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Everything posted by bleedinblue

  1. No, we should stick with JP because this team as they are playing is going nowhere and we need to find out if our high draft choice QB is going to cut it in this league or not. Don't give a rip about what any other team or anyone else thinks, it is painfully obvious that in order to play QB in this league, you have to pay your dues.
  2. A sack is a sack is a sack and counts on the QB line. There were several times when his so called internal clock was inoperative and he should have/could have gotten rid of the ball and/or felt the pressure open. Holcomb ha a decent performance, but by no measure anything to get excited about. Face it, he is npow 5-9 as a starter, a good fill in but certainly not going to lead anyone to the promised land.
  3. 6 for 6, 51 yards, 3 sacks. 100% completion rate, 0 production rate
  4. You know, if this team had a legitimate chance at the playoffs, I'd agree. But lets face the harsh reality. We can't generate any offense in the second half and precious little anytime else, we can't stop third down and our run defense is abysmal, This is not a playoff caliber team, so why not take your lumps and see if your talent assesment is correct and JP is the QB of the future.
  5. I'd say throwing a ball backwards out of bounds qualifies as a mistake, especially when it dams near took us out of FG range.
  6. Lets see, you conveniently ignore a paltry 169 yards (51 in the second half), complete inability to elude the rush (3 sacks, all in the 2nd half), throwing a ball backwards to make a chip shot FG and adventure and failing to see several wide open recievers. I am delighted with a win, but fail to see where this will help this team in the future and yes, this is not someone I care to see QB this team for any length of time, he is not the future and maybe JP isnt' either but lets find out.
  7. 5 turnovers and 18 penalties, go in at half and make no adjusments, you couldn't be more right.
  8. Amen, brother. This team is going nowhere quick. Note to Mularkey: this team will not make the playoffs and even if they do, it will be not only a miracle, but a quick exit. Holcomb is not the answer and the D can't stop anything on third down. Bite the bullet like the Giants and Bengals and prepare your youngster for the future, he may or may not be it, but let's find out and not waste yet another year.
  9. Not sure I can buy any coach owing his vetrans anything. These guys are paid an awful lot of money to play football, not win, not lose, not anything but play. Can't disagree that at this moment, from the view of managing a game, Holcomb is better. Talent wise, not even close. The classic short term fix versus long term gain scenario. No one ever wins that one on either end.
  10. Heck, I hope Holcomb goes 30-36, throws for 5 TD's and kicks the proverbial crap out of Miami! But I also know that the long term interests of the team are not served by starting him this or any other week. He is no Frank Reich and his first name is Kelly not his last. He has had an overwhelmingly mediocre career (ie. 26TD's-29INT's) and everyone wants to remember the one career game vr. Pitt in the playoffs (which he lost by the way). Sure the AFC East is weak and with a few wins we could possibly contend. Then what? An early playoff exit, followed by returning to the same QB delema we had with DB, just not good enough to get us there. The Manning and Palmer comparisons are apt, "you have to pay your dues" and get the next generation QB the experience it takes to succeed in the NFL. Benching him at home against weaker opponents for the short term sake of a couple of wins will only delay his development and will also distance the team further from its ultimate goals. Lets hope we squish the fish. Lets also hope that the Bills braintrust is in this for the long term, not immediate gratification.
  11. There is no better chance for this team to win with Holcomb than there is with JP or Matthews for that matter. QB is the least of the problems, coaching may very well be the top of the list with the inability of the defense to get off the field a close second. The QB can be changed every play, but until the underlying problems (and there are many) are addressed, any of the three is going to have difficulty.
  12. I know, I know, but I don't consider starting Holcomb a positive. He is a backup at best and why further delay the development of the, at least possible, future QB.
  13. Oh boy. oh boy, Holcomb may start, Career line: 366-577 (63%)--26 TD/29 INT--Average rating 73 Take out his career games and it drops to 62% and 20TD/28 INT Why do so many forget that this guy was run out of Cleveland and is a mediocre journyman QB at best
  14. Item Number Descripiton [A] [16] [number of rushes attempted by McGahee] [5.3] [average yards per rush by Willis (see A)] [C] [6.1] [team average yards/carry ] [D] [23] [team rushes attempted (see A.B.C & N)] [E] [75] [Duke Preston did not play] [F] [65] [rushing yards by McAllister before last 5 carries] [G] [65] [rushing yards by McAllister on last 5 carries] [H] [2] [balls thrown to TE's (see I &N)] [20] [number of the NO starting safety on IR this week (see H)] [J ] [29] [number of the NO rookie safety getting the start (see H & N)] [K] [45] [yard FG missed in an indoor facility] [L] [216] [KO return yards by the Bills] [M] [ 4-5-9-4:52] [down, YTG, points down and time left when punt called for (see N)] [N] [6] [cumulative wunderlich of Bills coaching staff (see A,D,E,H & M)]
  15. Aern't coaching and abandoning the run one and the same.
  16. Actually, the High Falls District is just around the corner . Several establishments there and there is a parking garage. Benigans on Main St. downtown is ok (sports bar). Up on East Ave are a couple of nice coffee shops (Java is one). Or head slightly out of the city to the Holiday Inn airport, their restaurant (name escapes me) is a sports bar.
  17. In an old warehouse in the city. Neighborhood is so so, kind of industrial with some revival going on. Had some problems there a year or two ago but have increased security and safety a lot. Parking is tough, I always dropped my guys off and picked them up, not a place you want to hang around post show.
  18. I guess you didn't see the rotating, wire cage play drum and Clements pulling the next play out
  19. You and 100,000 other Bill's fans. This staff is just plain incompetent
  20. Never been a Drew "hater", he brought us respectability when we had none, but a sonething like 4-36 lifetime record against winning teams just isn't going to get it done either. Drew's time here was up, the decision was made to go with youth which will always mean a step back before proceeding. It also assumed that the staff knew what they were doing with a young QB which has proven to be a fallacy
  21. Couple this with last weeks failure to throw against a secondary that had a guy signed Monday playing and their best player out and we see a startling trend, THIS STAFF IS JUST PLAIN INEPT!
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