bills. I, first of all, want all 3 back. However, as Nix indicated when talking about Chandler, the player needs to see his success for what it is...he's valued because of his role in the BILLS offense. Trying to chase down the money with a "grass is always greener" mentality may serve as a crude wake up call. With the exception of Jackson- who if cut or waived would be quickly picked up and paid- Chandler and Parrish have their greatest value WITH the Bills. For our sake, I hope that both Chandler and Parrish realize this when they are speaking with the Bills, and get their contracts locked up at reasonable rates for years to come.
  4. I don't want to say that Lee Evans was a bust for us, but...he was always an overly-glorified receiver who at best was a solid #2 if he were on a real team.
  5. I am not one who is in favor of this "pass happy" league. I think that while it insures instant gratification in the least interested of fans, in the long-term it threatens to make football extremely one dimensional. Taking away the running game and the strategy of play-calling for nothing but passing to me is boring. Sure, the league might be able to point to increased attendance and higher scoring, but I never really understood the need for higher scoring. The Buffalo News ran an article about making the NHL more interesting by trying to increase scoring. I don't know about you guys, but 8-7 and 6-5 hockey games are best reserved for the All-Star games, not the regular season or playoffs. If you really want to make hockey higher scoring, then just get rid of the goalie. Basketball on ice would satisfy these goons that just want scoring. Similarly, if the NFL wants a pass focused league, then it should just buy a bunch of arenas and make it indoor....oh, wait...we already have Arena League Football. I know that this has been a systemic move; as college and even high school teams are moving to be exclusively pass-oriented attacks. I don't think that increased scoring means increased revenue. I mean, why bother fielding defensive players then if it is not just for show? Defense, smash-mouth running and special teams have all been parts of the game. I understand the desire to help with player safety, but I think that they new kickoff rule has hurt the Bills more than any other team. Just like the elimination of the wedge rule hurt our return game, I don't see how eliminating kickoff returns are saving anyone's head. Why stop with the kickoff return game? Aren't punt returns just as dangerous? In fact, why even tackle? The players could get a boo-boo. Let's just see touchdowns and big passes and forget the rest. I can't stand this move by most leagues. IMO, if you have a game/ sport that has integrity, and is exciting solely on its merits, then you should never need to adjust things to sway favor one way or the other. Leave hockey alone. Leave football alone. No, I don't want a return (necessarily) of the clutch-and-grab, 2-1, and 1-0 style games made popular my the New Jersey Devils of the 90s. Likewise, I don't think 9-6 field goal contests of, say, Cleveland vs. Cincinatti would be very exciting. But there is value in integrity. There is money in strategy. I hope that the NFL, NHL, etc don't get too caught up in scoring at all costs. Because ultimately, to me atleast, that would seem like too expensive a cost to me to keep watching.
  6. Yeah, I like Spiller and all...but I still can't get how we let hometown Gronkowski slip away. Even Pierre-Paul satisfies a much greater need than Spiller. Teams just don't draft a RB that high anymore. You can get tremendous mileage and value with RB's in the later rounds of the draft. I'm not criticizing the pick of Spiller persay, but Pierre-Paul would have been much more cornerstone type of pick and Gronkowski would have helped more with our more immediate needs, as well.
  7. Making a comment like that, sounds like you never watched a Titans game when Fisher was the coach. His teams were always bruisers. They always beat teams up. I can remember divisional games when they would play the then-equally as physical Jaguars, Steelers, and Ravens. When the Jets were really tough, too. The Titans, despite not having as good of talent, always hung in with those teams with a hard-nosed, smash mouth, style that could be discouraging to say the least...and I watched the games!! The Titans would go blow-for-blow with any physical team...and win a good portion of the time. Now, looking at our Bills roster of IR candidates- yet again- and I breathe a tremendous sigh of relief that we wouldn't have to play a Fisher-led Dolphins team twice a year that would just clean our clock.
