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Everything posted by TheBrownBear

  1. Can't say I disagree. There's a part of me as well that's relieved we don't have to face the prospect of losing another game to Brady. Now I can just enjoy the Chiefs kicking TB's teeth in.
  2. The 2017 Jax game was by far the easiest to take. We had zero chance of advancing any further if we had won. This Chiefs loss is on par with the loss to the Bengals in 1988. Team on the rise who is outclassed on the road by a really good team.
  3. Yeldon is a mystery for sure. Never understood why Jax didn't give him more of an opportunity after his first year either. He looks pretty good when given an opportunity. There must be something there (personally???) that is turning off the coaches. Moss was starting to show some things down the stretch before his injury and had basically eclipsed Singletary. He may surprise us next year with a season under his belt.
  4. Uh oh...am I seeing the birth of the next great conspiracy to grip the nation? NFL kidnapped Josh and installed a yellow doppleganger to get their coveted Mahomes vs. Brady matchup? All kidding aside, my wife and I did notice that as well. Jaundice from a gallstone?
  5. Thank you to all the players, coaches, staff and ownership. This was a great season. We have a young team, coach and front office that should only get better from here. If you can't enjoy 15 wins, a sweep of the Pats (and AFC East), multiple primetime curbstompings and two playoff victories, well, I'm not sure you'll ever find much joy in anything in life. Lol. Next year should be amazing with a (hopefully) packed house at Bills Stadium.
  6. I agree, but Reid and Spags had the luxury of having been to and won (and lost) multiple championship and Super Bowl games before. They had the courage and confidence forged from their past trials to put together the type of schemes and gameday decisions we've seen during the past two weeks. No way does Reid go for that fourth down against the Browns when he was coaching the Eagles to NFC Championship losses. McDermott just hasn't had that luxury, so he's naturally going to err on the side of conservatism and sticking to what his team knows. He'd get killed if we saw the same outcome last night while running a bunch of exotic/disguised looks with a young linebacking crew when we hadn't seen that all season. McDermott (and Beane and Daboll and Josh) has improved every season. Let's hope they all saw what we did and learned some hard lessons from last night that make the next matchup a little more competitive.
  7. Everything in NewEra's post is right on point. The problem is that Mahomes, Hill and (especially) Kelce are transcendent talents. No one seemingly slows them down. In fact, check out the stats from our first game against KC, we did a better job of limiting them than almost every other team in the league. Obviously, our approach and execution weren't nearly good enough to beat them (either time). But Kelce and Hill dominate anyone and everyone when they feel like it. Chiefs played down to some opponents out of boredom this season, but they are a GREAT team as we saw last night. We could really use an elite pass rusher, elite middle linebacker and top shelf gamebreaking running back, but couldn't everyone? Lol.
  8. Glad to see them showing some fight. Let the Chiefs bully them all night.
  9. Jesus. KC flat out dominated us twice this season. We have a LONG way to go to compete with them.
  10. We weren't prepared for the Chiefs physicality either. That's been as disappointing as anything. We just turtled.
  11. We can't scheme anything open. Starting to think Josh's playground ball carried Daboll all season.
  12. Lost the game right there. Mcdermott is a loser. I've lost my faith in him.
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