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Everything posted by ToGoGo

  1. Pretty sure the bad EJ throw was a tip. Anybody have a replay or gif of it?
  2. If that's what the media is saying it's spin. I wouldn't even listen to it.
  3. Super easy to get a stat line like his in the NFL. Really, really, really easy.
  4. One thing about Tyrod is that all his throws are just nice. Smooth, accurate, and with touch. He just seems really dependable with his short and intermediate throws. That drive to start the 3rd quarter was incredible. It really tells you how good EJ played for him to even still be in the conversation. Nobody who watched that game walked away thinking Cassel is starting over Taylor.
  5. It's Tyrod guys, unless Rex's gut convinces him otherwise and he goes with Manuel. It's been Tyrod for a while now. Don't let these clowns rile you up. If Carucci is saying it too, I'm guessing their "sources" in the front office are misdirecting for the Colts game.
  6. He really pulled that one out of his a**.
  7. Tyrod still doesn't have a TD pass in preseason. Just saying. He looked GREAT in the drive to start the 3rd quarter, but you can't just give it to him after what EJ did. He's got IT and you never bench IT.
  8. I think that's what it is. "Conspiracy" makes it sound like it's unlikely, but Rex himself said that's what they were going to do. It's been Tyrod for weeks now.
  9. It was Tyrod since before training camp even started. It was Tyrod before Rex and Roman were even hired here. The plan was already in place. Roman was going where Rex was going and they were trading for Tyrod. Now a guy who everybody counted out steps up, overcomes all obstacles and needless negativity, and KILLS it with everything on the line. But for nothing. Lame, lame, lame. I haven't seen those kinds of intangibles from Tyrod yet.
  10. That's what happens when you speak too soon. Patience is a virtue.
  11. I've already heard the excuses in the "EJ will start" thread. "It's only one preseason game. You don't make a decision based on one game."
  12. It should be noted that it took 2-3 days after the Browns game that they announce Manuel as the starter, whereas Rex immediately announced Taylor as the starter after the Panthers game. There was clearly some discussion about it.
  13. You give your reasons in paragraph 1, and then in paragraph 2 you point out why your reasons aren't solid. So your argument is that he should have had one more good drive with 3rd stringers in order to be a "decent starting quarterback". Yet one sentence earlier explained why it was extremely difficult to have a good drive. I just find your qualifications to be odd. That's my concern. The coaching staff, and Rex Ryan in particular, is playing favorites with Tyrod Taylor going back to before training camp started. Your comments stating pretty much that there is nothing on earth EJ can do to win the starting job really concerns me and makes me cautious about "trusting the front office on this one".
  14. You see, you're like the 4th guy who said this today. If EJ kills it tomorrow, it's not just one preseason game. He will have shown NFL QB ability in three straight preseason games and a scrimmage. That would include clutch performances when the game and his career was on the line, AND the ability to step up and seize the opportunity. That should be acknowledged instead of marginalized.
  15. If posters are saying they have sources that feel this way, I think this says a lot about the people in charge.
  16. This keeps bugging me. When was the last NFL franchise that, in the midst of a QB competition, chose to go with the QB that did not perform the best in the preseason games?
  17. They're just going through the different stages of grief.
  18. Sounds like the narrative is ready for the anti-EJ guys just in case he plays well.
  19. Speak for yourself. There's plenty of fans, coaches, and media members that don't want EJ to do well tomorrow.
  20. Or 3 preseason games and a scrimmage. In other words, everything that truly matters in an offseason. Just admit that everyone moved on from EJ until he started performing well. Now everybody is really nervous he's going to kill it on Saturday. There's a lot of "reputations" on the line that need EJ to do poorly.
  21. Sounds like something a losing organization would do.
  22. The "ONLY time". You seem pretty sure about that. I'd like to know how everybody seems to know that. Or is that just the only time you've heard about it publicly Popular and controversial do tend to go together. However, not every company wants to be associated with controversial. That's where everybody in this thread misses the point. That's where the humor in the previous joke ends.
  23. Yes, but one point of view is worse than the other. One side is fighting to give a guy a chance, and the other side is fighting to get rid of the guy. One side is constructive, the other side is destructive. One side is supportive, the other side is hateful. I'm not talking about most people somewhere in the left or right of center. I'm talking about the extreme ends.
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