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Everything posted by MarkyMannn

  1. Would have been higher if Verizon didn't screw the Buffalo area
  2. Yeah there also was a play where Kelce pushed off at the line and amazingly got called for it
  3. Yeah but Kelce does that to everybody. That's why he's so great
  4. We beat Mahomes away. Eagles beat at home Cooper Rush Seriously???
  5. Guarantee within 10 years of the new stadium being built there will be talk of what a mistake an open-air was
  6. There's a technical term, but actually a partially collapsed lung
  7. 8 catches for Kelce. But KC has the same problem with Diggs & his 10 tonight. Knox should study everything Kelce does LOL
  8. Cook needed that run for his confidence boost. Cook needed that run to boost the confidence of McD & Dorsey in him
  9. LOL Allen thinking "Ass Kisser" I want that shirt
  10. First place AFC East. KC loss first place AFC. Actually next week we control our own destiny
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