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Everything posted by MarlinTheMagician

  1. He can kick field goals too if Bass gets dinged in a game, huge bonus!
  2. Hint: What do you do on 4th down if you don't go for it or kick a field goal! C'mon Beaner!
  3. I don't care who we take as long as it is a left-footed field flipper!
  4. Shakir played outside a decent amount on the highlights I just watched. Looks like he can really do it all, over the middle, hands, timing patters, double move, very tough with the ball on the run, jet sweeps. I love the pick!
  5. I don't know why people are saying Shakir is slot. He is either. Shakir 6'0 190 Diggs 6'0 194
  6. Would have loved Austin - he is a serious speedster/angle breaker. But he won't be there in the 5th I don't think, so: PUNT GOD! But if Austin is there, I like 4 wide with both him and Lil Dirty in the slots. Match up with that!
  7. No interest in Gilmore. Chemistry over this guy's eroding talent. We can get that in Haden. I liked the GIF of Gilmore as a piece of toast with a head and arms.
  8. Miller cost $17.5 million per; Hughes plus Addison = $17.6 in 2021; we get YOUNGER and better! Miller much > Hughes+Addison
  9. Hooper can stretch the field. I like Everett and the guy from Indy too though. If he gets $9 million I say no, but each day that passes . . .
  10. What did Thomas sign for? Not sure you can compare them. Thomas has caught 90 balls in 4 years. Hooper caught 71 in a single season. Knox, who is my one of my faves and my #1, only caught like 48 or 49 in his best year. They are all about the same age (Thomas 26, Hooper 27 and Knox 25).
  11. Reading up on him, seems he is pretty elite as a receiver. Two Pro Bowls when he had matt Ryan throwing to him. Gives good effort as a blocker but needed improvement. Stanford man.
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