  8. sad to say, but after the Jauron-era of constantly picking DB's, we still are shaky back there. Certainly adding a couple of DEPENDABLE pass rush threats will go a loooong way towards helping our secondary, but Nix states wanting to add 2 DB's via the draft. They might have Corner and McKelvin in to compete for slots, but I think that if the rookies are better, those guys are gone. McKelvin may have a little bit of saving grace because of his flash in the return game...but let us not forget that it was McKelvin with that 4th quarter fumble on a return in a nail biter against the Patsies on Monday Night Football a couple of years ago that arguably cost the game. McKelvin, besides being thus far a bust of a 1st rounder, tends to fumble a bit too much. Troupe is a good one to lose, too...if injuries are any factor. Roscoe is finally in the right offense, but can't stay healthy. McGee is not getting any younger.
  9. So, I have to 2nd all of those replies where fans have been bashing the Bills for so long as the only team in the league that this type of thing happens to. I think that it is very interesting, especially when you add with it the recent meltdown in the Meadowlands locker room whereby certain unnamed Jets players were ripping apart the San-chize and asking for them to trade for Peyton Manning. This reeks of disarray on the Jets- but I would say that adding tony sporano to the Jets may bring with it some sweet retribution to the Dolphins twice a year when they play the Jets. So the Jets can't keep their team together, and the Dolphins are in a shambles. And the Patsies aren't getting any younger and have been terrible on defense. As Monty Burns would say on the Simpson: "Excellent". I'm glad Fisher chose the Rams. I, too, would dread the thought of having to play against Fisher led teams twice per. His Titan teams were just that...Titan! They were always tough- physically and mentally- to play against. It wasn't that long ago that Fisher led Titans, with underwhelming talent, were teaching teams like the Steelers and Ravens what smash-mouth football really is. And given the Bills penchant for injuries...no thank you! Until these Bills get off of IR on a consistent basis, a Jeff Fisher led Dolphins team would NOT be good for the Bills health. And anyone who badmouths Fisher as a coach does not know what they are talking about. Unless he was picked up by somebody else, he was probably looking at Floyd Reese- the GM in Tennessee when he was building those bruising teams.
  10. I love Fred Jackson, but the RB position in the NFL is not a 1st round draft pick compensatory pick position. I think that he is totally respected in the NFL, but given his age, and his position, there is no way anyone even remotely considers a trade of a 1st rounder for him.
  11. Anybody have the link where we can go and leave comments with the FCC about this? We subscribe to Sunday Ticket, and as a sports subscription package, I don't see how it is legal that blackouts can apply.
  12. Spoken like someone who was not around (or was too young to remember Jim Kelly). Kelly, did not want to come to Buffalo, either. Neither did Cornelius Bennett. Nor Bruce Smith. But when these players finally agreed to terms, things began to turn for the better. What, you're going to tell me that Green Freakin' Bay, WI is a paradise? An inland Hawaii? Not if you have a brain! What makes Green Bay so hot is that they are winning! That's all that matters. Look up reserve GB QB Graham Harrell. The Bills made a push to sign him off of GB's practice squad. With Aaron Rodgers firmly entrenched as a starter for many years to come, Harrell will probably never sniff the field except in clean up duty. He'd have a much better chance to play and be a #1 with Buffalo. Yet he chose GB. Why? GB is winning. If Buffalo starts to win, players will want to be in WNY. The danger is...will Ralph allow Mr. Burns (aka Littman and Overdorf) to loosen up the purse strings enough to pay for talent?
