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Fitz's Beard

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Everything posted by Fitz's Beard

  1. WGR or somewhere else said that he had NOT requested a trade
  2. Let 'em say what they want. It's like the '05-'06 Sabres. Let us come out of nowhere. We may not be top 10% this year, but we'll start working our way out the basement. I'd rather blow their minds than have to fight exceedingly ridiculous expectations (SEE: PHILLY (disclaimer: I'm not saying Philly won't, and that there is any reason to believe that they can't, I just hate a ton of hype))
  3. I only plan on watching the 7 games above...and the first two only because it's the first Monday, and i doubt I'll actually watch either of those two in their entirety. I'll only watch week 3 because it's my Grandfather's team (Dallas) versus his brothers team (Washington), and the bout that they get into is hilarious (both men are in their 70's). The other games seem SEMI interesting
  4. This is great. Just a couple more moves and i think we'll be ok.
  5. Since the cap is a "soft cap" according to a memo sent out by the league, I'm pretty sure the jets are going to keep spending away. I hope to god they don't get Florence. That secondary would be atrocious to play against...more so than it already is.
  6. Merriman was picked up mid season off of waivers. He wasn't technically a free agent. I expect us to sign a few names, as we do every year, just not HUGE T.O. type names that make ESPN highlights. I think Buddy and Chan need another year to develop their philosophy more, but I think they are heading in the right direction the way they are doing it.
  7. The beard is the most important aspect of his game...just saying
  8. Are you serious?!?! MY GOD PEOPLE! I've heard of being politically correct and sensitive to the public...but seriously? WOW! :wallbash:
  9. Wow I had no idea that had happened...that is ridiculous.
  10. I think he meant the other Edwards...the one that couldn't cut it as a backup for the Jags either? The Edwards you are referring to did in fact have a decent year
  11. I've never seen that article before, and I figured why not read it at my desk here at work? I had to get up and walk away to avoid bringing a ton of attention to myself from laughing! that's funny
  12. a good, true tight end is critical for a team. They block on some running plays, then that helps set up play action (especially in the red zone) where they start a block, release, and are open to (hopefully) catch the pass. Do I think a tight end is the most critical puzzle piece? by no means. We need to address the TE positions AS WELL AS a good portion of our defense. I wish this damn lockout would end already!
  13. I can't find the quote that I was talking about, but I recall the announcers of one of the games discussing it. And don't get me wrong, I see a LOT of potential in the kid, and I'm excited to see what he can become, and hopefully that happens this year!
  14. This was the biggest issue. The coaches and him all admitted that he didn't know the playbook as well as he should. I think he has the potential to break out once he learns the playbook.
  15. Had Schein taken Jasper into account on his list, how much higher would the Bills have ranked? Would they have passed at least the Patriots? Will he single handily make this franchise amazing?
  16. Can't really argue with you there. I agree with most of the top of the list, then after the top ten, it really seems pointless, and atrocious. I know it's been said a ton, but the only way to get the monkey, target, whatever you want to call it, off of our backs is to start winning games.
  17. I thought this article was way out of whack. How is Oakland rated higher than us? especially with some of the categories for grades?! I really disagree. Do we deserve to be 1 of the bottom 3 or 4? By all means yes, but not last based on his arguments.
  18. Why the hatred?! I love the Bills and the Sabres, and really don't care who gets a championship first, I just want the city of Buffalo to have something more to cheer for than mediocrity. If it came down to it, I would rather see the Sabres in the cup. If the question had been the Bills in the SB or Sabres in the SC Finals, CAN'T I JUST HAVE BOTH DANGIT?!
  19. I think more younger folks welcome the change than you let on. I'm under 25 and I'm VERY excited for the change back to white helmets, and the change to the uni's. I love when they wear the throwback white helmets with the standing buffalo. I honestly think, just as another poster on here said before, that the white helmets are much more classy.
  20. Absolutely true! haha...kind of sad though too...
  21. I found it incredibly funny. I really hope he makes the team. I think he will be a force to be reckoned with.
  22. Agreed. I've grown up with the red helmets, but I always thought the white ones, with either buffalo on it, looked much better! I can't wait to see the real unis, not on a video game preview.
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