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Just in Atlanta

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Everything posted by Just in Atlanta

  1. At least he manned up. That's more than a lot of hacks do. Think he'll be fine after a while. People tend to forgive these things. I would stay away from Merriman for a while, though. PM, if you're reading, this ex reporter has some tips for you: Stick to analysis and opinion, not investigative journalism. That was the worst investigative report I've ever read. Two weeks to prepare for that heap? Learn to write better. Tip One...It's conscience, not conscious. Tip Two...Refer to people as "who," not "that." If you claim to be a journo, you need to be able to write correctly. From a PR angle, keep apologies direct...and short. Every word you write will be dissected. This was a rambling mind dump. Listen to Darryl Talley. You also owe your 8-year-old, and wife, an apology.
  2. Purging is at last at hand. Day of Doom is here.
  3. Since the NFL started the 16-game season in 1978, only one team has ever gone 0-16, the Detroit Lions in 2008. Would like someone here who actually paid attention in Statistics class to figure the odds of a perfect losing season. Given that the Bills: Won four last season, and lost many games by less than a TD, including about three OTs, including against several playoff teams... Drastically improved its run defense... Did nothing worse than last season with the O line, which was less than average but did not lead to doom... Not to mention the fact that Fitz can only get better, I'd say the odds are not in your corner, jumbalaya. My money is on: 7-9 with no O-line upgrade. 9-7 with one. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GGpQ4O0poB0
  4. Well written, reported and, most importantly, accurate. Have heard Overdorf's name before, but really didn't know anything about him. Not a big fan after reading that story.
  5. I don't get a feel for his ability from this mic-up...but it appears he has some nice intensity.
  6. Maybin, too wimpy. Big bad Marcell, now gimpy. Ralph, way too skimpy.
  7. The Supreme Being hates the Bills. That's all I have to say about that.
  8. Senator, I was googling when you were still using AOL keywords. Snap.
  9. Jesus, that is hilarious. If he makes the team, I say all TBD netizens call him Martin Ruvell for the remainder of his Bills tenure. I just Googled him. Couldn't find any pics of him like catching balls or even running. Just standing sadly on the sideline, laid out on the turf in agony, and standing on some kid's bike with a goofy grin on his face. Go Bills.
  10. At the end of the season when we win the AFC championship with a last minute fade pass in the endzone to Martin Ruvell, who's covered by Troy Polamalu, and who got 1,700 yards receiving and 15 TDs through the year, outgaining Lee Evans by three times, and Larry Fitzgerald by two, then you naysayers will be saying "I've always been a fan of Martin Ruvell, the celebrated football hero who turned this franchise around and who was instrumental in giving the Bills and the city of Buffalo their first, and much deserved, Superbowl title." Who needs proven WR veterans and offensive linemen when you got Martin Ruvell?
  11. I played flag football with him in my corporate league. Pretty decent. I think he played QB in middle school, so Chan will love him. :pirate: He is who we thought he was: Not an O-line talent. :pirate: Can we please find a Tackle or Guard somewhere? In all seriousness, this is getting ridiculous.
  12. Dareus and Merriman, like everyone else. The potential of Brad Smith, like everyone else. The potential for a fun offense. Cool uniforms. Fitz's beard is respectable. After watching the Giants, Ravens and Eagles games, I was wondering why in the world we got rid of P. Fewell, L. Evans and B. April. Sorry, there I go again... As a former New Yorker and current Atlantan, I find it amusing this team, which epitomizes the North, is led by two Southerners, one of whom, Nix, has a drawl that even sounds extreme to me. I do like Gailey, and I'm confident he will build a team that is eventually competitive and fun to watch. Don't know if we can beat the Pats with him, but I do like him. That about wraps up my thoughts.
  13. This kind of ticks me off. This situation needs to be handled ASAP. That's the last thing we need, losing a solid producer like Fred Jackson due to his delicate ego the coaches' lack of communication. Coaches: Give this guy the respect he deserves by explaining your actions. Fred: You're a solid back who has contributed to what little success this offense has had. I, most of the fan base and I'm sure management all appreciate you and want you to be a major part of the lineup. You are talented and liked. We need to see what Spiller, our first round draft pick, can do, though. We can't do that with him getting only 10 touches a game. Regardless of who is No. 1, you will see a great deal of touches and throws. As of now, you are the better back and are still an integral part of this offense. Stop being a baby.
  14. Nothing would make this Bills fan happier than to sign Tebow and to find a OT somewhere. After hearing Tebow was probably on the chopping block, I thought it would have been dumb to pick him up given Smith's new role. But we can find other roles for Smith. And if Tebow is a success in a Gailey system, and I do think he could be, then we could spend our high draft picks on things we've been asking for for at least three years: Stud O-linemen...and not a QB. Front office: Make it so.