  13. I agree in principal with what you are saying...for some of it. Let's take your argument that building through the draft doesn't work. Not only is this biasedly untrue (as most of the league will attest), but to build off of free agent signings is brainless. Do I need to remind you of the pre-Shanahan, Snyder-owned Washington Redskins throwing money at any free agent with a pulse? That worked really well. I agree that what is really the cause of it all is Ralph and Overdorf/ Littman. A lack of investment in the product on the field is what has caused this decade of terrible play. But I don't see giving it a different name makes any difference. I say lack of depth. The Bills were 5-2, then lost most of their top WR's, Kyle Williams, Merriman (was he ever healthy?), Wood, both LT's...McGee...heck, even the Lindell went to IR. Once the starting lineup went down, so did the record. This, to me, says lack of depth because you should have good depth behind your starting lineup to see a minimal (if any) loss of production. So...yeah...not paying the Bills (no pun intended) when it came to player contracts over the past 10 years have taken their toll. I still think you keep Pat Williams, Antoine Winfield, and London Fletcher and build around those guys. Front office and coaching turnover/ bad decisions have influenced these moves, too. Donahoe supposedly was wanting to move away from those players. Stupid. Now Donahoe is gone, and we've had to clean up that mess since. But you say potato, I say potaaato.
  14. I don't think that it would make sense to lose Chan at this point. IF anything, this points to the poor talent still on this team after the 1st stringers than anything else. 3 more solid drafts like this years, 2-3 more free agent signings (like Scott Chandler), and if we are not in the playoffs as a legitimate contender than I say fire Chan. So my question...besides OLB/ edge rusher on defense, and not thinking of QB because of Fitz's contract....where do the Bills go in the 2012 draft? Heck, if we end up picking around 10-15, are there any good OLB 's available at that point? Offensive line? WR?
  15. You forget to notice that the Bills have no deep passing game. No threat of going deep. No deep talent. Period. Without any reason to have to play a deep game, defenses can play more man and stack the box against the run. I think the rash of injuries to the entire WR corp (really, could any team- even Green Bay- function without its top WR's?) has decimated the timing and rythym that Gailey-led offenses thrive on. But it would be moronic to give up now. It's too early. In 3 seasons, if this team is not in the playoffs as a legitimate threat, then it's time to fire Gailey.
  16. I like Chan. Coaches don't play. If Steve Johnson would fight for the darn ball...thats not an INT. Injuries have really set this team back- as we're not good enough to overcome them. I'd be interested to see our record if we had no injuries this year. Kyle Williams and Eric Wood were not on IR, and no injuries to the WR's. Without quality depth, we're a joke of a team. The defense finally showed some spirit today in the 2nd half. Of all the places to point fingers, I don't think Chan is one of them. You still have to give Chan and Buddy 2 more years. They were given a poop and you expect a Super Bowl?
  17. I hear you on the Patriots thing. As much as I hate them and their dynasty, and that pansy-boy Brady....I have begun to believe that the Bills fast start may have more to do with the lockout than with real improvement. As in: the lockout hurt the other teams more than the Bills, hence their early quick start.
  18. As most fans, I started the year on a high, and lately have been feeling craptacular every week. I feel good about this years draft. Williams, Dareus, Searcy, Sheppard, and #26 are all showing tremendous upside. I almost feel like the front office should not extend any contract at this point...because both Fitz and Pears have been horrendous since signing long-term deals. We're a good 3-5 years from any serious consideration, folks. It's going to take 3 more drafts like this past one and perhaps a couple of timely free agent signings (like Scott Chandler) that will help this team become great. I think that the front office is mostly intact, but perhaps we could lose a few scouts, and replace them with better ones? I don't know. Injuries are a part of the game, but man, the Bills keep getting hammered by this every year. With the change in strength and conditioning, I thought Allaire's missing persona would have been the culprit. I thought about anabolic drugs from opposing teams and their inflated body weights crushing our players. Miami's Bell and Washington's Landry immediately come to mind as overly steroided freaks. But that doesn't seem like it either. I guess it reverts back to "our talent pool is not as good as other teams". Given the rash of injuries to our starting lineups, and the lack of quality depth from the previous decade of suckitude, I think the Bills are still just not good enough. This tries my patience more than anything. I walked away from my 1st two bills games this year. Turned them off, and walked away. I've never done that in 22 years of watching the Bills. Heck- today's game was so boring, I set the DVR, and took my son to the mall to get a picture with Santa. The Bills are just not a priority in my life anymore. I'm considering not renewing the Sunday Ticket next year...as 10 years of $400+ could be better used for a car downpayment or something. I'll always be a Bills fan, I just don't know if I want to be a paying fan until things begin to get better.