  15. If Tebow is picked up, I'm guessing second-string QB, second-string TE, first-string team chaplain. I thought Tim Tebow was definitely going to be a Bill two drafts ago, and I was pretty excited about it. I'm with you on his game, and I find it hard to believe that someone with his raw ability and work ethic wouldn't someday be a good NFL QB. I'm also with you Tebow would be a good fit for the Bills. I just don't see them getting rid of Thigpen, whom they just picked up, and negating Brad Smith, whom they paid a nice price for. And four QBs (five if you include Levi, whom I'd be happy to see go) are too many. I would not be unhappy, though, if the Bills did pull the trigger on Tebow. It's a big if at this point. Right now, the third-string Tebow isn't officially for sale yet.
  16. Bleacher Sports seems to think Tebow in Buffalo would be a good idea. They say he could even play...TE?! Love the occasional gimmick plays, and I like the possibilities of Tebow. But we desperately need a RT or RG first. That's my two cents at least. Bleacher's take: http://bleacherreport.com/articles/815063-12-nfl-trades-we-would-like-to-see-before-the-trade-deadline/page/12
  17. http://www.fannation.com/truth_and_rumors/view/303110-broncos-ready-to-cut-tebow?utm_source=bleacherreport.com&utm_medium=referral Rumor has it Tim Tebow will be up for sale. Doesn't seem logical the Bills would make a go if it were to happen, given their large investment in Smith. But let the speculation begin.
  18. So, basically, drawing from some of the comments, it seems as if we shouldn't draw any conclusions from the wretched Denver preseason game. And we shouldn't have any hope for any possibility of making a Wildcard. In other words, we won't be bad enough for a first or second round pick next year or remotely good enough to be in contention for a playoff berth. Sounds exciting! I prefer extremes. And by extreme with the Bills, I mean the worst to slightly above average making the last seed of the playoffs. Go Bills!
  19. ? It's a legitimate thread, and the comments are all pretty legit too. Don't understand the point you're making.
  20. These were things promised for this season, or more likely things I was expecting from listening to pundits, message boards and team PR: - A QB-crushing pass rush with Dareus and Merriman. - A respectable, at least mediocre run defense with an improved front 7. Hey, we were last last year...can't get any worse. - An already decent secondary, made only better with some depth during the draft. - A less than average line because there were no upgrades in the offseason, but one that performed OK last season. - An explosive kick/punt return team. - An explosive offense with the mix of Gailey, two mobile QBs, a cadre of promising receivers and the emergence of Spiller, a once electrifying running back. No one was predicting a run to the AFC championship. But I was expecting a respectable team that would be in contention for a Wildcard. I don't know who promised these things. Maybe it was just wishful thinking. Or my own faulty logic. But here's what we have so far: - I do believe we will be crushing some QBs this season, assuming Merriman stays healthy. Promise delivered so far. - Haven't seen much improvement yet on the run D, but I'm still hoping. - Our secondary got torched...by Brady Quinn. - Line is worse this year than less than average. It's pitiful. And dangerous for whoever is behind center. - We can't be explosive on kickoff if we're taking knees in the endzone. Thanks "Competition" Committee. - The only thing explosive about this offense is the diarrhea I got from mixing tequila, bourbon and Mexican lasagna after watching this pitiful offense play last night. As usual, though, I will retain hope that Bills management knows what it's doing, is turning a leaf, and building a team that will be respectable once again.
  21. Imagine that offense kiddies. Who needs a line with the Black Staubach Jesus Fire duo? In all seriousness, Fitz isn't going anywhere. He was a good QB last season behind a suspect line. It's been two games, three quarters of play. Further, Fitz is mobile, perhaps even more so than Thigpen. I'm not saying we don't trade for Tebow, but Fitz is the man this year and possibly next because despite the way we played tonight, I don't see us being so bad that we get a top 4 pick.
  22. Patrick Moran and the Buffalo Bros. did have an unnamed source that said Tim Tebow AND Randall Cunningham were in town doing shots with Ralph Wilson.
  23. Yeah, I started that thread, and I believed it, even though I should have written good instead of great. This performance tonight showed no promising things to look forward to. Not predicting an entire season on this one scrimmage. But it's not looking good so far.
  24. My time is somewhat valuable, like all of yours. This preseason game was a complete waste of time for me. Don't expect to make the Superbowl, but with Chan Gailey, I expect at least an exciting offense. Wretchedly boring and inept performance following a somewhat promising 1st game. Dick Jauron's live ghost haunted us tonight.
  25. Wasn't there supposed to be some exciting football this year? Just caught myself nodding off. Woke up with Tim Tebow sliding into a first down. This message board is, in fact, more exciting. Bam!
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