  19. Given the fact that he was a tad undersized as a DE, and given the fact that he is now 34 years old...I don't see the Bills signing him unless they pull this retarded hybrid DE-OLB type thing with him. If they're putting Spencer Johnson at OLB, Schobel will prob be moved to Safety... :wallbash:
  20. How do you say that Wilson is NOT ripping Toronto? He's directly stating that the fans cheer for any big play, and wear any teams jersey (i.e.: they are not REAL Bills fans). Wilson does an excellent job pointing out that this hits their home-field advantage, and as a player representative, Wilson is speaking for more than just himself. This deal has nothing to do with what is best for the Buffalo Bills team, and has everything to do with what is best for the pocketbook of Mr. Wilson. I love the idea to regionalize the team, but is it a coincidence that the Bills have lost every game that they have played in Toronto thus far? It's a regular season game played in a pre-season environment. I would say that not only is a rip, but a solid criticism of selling the Bills out to a higher bidder. I hope that this plan is scrapped once the deal expires.
  21. Defensively, I'm actually more concerned about "where's McKelvin?" This first round draft pick now has been demoted, but while he was in as a starter he was terrible. Dwan Edwards is not flashy in the least, but plays with a good drive and is tough on the edge. He is solid on the line and is tough to move. A player like that frees up blockers for your LB's to make plays. Edwards I would say is solid. Nothing more. Nothing less.
  22. If not for the current rash of injuries we have at the WR position, we would not be even having this conversation. IMO- we should only be making a trade if, as Buddy says, it makes sense for the betterment of the team. Yes, injuries have created a problem at the WR position. But as others have raised, he is 30. Granted, a 30 year old WR usually has more gas in the tank than a 30 year old running back (Freddy notwithstanding), as they simply don't take the same pounding by the same big bodies that RB's do. But I'm more concerned about short-changing the future in order to save today.
  23. I thought the same thing. "What if it, like in MOST NFL games didn't fool the defense, what would I do?" Well, with it being 4th and short with the game on the line, our defense was turnover happy and aggressive (we finally were getting to the QB on a regular basis), we gave huge chunks of yards on QB draws, quick screens, etc. So much so, that I did not want to see our defense try to win it. Since we had been running up the gut the whole day, and since it was less than a yard, I think something playaction with a heavy set may have been in order. Something with Fred jumping over the pile empty-handed, and Fitz throwing a 5-yard out to Chandler, or a quick 3-5 yard slant to Johnson.
  24. I couldn't disagree more with that. Besides the Berman-led ESPN pre-game show, Fox is a close 2nd with their crew. I'm an AFC guy all the way, love the Bills...and can NOT stand the whiney Marino, baby Boomer, goofy Cowher, and the most annoying guy since Deion Sanders with his non-stop motor mouth Shannon Sharpe. CBS does not know how to run a pregame show. FOX covers the NFC. Therefore, CBS should be covering the AFC. Instead what I see is that while FOX stays true to plan, CBS constantly does stories on teams like the Packers, the Eagles, the Falcons...last time I checked, those were all NFC teams. And how many times have Boomer, Shannon, and that cry-baby Marino bad-mouthed the Bills? With the exception of the classy James Brown, the CBS pregame show is the worst. CBS to me is a geriatric station. So true. I don't know how the robots have hung on for so long. They should go the way of the "flaming puck" to the trash heap.
  25. Which is more to my point that maybe there are 1 or 2 teams like the Pack who can sit back and play conservative with a lead. For the rest of the league, no lead is safe.
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